2. I survived triple booking myself on Wednesday. I don't recommend it, but the fests were too fun to pass up.
3.There are three ways to win Champion in the Darkness now! Laurel at Laurel's Leave is hosting an ebook giveway here which is awesome! Thank you Laurel! Brinda Berry included Champion in the Darkness in her Random Acts of Kindness giveaway, and I totally didn't expect that. Thank you Brinda! Plus, you can check out the ongoing blog tour giveaway on my Blog tour page here.
4. Mid-winter break!
5. My family is awesome! (too many details to cover here, just let's say that they have been especially wonderful this week)
6. I snowboarded last Friday and had fun, even though I spent 5 hours going down the bunny hill repetitively, when usually I would ski past it in less than five minutes.
7. Alex J. Cavanaugh's new cover for CassaStorm is out!
CassaStorm by Alex J. Cavanaugh
A storm gathers across the galaxy…
Byron thought he’d put the days of battle behind him. Commanding the Cassan base on Tgren, his only struggles are occasional rogue pirate raids and endless government bureaucracies. As a galaxy-wide war encroaches upon the desert planet, Byron’s ideal life is threatened and he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans.
After enemy ships attack the desert planet, Byron discovers another battle within his own family. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, shaking Bassan to the core and threatening to destroy the boy’s mind.
Meanwhile the ancient alien ship is transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life in the galaxy. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago could be on its way back. As his world begins to crumble, Byron suspects a connection. The storm is about to break, and Byron is caught in the middle…
Release date: September 17, 2013 - It's not coming soon enough, but I'm excited. Congrats Alex!
8. Allison at Geek Banter awarded me with the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Wow! Thanks!
I'm going to honor that award properly next week on Monday here, while I'm visiting her at her blog for the Champion in the Darkness tour . . .trying to make double booking myself make sense.
Again, please stop by Tara Tyler Talks for a little Friday fun!
What are you celebrating today?
Congratulations on the award and for mastering the bunny hill!
And thank you for posting my cover today. Really appreciate it!
Snowboarding sounds like a lot of fun...cold...but fun. Congrats on the award, too!
Cool cover for Alex's new book!
Great cover-- congrats to Alex.
Snowboarding? Brave soul. I'll stick to Xcountry skiing, thank you.
Bless your heart-you brave girl snow boarding! The last time I tried to ski, it didn't go so well. I slid/fell down the slopes looking all Jerry Lewis-like. I'm a super spaz. Can't even think about attempting to snow board, even on the bunny hills.
Have a great weekend!
Alex - Thanks! and You're welcome. I'm really excited about reading your book!
Mark - Snowboarding is fun, and can be cold - although I ended up sweating under all the layers I wore. And Thanks!
Julie - Xcountry? I've heard that's an awesome calorie burner, and I see telemarkers going downhill all the time where we go to ski and board . . .it looks hard!
jaybird - I like skiing, and my husband likes to snowboard, so I tried it, and I really enjoy it, but . . .I'm used to my skis. I think both are something that takes some getting used to over several days worth of practice.
Have a great weekend!
I've never snowboarded before but wouldn't rule it out. Glad you had fun.
All kinds of great things here today! Here's to a wonderful weekend.
You've had a busy week with lots to celebrate. Hope you have a fun weekend :)
Snowboarding! Now that sounds like way too much fun! Triple booking - not so much...family and break time - woohoo!
Eek! Glad you survived the tripple booking and always YAY for an awesome family ;)
Great news for Champion in the Darkness!
Julie - it's great fun to try. I highly recommend giving it a 2-3 day trial and not just a one day try . . .that way you can get into it and have more fun!
C. Lee - Hope you have a great weekend too!
Suzanne - Thanks! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
M.L. - Snowboarding and family time are definitely wonderful! Thanks for stopping by!
S.K. - Thanks!
Triple booking? That's a busy day.
Alex's cover is just gorgeous.
You went snowboarding. That's so much more than I can say for myself. The most I can accomplish is a snow angel lol!
I do believe I found your novel at some major online store and made it MINE! Yeah, sorry for the drama lol!
And of course seeing Alex all over the place is wonderful!!
Snowboarding, yeah! Great reveal!
Snowboarding, yeah! Great reveal!
Snowboarding, yeah! Great reveal!
Triple blogfest? It's good to push the boundaries once in a while... and the important thing is that you had fun!
You've been busy this week with lots to celebrate!
Happy Friday!
Sounds like you've had a great week. You go and Champion the markets, Tyrean!
I think that's like the busiest week I've read of. There are so many things to be joyful about. Good for you! Keep smiling!
So much to celebrate these days - yay for an especially wonderful family. ;)
Diane - yes, it was crazy, and I agree - Alex's cover rocks!
Angela - SWEET!!! Thank you!!!
Tammy - I agree! Alex's cover is cool!
michelle - busy but fun! Happy Friday!
M Pax - I did. Thanks Mary!!!
Al - Thank you! I will. :-)
Kimberly - Thanks! I am so thankful to have an awesome family!
well, you said it three times, should get lots of visits =)
and yay for alex
and snownoarding, you adventure woman you!
I've never tried snowboarding. Looks like fun though (except the falling down).
A huge congrats to Alex!!!
I'd love to try snowboarding one day. I like the cold, and it looks like fun.
Congratulations on the award! And congrats to Alex as well on his cover.
Congrats on fulfilling your achievements this week!!!
Jackie - Thanks!
Golden Eagle - It is really fun! And hooray for Alex!
Tara - :-) Thanks for having me!
Lynda - it is really fun, except for the falling down. Hooray for Alex!
Congrats on your book, your blog award, and surviving Wednesday! Enjoy your break!
Lara - Thanks! Have a great weekend!!!
Holy cow, how do you get so much done in one week? Especially the snowboarding part. If it were me I'd still be hobbling around a week later. Good luck on the blog tour! :-)
Congrats on the snowboarding and break and celebrations ;)
Lexa - midwinter break helped, and my family just keeps me moving all the time.
Viklit - Thanks!!
Congrats on your Inspiring Blogger Award--make that VERY inspiring. :) Ha, surviving your triple-fest booking. Good for you!!
Congrats!! :)
Tara is indeed awesome - off I go...
Congratulations! That a lot to celebrate. Have a great weekend. :)
I'm off to Tara's!
Carol - Thank you!!! :-)
Jemi - Thank you!
Christine - Have a good weekend!
Hmmm ... Today I am definitely celebrating my first meeting with a bookstore owner who's keen to stock my books in her shop!
You're brave to go snowboarding. I doubt I could even stand up on one of those.
I agree about the Cassa series and am excited for the Storm.
There is NO shame in working that bunny hill :)
Congratulations to The Ninja, as well!!
Sounds like you've got a lot to celebrate. Congrats to you on your award and to Alex for his sweet cover!
Boy, it seems you had an amazing week last week. Congratulations, and I'm glad you're enjoying the blog tour. Hope this week is just as great for you.
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