What would you keep in a treasure chest, if you had one?
What would your character keep in a treasure chest, if they had one?
Jewels? Lazer Blasters that will help them defeat the giant space monster? Gold? A Bible? Light that is brighter than the sun? Love? Truth? Justice? A billion dollars? A gold crown? A wedding dress? A bag of seashells? An old baseball and glove?
I invite you to write that into your story somehow.
And I invite you to think about the treasure of giving.
Every year at this time, my children, my mom and I go out and fill a shoebox with simple gifts for Operation Christmas Child. Some of the shoeboxes go to kids in the United States who don't have anything for Christmas. Most of the shoeboxes go to other countries all around the world.

The kids that receive them usually receive them for Christmas, but depending on shipping, political problems in war-torn countries, or simply bad weather, they may receive them on just for a regular day. I trust the organization, Samaritan's Purse, to get these gifts to children who need them most and in the timing that works best.
I highly recommend filling a shoebox for the sheer joy of filling it with treasures. It's like a mini-treasure box that we get to fill with love in the form of scarves, books, balls, dolls, fancy hair clips, toothbrushes, combs, drawing and writing paper, pencils and erasers. Plus, you can send letters and cards too.
There are only a few days left to fill a shoebox treasure chest this year for National Collection Week, go to Pack a Shoe Box to learn more.

What a wonderful charity! We do the Santa's Helpers every year, and I always love picking out gifts for other children with my own. It makes a difference for all of them.
Our church participates in that program.
My main character doesn't value material possessions. I think he'd keep just one picture in that chest.
E.R. King - Santa's Helpers sounds great too! The toughest part of filling shoeboxes with my kids was the year when my oldest asked me, "but doesn't Santa fill their stockings?" So we talked about Santa being Jesus' helper, and needing our help too . . .it's hard to walk through that topic with a 4 year old. She's now 12, so it's easier.
Alex - Cool! And I think I know the picture your character would have in his treasure chest. Loved that part in your book.
We are doing the same thing through our church...I think its such a great charity!
Blessings, Joanne
Joanne - I agree! Blessings!
what a great idea!!
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