L.G. Keltner of Writing off the Edge is hosting the Beginnings blog hop today to celebrate her one year blogaversary. Entries are to be about beginnings . ..any kind of beginnings. I had a tough time deciding on which kind of beginning to write about so . . . here are two entries, 100 words or less each:
The Beginning of my blog started in April 2009. I had seen
clickable links at the end of entries at e-zines like Every Day Poets
and Every Day Fiction. I had a story published, and then a poem, and I thought,
“I would like one of those links.” Voila. I started a blog. I named it after
Winnie-The-Pooh’s Thoughtful Spot, and spent a year musing, and felt happy with
9 followers. Nearly four years later, I have gained wonderful blog buddies, and
I am thankful for this wonderful place to share, to muse, to dream, and to write.
The beginning of one of my favorite books begins with a description of a place and a character who
lives there. "In a hole in a the ground there lived a hobbit." When I
write I struggle with my beginnings. Do I start with character? Do I start with
description? Is it possible to start with action, description, and character
all at once? I would love to be able to do that, but I don't think I've
mastered it yet. What do you start with in your beginnings?
Thank you L.G. for hosting this blog hop today . . .it had me thinking of many different types of beginnings.
Overcoming Adversity:

Nick Wilford at Scattergun Scribblings is hosting The "Overcoming Adversity" bloghop to raise money for his nephew Andrew to attend a specialist college. I highly recommend joining in on this bloghop. You can get published, and it's a good cause! You can write fiction, non-fiction, or poetry with this theme: overcoming adversity for something you believe in.
So, how do you begin your beginnings? And have you signed up for Overcoming Adversity yet?
I totally missed out on this blogfest, but I totally signed up for Nicks. I'm glad you made the jump into blogging. The Blogosphere is a richer place for it. :)
An awesome blogfest! Really enjoying learning about my favorite writer-bloggers. :-) I'm going to join Nick's for sure!
David - Aww, thanks!!!
EJ - Me too!
Wow, I hadn't realized you'd been blogging longer than I have (I got Laurel's Leaves going in July '09). Love that Pooh's thoughtful spot inspired your online presence.
Beginnings can be tough in every facet of life. When I start a book? I try to keep the first sentence simple...my current WIP...Sara had never seen a dead man before.
I am a total sucker for Winnie the Pooh so I love the Thoughtful Spot name. It's fun to learn about so many beginnings today! And I didn't know about the Adversity Bloghop, definitely going to check that out.
I totally understand your blog title at a deeper level, Love it!
I always start my books on the day things change for my character, and I often go back and re-write the first lines to make them more memorable. Somehow it all works out :)
I like the title you had when you first started, I love the Winnie the Pooh books.
I shall have to look into the other blog fest thing. I might be able to help with that one.
A lot more than nine followers now!
Wish I was better at first lines. Not my strong suit.
And signed up for Nick's blogfest although I have no idea what I'm going to do.
Love the beginning of The Hobbit. You're so right! What a great sentence.
I missed out on the Beginnings Blogfest, but I'm having fun visiting everyone.
Laurel - I started without knowing anyone, without knowing anything, and I think you were one of my first followers. Thank you.
Amy - I like the idea of keeping things simple. Nice first sentence.
Julie - Glad you like it!
J.A. - It's good to know that it all works out!
Jack - glad you like it, and definitely check out Nick's fest!
Alex - Yes, I'm so thankful for the awesome support here in blogland. I'm not sure what I'm doing for Nick's fest either, although I'm thinking that Captain Wrath or one of my other characters might.
Emily - I think so too. :-)
Jenn - Glad you visited!
Winnie the Pooh - how sweet!
Thanks for the mention!
I always think it's best to get straight to the incident that instigates the whole plot. But it can be hard to get the characterisation in there, too. An ongoing struggle!
Didn't realise you'd been going nearly four years. I admire the longevity!
Story beginnings are so crucial aren't they? A lot of anxiety surrounds getting those first lines just right. :)
Yay for Pooh! And yes, I've signed up for Nick's bloghop. Not sure what I'll write yet.
As for beginnings, I like to hook in the reader with an action. Fast and sometimes shocking.
Beginnings are a tricksy beast. I usually start with a character doing something and add the description as I go, but that's not always the answer and even then, might not be the right something for them to be doing right at that moment.
L. Diane - glad you liked that.
Nick - You're welcome. I agree that it's best to start with what instigates the plot but I have a tough time doing that. And Thanks!
Trisha - so true. :-)
Christine - Action is an awesome hook!
Jean - they are definitely tricky. Thanks for the thoughts.
I write series books and family sagas, so it's probably easier for me than most writers to begin. I know the characters and storylines so well, so the main thing for me is to decide exactly where and how to start the next time the story picks up. I still like the old style of opening a book by introducing the character, his or her situation, and the world a bit, instead of diving right in.
I agree that the first lines in a story are always the toughest. I'm sure that your four years of blogging have really flown by. I also signed up for Nick's wonderful blogfest. Julie
I always struggle with first lines, it takes me a long time to come up with a good one!
I like the story of your beginning :)
Happy Blogfest to you too,Tyrean! Keep the flame burning.
I am glad to hear you liked my first book!
Ahh Pooh. Great post!
Oh, great question! I start at different places in my beginnings, but usually it's in the middle of a scene. In TTAF, it's a car crash, in Rouge, it's the curtain call, in TTALG, it's a memorial service...
I do love the description scene like that. You can feel something's coming right away. Why is that hobbit in that hole? :D
Great post! :o) <3
Four years of blogging? Congratulations!
I've already signed up for the Overcoming Adversity Bloghop.
Carrie - Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think writing a series gives a writer the chance to really get to know their characters and the world they live in, so that older style works best.
Empty Nest Insider - Glad you signed up for Nick's fest!
Laura - me too, and thanks!
Bruce - Thanks!
Jack - it was a fun read!
Teresa - Thank you.
LTM - It sounds like you grab the reader right away with those beginnings, and yes, I like it when the description gives us a question to answer.
michelle - Thanks!!!
I sometimes have trouble with the very beginning, yet sometimes that's what comes to me first. It all just depends. Same goes for titles, really.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
I tend to start with dialogue and get right into the action. If a reader is going to pick up my book I want him to know exactly what he is getting himself into! Beginnings are tough, though, I agree.
Allison (Geek Banter)
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