During a rough writing spot, with life busily swirling around me, I really appreciated receiving the Sweet Blog award from Laurel at Laurel's Leaves just last week. Thanks Laurel!
All of my "Awesome People" deserve the Sweet Blog award, but I just wanted to name a few specifically who have buoyed me up lately.
Jody Hedlund at Author, Jody Hedlund
B.J. Anderson at B.J. Anderson
Emily Ann Benedict at
Julie Dao at Silver Lining
Karen Lange at Write Now
Angie at Notes from a Writing Chair
Jill Kemerer at Jill Kemerer
Jessica Nelson at
Booking It
And everyone on my Awesome People List! Thank you for your sweet, wonderful blogs and posts.
And in awesome news, I finally figured out how to receive my paypal payment for a story that was published a few months ago . . . somehow I ended up with two paypal accounts, and ended up feeling extremely tech-less, but I have earned a total of $4.43 for my writing this year! Woohoo! Pennies from heaven! Pennies for a rainy day!
Nothing wrong with pennies from heaven! Congrats on the pay pal and the publication! I came here from Jill's blog.
Thanks Lynn!
Tyrean, congrats to you for the award! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I'm blushing:) I'm blessed to have been introduced to your blog.
Hooray for your Paypal revelation, too!
Thanks and blessings,
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