Celebrate the Small Things is an awesome weekly blog post exercise in positivity hosted by Vikki at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. Think of anything, like: getting the laundry folded, writing a sentence or two every day, surviving a tough day, spending time on the treadmill - and then celebrate them.
I feel like I'm cheating on this celebration this week. I have huge things to celebrate - gigantic, big, enormous, exciting things.
1. I formatted my novel in three different ways, and successfully uploaded it to two different sites. I had help from my husband with two of them, but we worked together too, and I did the third on my own.
2. I learned how to use author central at amazon, learned more about smashwords, createspace, and kindle, and finally wrote four guest posts!!! (I conquered that guest post fear, and realized that I was trying too hard to be "cool" like all the "coolio" bloggers I know and decided I should just write in my comfort zone instead)
3. I have a cover. It's cool looking. There might be a few changes made to it before Monday, but I do have one!
4. My kids survived a homeschooling week while I spent too much time with my book release prep. I did remember to tear myself away from my stuff to give feedback on writing, go through some math equations, and find out that my oldest daughter wants to re-evaluate her history curriculum. She feels she isn't retaining enough of the information. So, somehow tomorrow or early next week, I'll be figuring out how to make history more meaningful.
5. Went to a high school informational night for homeschool families that included looking at different school options, including running start. I knew 95% of the info (partly because I used to be a certified public high school teacher), but my oldest daughter learned a great deal and came away enthusiastic about running start. Plus, I reconnected with some "old" homeschool buddies and "current" homeschool buddies.
6. I didn't get any decent cardio exercise this week, but I did stretch out for quite a while on Thursday and today I will ski.
7. Had an awesome guest post yesterday by L. Diane Wolf. If you haven't read it, check it out. Her new book, How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now, sounds like a treasure trove of information. I purchased a copy, and so far, well, I really wish I had read it six months ago. I highly recommend it.
What are you celebrating today?
Julie Flanders' Polar Night is out today on Kindle!!!

If you haven't yet, please sign up for the Champion in the Darkness book release party for Monday. To join the party, just sign up on the linky list and give me a simple shout out. You don't have to use all the information I'll send you if you are signed up. Quick shout outs are perfect! I'm just using a blog hop link so I know who to send information to this weekend. Plus, on Monday the rafflecopter giveaway will start.
Glad you got the formatting figured out and your family survived the week while you prepared.
Don't know how I missed the sign up, but I'm on there now.
Congrats! I had a similar week, was able to get a picture book uploaded and available. That's a great feeling.
Thank you again for hosting me.
Be yourself in the guest posts. It's much easier.
Those are great achievements. Learning something new is excellent and you learned a lot of things this week. Getting ready for party. Love parties! All cave in party mood now. :)
Wow! You DO have a lot to celebrate! Me? I got my edits off to my editor, and am working on my WIP...Impatiently waiting on agents to get back to me on full requests. You know, the usual!
I have good friends that homeschool and they love it. Best of luck in that :)
Stretching is good and something I don't do enough of. Have you seen 'The Healthy Writer's Club', hosted by Shallee McArthur? If you're interested in fitness, you should check it out.
You haven't sent out any info yet, have you? I want to make sure I didn't miss an email :)
You had great celebrations! Kudos! A very satisfying week, indeed.
Alex - Thanks for signing up!!
Miranda - Congratulations on your picture book!
L. Diane - Thanks for being here yesterday!
Al - Thanks for getting ready for the party!!!
Amy - waiting is so hard. I hope you hear from them soon!!!
Mark - we love homeschooling too, but it was a tough week for me on the teacher side of things. And I keep meaning to check out the Healthy Writers Club.
I'll be sending stuff out today and tomorrow.
Julie - Thanks! It has been.
You got a ton of stuff done. Wow. If I made a list like that for my week it would be like, 1) Didn't get fired from job 2) Family didn't abandon me... it's been a good week.
So, congrats!
Definitely some big stuff in your list - much more impressive than mine, but, hey! It's not a competition. (Wish I was going skiing today.)
Arrg to formatting! That is huge. Congrats.
You've gotten more accomplished than me! Congratulations :)
Amazing celebrations! I have yet to start looking into formatting but I'm giving myself a headache just thinking about it, ah well. Good for you! Can't wait to see the cover reveal ;)
Soon you'll be a pro at formatting. :) Yay on making progress.
What a great list of celebrations! Glad you have your formatting sorted! And a COVER! WOO.
Wow what a busy bee you were! Formatting a novel and getting a cover ready are both very exciting things as I have yet to get to that point - I can't wait and I am sure you are so happy to get all that accomplished this week.
Thank you so much for the shout-out, Tyrion! And congratulations on your amazingly productive week. I can't wait for Monday, I'm definitely on board. :)
Just signed up and will be happy to give a shout out on Monday! Good luck with everything.
What a week! Congrats. Good to know the formatting is doable cos I need to learn for my anthology. Look forward to helping out on Monday!
Rusty - I have weeks like that too. This last week was just an exceptional one . . .and including some long hours and lack of sleep.
Julia - it's definitely not a competition. Hope you get to go skiing soon.
c. Lee - Thanks!!! I learned a lot, and had some great help.
Michael - Thanks!
S.K. - You can do it!
M Pax - Thanks!!! I hope it gets easier.
Vikki - Thanks!!!
JA - they are huge things . . . but I had help.
Julie - You're welcome, and thank you!
Stephen - Thank you!
Nick - Thanks! It is doable. I highly suggest reading both the smashwords and the kindle formatting guide, and giving yourself more than just a day to do it in . . .I had help from my husband and it still took several hours.
Sounds like it's been a stellar week for you! Glad to read things turned out so well:)
I feel so bad that I've missed reading your blogs. Your cover reveal is important HUGE news. Yay!!!
I have posts scheduled next week and I'm traveling. Can you send me the info and I could give you a shoutout later?
You are one busy gal!! Can't wait to see your cover. :) Good luck--the prep is a lot of work. Love the cover for POLAR NIGHT! Very striking. Best wishes for the release of that, plus Charity's MAGIC WAKES.
Sounds like you had a busy week!
Congrats with learning all that formatting etc and successfully uploading your novel. That alone deserves celebrations, let alone everything else you've achieved!
awesome celebration week & weeks ahead!
beautiful cover art!
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