Gray Sky Blessings
Gray skies permeate life in the Northwest. Clouds and fog shorten the horizon to the treeline. The rain is easy to live with, but the gray skies can be oppressive even for those of us who have lived here our whole lives. For those who move here from brighter climes, they are often overwhelmed not by the rain but by the grayness that hovers close over our heads for days on end.
However, I think these days mark a time of contemplation. There is a rythm to the Northwest life. Even outside walking, running, or biking, the gray sky atmosphere lends itself to prayer, thoughtfulness, and musings.
Evergreen trees break the grayness with a steadfast, upward resistance, their topmost branches disappearing into the clouds. Fairyland like wonder can be found in the blurry edges, a mystery in the mist.
Stillness reigns. Sounds are muffled. The sound of the highway just 3 miles away is softened to a ocean like hiss. Trills, buzzes, and chirps from birds pierce the air with bright sound.
Moisture touchs the skin on my airs like a cool breeze, even though the air is still. It's not rain. It's not even heavy enough to be mist, but the moisture is almost like dipping into a cool lake. I wish I could describe it more fully.
Most people stay inside their houses on days like this. I think they are missing out on the hidden beauty of the Northwest. This is a perfect day for running, or hard exercise. A perfect day for gardening - moist soil is loose, and the weeds come out easier. If I could be on the water, I would go kayaking or canoeing. The lack of boaters, and the stillness of the air guarantee a soothing, relaxing paddle, and more wildlife sightings.
There is a sense of growth outside, as if the very grass, moss and trees are soaking up the moisture, digging in their roots, and growing upward at a faster rate than they do on a hot, sunny day.
I've only been sitting on my deck, and I feel filled with life abundant. The Lord is good all the time, and all the time the Lord is good. Gray sky days are a gift, like each day is a gift. We just have to take the time to go outside and unwrap them with wonder.
One of my past writing instructors would often ask me, "What is the quality of light?" and that question was written in red ink all over my papers. She wanted to know what the actual surroundings of my characters looked like and how they were reacting to those surroundings. What was the quality of light around them? And how did they see it? How did they feel about it or react to it?
So, today, for all my writing and non-writing friends, I ask, What is the quality of light for you today?
And here are two scripture blessings that blessed me today, and that I hope will bless you too:
"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow." 1 Corinthians 3:7
"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16
Great scriptures! Great post too. I like gray days myself. They seem so peaceful. Today is bright and sunny just like you'd expect for the first day of summer and I like that too.
Angie - the funny part is that I prepared myself for enjoying a gray sky day, and while I walked my 2 mile walk, the fog and clouds "burned off" and we had blue skies the rest of the day - and I like those too!
I left the house an hour later than I had hoped. The street was still wet from rain, the sky still grey, and the cool air seemed heavy with moisture and steam. By the end of my run the sky had cleared some and I was hit by a cool and dryer air---a blessed beauty brushing across my sweaty skin.
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