Poetry Schmoetry Blogfest, Entry 3, Reading Day
I know, today, I am supposed to just read. And I will. There are too many awesome poems that I don't want to miss, too many blogs to enjoy involved in Poetry Schmoetry Blogfest.
But, I woke up wanting to write/rewrite/post just one more poem.
I scribbled a bit, and then I looked through my files, and found one. It isn't the one I was thinking of originally. It's one that hit me in the gut, and reminded me that not everything is as simple as pen and ink.
This poem is dedicated to all the kids who have been hurt by someone they love, and adults who still live with the pain of childhood hurts. This poem is for the girl who told me that Job is her favorite book of the Bible.
Running in the Rythm of the Dark
She finds four walls invasive
reminders of harsh words,
hard fists, and the ragged sobs
of her mother
so she runs into the darkness
running circles around the
She stops
by the bell tower, looks
up at the shadowy corners
where the bell waits
to ring away the cobwebs.
It stands still and she cannot,
running in the rythm of the dark.
She knows that boogiemen
don’t lurk in dark corners,
but lie their way through the day,
keeping their deeds hidden with
false smiles, or false tears
as needed.
They aren’t strangers
but the men we know
and call father, uncle, brother,
family friend
and yet, she knows some
are good, some are worthy
of trust.
She wonders why her father
who used to make her laugh
has turned out this way.
The pain twists inside from
the hurt love she still
feels for the man he was
once upon a time.
in a moment of quiet
when she is tired enough
to stand still again,
she tells me her favorite
book of the Bible
is Job.
So, for all us writers - why do we write? Is it all just for fun? For a purpose? Can we write to heal the hurts and share the joys?
Scripture Blessings:
"Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm. He said:
'Who is this that darkens my counsel
with words and without knowledge?
Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you will answer me.'"
Job 38:1-3
That is powerful and sad!
I think it's witty how you make it about tribulation and the book of Job.
Alex - Thank you.
Angela - It is a real life irony that I've found to be true. Out of the dozen or so girls and women I've known who've been hurt by family members, they have all felt drawn to some of the toughest scriptures to read - things like Job, or some of the most "judgement" based scriptures.
How sad. I think when you can see that bad things happen to good "Job"s even when Job did nothing, I recognize the appeal to that when bad things happened/ing to you and you don't remember what you did wrong. God loved Job and God loves that girl.
Beautiful poem. I feel so sorry for her.The story of Job is so very powerful and part of me thinks Oh how unfair, and I shudder to wonder how would I do in such circumstances.
Blessings, Joanne
Shelly Brown - Amen. I agree. Thanks for the blogfest!
Joanne - Thank you. I know what you mean. Somehow, I've been brushed by the pain of horrifying circumstances, but never been standing in the full storm of it . . . don't know why God spared me but I'm thankful.
Oh wow. Sad but powerful. Thanks for sharing.
What a sad story. Thanks for coming by my blog. It's nice to meet you!
What a brave girl. Oh, I think words have such a powerful impact for good or evil. This poem is one of strength and sadness. It's good to the core. I think it would help people greatly.
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