Thanks, Tara! Adventures are the best!
Hiking is the most adventurous I've gotten, and usually just river trails and waterfalls. I used to love getting out into nature with my first puppy. We roamed and roved through the woods -- without a cell phone! Georgia was our stomping ground, the Appalachian trail and the Chattahoochee River made for great sights.
I miss it! And when my pup passed, I scattered his ashes into the Chattahoochee along one of our trails.
I've taken my boys, but they didn't get into it like I did--they're video games and sports parks kids.
I'm hoping I'll be able to go back with some grandkids some day. Get them to disconnect!
And nature can be very inspirational. Here are a few hiker sayings...
"If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking.
Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk." -- Raymond Inmon
"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." -- John Muir
"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." -- Beverly Sills
"Fresh air and muddy boots make everything better." -- anonymous
Thanks again, Tyrean. Hope we can go out on a trail someday!
That would be awesome, Tara! I hope we can, too.
Do you hike or get out into nature? How do you disconnect?
How did we ever get along without cell phones?! Ha!
In Beast World, the kids have technology, but they have to get back to nature and do some hiking and exploring on their adventures.

Beast World MG Fantasy Series, book #3
by Tara Tyler
Available NOW!
This summer, Gabe and his friends fly over the Great Sea for the wedding of the century: a dragon prince and a beautiful harpy. But Gabe can't relax on this vacation. Besides competing in rigorous wedding events, he overhears the nearby human village WINDY HOLLOW is in danger from an evil human scientist and a vengeful were-ogre experimenting on beasts. Gabe and his friends risk crossing the mountains to help, despite several warnings.
Maybe he's going too far this time, but he's in too deep to quit. It's do or die, hopefully not die!
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I loved hiking as a kid. My grandparents had a cabin the the Little North Fork River and my cousin and I would hike way upstream every chance we got.
I love hiking and climbing mountains whenever I'm home for a visit. The closest I get to hiking in Florida, though, is a walk on the beach, or a visit to Harry Potter World.
Hiking is awesome! I'm currently back to beginner level hikes, but I do like getting outside and even to the beach.
MJ - a walk on the beach isn't bad, and Harry Potter World is really cool! Hopefully, you'll get to hike more soon.
I don't hike. (It was dampened by finding a tick in a very personal place.) I do enjoy taking walks around town and getting outside.
I love getting out in nature sometimes. My brother told me about a waterfall last year that's on the edge of town. It's hidden behind some trees on this narrow road that's practically invisible from the highway, and it's so beautiful. I can't believe how long I've lived here without knowing about it. Plus, I just love the way waterfalls sound. I need to go on a cool day so I can stay outside longer.
I loved reading all your hiking experiences (with a little cringe for Patricia, ew!) and I'll be "hiking" the beach in a couple of weeks... it's all excellent naturistic fun. Even hiking through an amusement park, great exercise outside!
thanks again Tyrean =) Stay natural!
Hi Tyrean and Tara - excellent guest to feature's been occupied and happy - but a good walk never did us any harm. I've never enjoyed long walks ... and found out late life - that my hip had had a birth defect, which probably explains things ... I'm better now - so enjoy my walks: fresh air is essential. Enjoy the summer with family and friends - cheers Hilary
Aw, lovely photos! How sweet that you'd go hiking with your dog...
What fabulous pictures. I love that you scattered your dog's ashes there. Seems perfect. <3
I hope you do have grandkids who love going to that river with you!
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