I have to admit, I love getting awards! Emily Ann Benedict at Benedictions gave me the Soul Mates award yesterday, just because we happened to read the same book and love it. Thank you Emily! I love her blog, and I highly recommend stopping by to check it out. She is always thinking of others, and sharing heartfelt moments about her writing journey.
I would like to pass this award on to:
Karen Lange at Write Now because she always gives encouragement, and because she writes these wonderful posts like the one titled "Are you a Writer?"
Tamika at Write Worship because she was my first fan, and because her posts inspire me to be a better writer.
Julie Dao at Silver Lining because her posts are so awesome, and she is so encouraging that I feel renewed to write every time I read her posts and comments.
Jill Kemerer for her wisdom in creating One Goal Fridays. I need those kinds of goals with accountability attached.
Angie at Notes From The Writing Chair for her awesome look at how real life infuses writing with strength.
and Jody Hedlund because of her posts that show how real life and writing mix to make something amazing.
I am so thankful to be blogging. The rewards are even bigger than the awesome awards I've received. The rewards are: getting to know amazing writers and bloggers who make my day with their posts, keeping my writing habits daily, expanding my writing into other venues like devotionals, personal essays and articles which I never wrote before I started blogging, as well as improving my fiction writing with the techniques and advice I find online each day.
Thank you, Tyrean! This is a wonderful weekend treat:) You are a sweetheart and I enjoy your blog. Congrats to you and other other winners.
Hugs and blessings,
Thank you, Tyrean! I'm so glad we connected through blogging. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you Karen and Jill!
Thank you so much! I agree that the rewards of blogging are even greater than the awards we give to one another. I've gained so much! And I'm really glad that we could connect!
Ah, thanks so much! I really appreciate that. Blogging has been great for me too.
Thank you so much, Tyrean! I love it and I'm so glad you like my posts *hugs*
Jody and Angie,
Thank you too!
Julie - *hugs* back
Wow- thanks Tyrean! This is truly an unexpected treat. Your kind words have made my day- this is a blessing.
I hope to be back soon- keep me in your prayers.
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