I apologize for the extreme lateness of My Favorite Martian Post. I felt bad missing out on the awesome coolness of other scifi lovers out there. However, I had a reason (see below).
My Favorite Alien: Chewbacca.
Why: Because he's awesome, he's loyal, he's caring, and he's the reason the Millenium Falcon flies. He's willing to put himself in an extremely tough spot (in handcuffs) to help out his friends, and a princess he doesn't even know. He plays a mean game of Dejarik. (As C3P-O says, "I suggest a new strategy, R2, let the wookie win.") Plus I love how he has his own language, and we get to translate his words through the responses of the other characters and his body language.
Plus, he's the first alien I ever really encountered in a movie theatre that I really liked. The jawas were cool and mysterious, but I wasn't sure I liked them. The Sand People were scary (I was 5-6 years old). The rest seemed to just fall under Ben's estimation of Mos Eisley, "a wretched hive of scum and villainy."
Reason for said lateness (you don't have to read all of this):
I didn't realize that the new date and our homeschool co-op open house fell on the same day. I almost threw up a post yesterday morning, then realized I wouldn't be able to visit everyone else, so I decided to wait and be a day late. (I actually thought originally that I could fit in some time yesterday afternoon . . .so silly of me)
A day of our homeschool co-op with open house following looks like this in our household:
I get up, pull together my lesson plans that I've been working on for the last week and realize I'm missing three things. I scramble around and find two of the three. My daughters are doing much of the same. My youngest daughter makes lunches for everyone. My mom comes to my house because she helps out with three classes.
Upon arriving at co-op, my daughters run out of the car with bags bouncing against their legs. My mom goes to help out with a beading class, a cooking class for younger kids, and a story time class. My oldest daughter goes to physicial science, public speaking, performing arts, and spends the lunch period singing with the worship leading class. My youngest daughter goes to beading, Latin, and classic games. I teach creative writing, and incremental writing, and in the midst of it, forget about three things again . . .I plan an e-mail for my students during my "free period" in which I also clean the three girls' bathrooms at the co-op. (It's a co-op for cooperative).
After that, I set up my open house tables with my students papers, notebooks, books, and name "signs." I realize I forgot to make signs for my tables. Oops. Hmm. I drive my mom home, rush to the store, buys supplies, come home, and have a cup of tea for 15 minutes. My in-laws arrive. My parents come over. I clean up the breakfast mess in the kitchen, prepare a snack to take to open house, and get the table ready for dinner. My husband calls and says he'll be late. My niece comes, and we discuss cover art. Then I realize that my class signs aren't done, but instead of asking my art major niece to make them for me, I struggle through a few lines of bubble letters on cardboard, and then she takes over and makes them neat. We eat dinner, and then grab everything forgotten earlier in the day and go back to co-op.
I spend a few minutes with my class signs, and straightening tables, and then I sit and feel awed by an hours worth of performances by different classes from the co-op including my youngest daughter's Latin class recitation and solo Latin recitation, my oldest daughter's worship leading public speaking, and performing arts melodrama. Then I host my tables at the open house for an hour and a half, and then I come home and fall over.
So I'm a day late, but I feel like yesterday was a day well spent. (And another lesson in the need for more lists, better organization, and more preparedness in my household)
Cover Reveal Coming Soon!
Ever have a crazy day like the one above?
That sounds like chaos all right! At least you survived.
Chewy was a popular choice for the blogfest.
Wow, looks like you had a busy (but productive) day!
I'm sure Chewie would understand and he's a great pick for favorite alien :)
Wookies are a really cool race. I like them better than the ewoks, which I wish they hadn't used. The whole "teddy bear" thing was just too cutesy.
I'm exhausted just reading what you went through yesterday! Your family and the co-op is so lucky to have you! I'm surprised that you didn't choose some kind of octopus creature, as you certainly could use an extra hand or two!
Why I didn't think of Chewie? I like him so much.
You are indeed a tough woman who survives tough days. :)
Alex - I did, and I only have one more chaotic day coming this month with some time to prepare, which is good! Chewie is just awesome!
Mark - Thanks!
Michael -Yes, wookies are a cool race. I actually liked the eWoks at first - when they were threatening, but then they gave in a little too easily. I think the idea of a tough "cute" character is cool, but once the toughness wears off, they aren't as cool.
Julie - an octopus creature - I could use one of those!
Al Diaz - Chewie rocks! And Thanks!
I love this choice! Chewie is such a fun character. That scene in Episode 4 where Han is telling 3PO about Wookies ripping out arms when they lose is hilarious.
He never utters a word, but you know just what he means.
I have a friend who homeschools her three kids and I know she has days like that.
Love your alien, Tyrean. Now for fun, I'd like to see Chewbacca and Morn from DS9 trying to communicate! Neither speak, LOL.
Donna - yes, that's a great scene!
L. Diane - Yeah, that's one thing I love about Chewie!
Spacerguy - That would be fun!
Oh, yes. I love Chewie. =) Sounds like yesterday was quite an adventure. You amaze me.
I always thought he was just the most precious thing :D
Your day sounded so hectic that I got a little dizzy. Hope things slow down a bit for you!
"A day late and a dollar short" - that's me. In fact, this is the first of the blogfest posts I've read, so I'm REALLY behind schedule! Chewie is a great choice, I'd love to have him as a bodyguard!
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today. Sounds like you have a lot going on. I took Latin back in the day... oh, all those conjugations I had to do!
I love Chewy!!! Great choice.
Allison (Geek Banter)
This post made me tired (or should I say more tired than I usually am). You sound busy! I loved Chewbacca. He's almost as cute as Han was.
Oh yes! Chewbacca was great! Takes me right back to the 70's when I was taking my sons to the movies...
Yeah, Chewwie's cool. This probably isn't a new idea, but I wonder if his roars aren't really a different language and more of a really really thick accent. :D I mean, think about it, he obviously understands what everybody else is saying without them having to translate for him. What if he's not actually roaring in Wookie, but as close to - Republic Standard, or whatever else we call the 'English' in the movie - as Wookie vocal equipment can get? It just takes a little bit of experience to be able to make it out. :D
I am always "a day late and a dollar short" :) Great choice Chewy is the MAN!
As you can see, I am on the third day reading and responding to all the alien posts. Worst part of that is that for the last two days, it has been constant from 7am to 12pm. That's how slow my connection is. I still have close to 20 sites to go. But I'm alovin it!
After reading your comment on my post, it's no surprise that you chose Chewy. In fact, I was expecting it. I said the same exact thing on another post because I got mixed up and thought I was on yours. Duh!
I enjoyed reading a few of your other posts, so I am now following you by GFC. You sound tired but happy.
Julie @ http://icreatepurtythangs.blogspot.com
Chewbacca is definitely one of my faves. He was a big part of why the new SW films never measured up.
You sure had a crazy day and a good excuse for lateness! As it is I'm only now trying to visit blogs I hadn't yet visited for this 'fest. haha.
Love Chewie :)
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