My reveal: Fencing and Swordplay Terminology. If you want to know about Attacks and Assaults (not the criminal type), Bouts, Epees, Foils, Sabres, and what it means to Disengage, this is the place to visit during A to Z.
Why: Because I felt like reliving some nostalgic memories of my fencing days in college, including a bit of time I spent at coaches camps for the USFA. I used to be a certified beginning level fencing coach for sabre, and a beginning and level 1 certified coach for foil. Of course, they've changed the training since then (it's been like, well, 17 years or so). Plus, I just love a good sword-fight scene, and might mention a few of those. (Z is for Zorro after all)
One disclaimer: most of my knowledge is based on USFA and Olympic Fencing techniques which are not the same as double-handed broadsword or SCA rapier style fencing techniques. If you have knowledge of those, please feel free to stop by during the challenge and lend some expertise in those areas in the comments, or shoot me an e-mail pre-challenge. I'm always interested in learning more about swords :).
So, are you interested in sword-fighting? And Do you have a theme for A to Z?
Good luck! This sounds so awesome! I've always thought fencing was elegant! But never got into actually doing it!
Good luck. This is my first year with the A to Z challenge, even though I've watched it grow over the last 3 years. I'm also taking part in the Reveal. I'm trying to share some positivity with my #WriteMotivation friends on Twitter (and to help keep me positive in the process)
Hope to see you around :)
Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
Fencing...very interesting choice!
Interesting! Love to watch never give too much tought to the technique though I know it's hard word and requires practice.
Ooh, looking forward to it. My MC uses a longblade to fight, so I'll be happy to learn what I can from you. :))
Ooooo I'm super stoked about this!! I'll be taking notes!
Pretty cool. Hope you have a fun April, talking blades!
I am in love with your theme. Now I'm rethinking mine.:(
Great theme! Cool things to learn!
Ooh, this sounds like an interesting subject! I'm looking forward to visiting :)
Jamie - Thanks! Joining the challenge is exciting! I hope we can visit each other during April!
MJ - Thanks!
Adriana - It's fun, and requires practice, but it's really worth the time.
LG - cool! Your MC sounds awesome!
Dani - Thanks! I hope I can give a little info . . . but my posts are going to pretty short too, trying to be mindful of everyone's time.
Laurel - Thanks! I hope so too!
Brinda - Wow! Thanks! and Don't rethink yours - I'm sure it will be great! :)
Dani - Thanks!
Marcy - Thank you! I'm looking forward to visiting you too. :)
Wow! this sounds really interesting. I tried to write a fantasy short story with a bunch of sword play, but it sounds so fake. I could have used your A to Z knowledge. Looking forward to this one:D Good luck!
Sword fighting does sound like fun to give a run. But no theme for me, I'm far to crazy.
bring on the sword play... i am ready!
Jeremy [Retro] #66
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy
Looking forward to it!
I didn't know you were a fencer!
I'm revealing my theme the Friday before the Challenge.
Sounds great. I may be able to use some of what I learn in a novel someday.
Sorry, I'm not doing the A-Z challenge. It doesn't work with our blog.
Wow! Wow! and more Wow! How cool is that? Fencing is one of the activities I always wanted to learn. It is definitively more elegant than just blast someone with a fireball. I want to know everything about it. :)
wow that's a really specialized one Tyrean - good luck with that..
I think this may be the most original theme I've heard about yet. Interesting! I know absolutely nothing about the topic so I am looking forward to following along and learning. Fun that it will be nostalgic for you too. :)
OK, that's a really interesting theme. I may use swords in an upcoming story, so will check in on what you have to say :)
I don't know a single thing about fencing. It looks like an interesting sport...
Cool theme. I took a fencing class at French camp in high school, but that's about it. Still, sword play fascinates me. I look forward to reading more.
Hi from Nagzilla bloghopping A to Z
I want to learn...this is so cool!
I always wanted to try fencing :D
I look forward to your posts~
Ooooh, I can see how your posts could be useful for fantasy writings!! Looking forward to it.
Allison (Geek Banter)
MAJORLY COOL THEME!!! And potentially very helpful to all the writers (comme moi) participating in A to Z!
I've always wanted to give fencing a shot...I opted for tennis, though.
Can't wait to read your A to Z posts, though...sounds great :)
sounds interesting. I have been thinking of starting fencing up again (I only did it for about 6 months initially). Will look forward to visiting your blog during the challenge.
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