Whew! It's been a week - of sickness, health, busy-ness, fun, exhaustion, rest, and even a little hard work.
So, today, I'm finally taking a moment, and giving thanks for all these blessings:
1. Spelling, Math and Writing were done every day, even on my sickest of sick days. My kids were really great about getting those basics done.
2. Friends of ours had the girls over for an afternoon of homeschool science experiments, art projects, and fun!
3. I had total quiet for nearly five hours. Even my dogs and cat were quiet.
4. I finally realized that I needed to cancel a meeting I had planned. And the world didn't end.
5. Many people in our new church have leadership abilities.
6. When I felt well enough, I was able to get a few things done.
7. When my friends read my e-mails and saw that I was a little "out of it" with my facts, they were gentle about telling me that maybe . . . I should just rest.
8. The sun came out and brightened up our house, thanks to all our awesome windows.
9. Mint tea.
10. Ginger tea.
11. Forgiving blogging friends - I mention this, since I just accidentally posted this post without being finished - really, I tried to push the Save button.
12. A feel better Friday!
13. Deciding to go to a movie on Friday night with my family.
14. Thor had a plot!
15. Thor was fun to watch, and was directed well.
16. Thor ended differently than I expected, and I still liked it.
17. Finding that lost library book and getting it turned in . . . a week late.
18. Getting our house vacuumed.
19. My kids cleaned their room on Saturday!
20. I worked all week (in the "good" moments) on my Writers' Workship class anthology.
21. Learning how to use a Publisher program.
22. Getting help from a nice lady in the print shop at Office Depot.
23. My daughters and my husband played softball in our yard on Saturday in the bright sunshine.
24. My youngest daughter planted her new plants in the garden.
25. When the rain came down on Saturday night, I woke and listened to the drumming on the roof, and I felt . . . content. Not upset by the rain, but content with the sound of it.
26. When I woke up and the rain was still pouring down, I still took my dogs for a short walk in the rain, and listened to all those sounds. In the Northwest, while walking in the rain on a Sunday morning, it sounds like I'm walking in the midst of a stream, with the water pattering and chuckling over leaves, and splishing into puddles.
27. Sunday morning worship, regular style, was sweet. I haven't been to a "regular" worship in a month. We've either been traveling, or having special Sundays.
28. A quadruple message on Sunday morning from three great worship leaders.
29. We had message on Today being the day that the Lord has made, from our worship leader.
30. We had a message on prayer from our speaker for the Children's message.
31. We had a message from a man who returned from Costa Rica . . . to be aware of the gifts of relationships and the blessings around us. If we feel lonely, visit someone lonelier. If we are hungry, feed someone hungrier. When we share our blessings, we receive. That isn't the fullness of his message, but a part of it.
32. We had a message on the true meaning of fellowship from our speaker, and retired missionary Pat Lelvis.
33. We have a great Praise Team leader, who happens to be 17. A young man with a faithful heart.
34. Our "usual" praise team leader is taking a break to teach a class on spritual warfare. He is a strong faithful family man blessed with wisdom.
35. We have an amazing team of leaders who step forward every Sunday to serve in worship, and leaders who serve throughout the week.
36. A conversation about shoes at the dance studio. Can we wear our daughters' shoes?
37. Learning new patterns of tap steps in the adult tap class.
38. I love how tap challenges both the body, and the mind.
39. New haircuts for summer.
40. A young woman, one of the "older" dancers, has gone from waist length hair to shoulder length hair with layers, and she looks suddenly more sophisticated, preparing to go tour with a professional dance company in Italy.
41. Conversations about books, and heavy bookshelves.
42. Favorite kids books, and having kids that are ok with reading at their grade level, way above it, and then below it.
43. Knowing that those favorite kid books will be read again and again and again. And then again to children and grandchildren.
44. Tne end of the school year for Harbor Christian Homeschool Co-op. It is bittersweet, but yet wonderful.
45. Celebrating the end of the year with my writing class, and seeing them dig into their anthologies with interest. I passed them out, and the whole room got quiet as they read their own and their classmates entries.
46. Celebrating the end of the year with my Shakespeare class. We played the "Who Am I?" review game, watched "Omelette" the Veggie Tales re-take of Hamlet, and enjoyed some good conversation about plays and movies.
47. Enjoying those last conversations in the parent cafe at our co-op.
48. Receiving amazing thank you cards and sweet gifts from my students.
49. Handing out candy . . . I admit, it's fun.
50. Seeing my oldest daughter's team in Chemistry class Jeopardy get some great points, and answer some tough questions. They didn't win, but they were a close second this last time.
51. Excitement about classes for next year . . . and this is the end of this year.
52. Looking over my class lists for next year, and getting excited about the students I'll have, even as I know I'll miss the ones I have this year.
53. Pizza day at co-op. We bring our own, and the whole place smells heavenly.
54. Knowing that I'm not the only one with food intolerances.
55. My daughters are dancing to parts of Singing in the Rain for this year's end of the year production (recital).
56. Simplified costumes for this year.
57. One last dance competition is coming this weekend and we are looking forward to it with a calm kind of excitement.
58. Fun stuff to read, see, and listen to on the internet. (Sorry that I can't name them all)
59. Angie Lofthouse's Story
Brierly's Lilies hosted at Wordplay, Swordplay this past week has resonated in my mind for a few days now. I highly recommend it.
60. The Lord provides me with rest, with encouragement, and with peace.
Scripture Blessings:"The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Psalm 23