And yesterday, Nickie reviewed the book. So if you want to know more, Here's the Story is the place to go!

What would you do or where
would you go if you could traverse a wormhole through space or time just once?
One safe round trip passage. Would you go back in time and talk some sense into
a younger you? Go five years into the future and bring back the Wall Street
Journal? See just how the heck the Great Pyramids of Giza were really built?
View what the other side of the universe looks like? Kill Hitler?
I choose 200 Years in the Future. Why? More likely that there is indoor plumbing and women's rights still at that time. Plus, the possibility of seeing something exciting and new! Adventure! New Horizons! Plus far enough out that I know that I won't see anything particular to me that would cause me to do some odd "self-fulfilling prophecy" mess. And hopefully just far enough for awe and wonder without complete confusion and fear at new inventions.
(Hey, I said that in less than 100 words . . .unbelievable)
That's a smart time, otherwise you are right, the "self-fulfilling" issue would definitely come up. If you do go, just make sure you share what you learn :D
I agree with you. Go to the future, not the past. Who wants to go back where there was no women's right? Definitely not me.
And going forward means you won't mess up anything in the past.
Saw Nickie's review - awesome!
Uh, going forward two hundred years in my novels means apocalypse!! You'd be back to no plumbing and no electricity. :P
However, in reality I have a more optimistic view of the future. Hopefully gains in technology will be astounding and life-saving.
Great idea to go far enough ahead so you don't mess up the timeline.
Great choice! I agree too much forward and it might be too hard to comprehend and appreciate the advancements.
Going 200 yrs forward would help you stay out of trouble or messing anything up. Smart :)!
200 years? The stories you would tell when you come back :)
I totally agree that if I were to go into the future, it would be waaay far into it, beyond my years here.
Love the idea of going far enough ahead that you wouldn't mess with your timeline. And you have a great point about indoor plumbing LOL. I definitely wouldn't want to go too far into the past. :D
Looking forward to reading the review, congrats! :)
I like your reasoning. And wouldn't it be fascinating to see where technology has taken the world and how we have dealt with issues like pollution, environment and health.
I hope -that- future has jetpacks....we were promised jetpacks! :)
Yeah, that is probably far enough that we've conquered some of the obstacles I fear will loom in the immediate future. Inventions though... man, I bet with how fast things are going that it is WAY different.
S.K. - Of course, I would love to share anything I learned . . .if I got to go. :)
Natalie - exactly, the future all the way!
Alex - agreed! I don't want to mess up the past, and I'm afraid if I tried to fix something, it would just go wrong. Thanks for reading the review!
L.G. - Apocalypse! Oh no! . . .I'm trying to have a more optimistic view - don't know if the country boundaries would be the same, but it would be interesting.
Jenn - Thanks!
Stephen - yes, although even 200 years might be too much, I can hope I could understand stuff.
Isis - I hope so! Thanks! :)
Damyanti - Yes!!!
Nicki - I think the future offers excitement, and I'm looking forward to being surprised in real life a little bit.
Julie - yes, I may like to go camping now and then, but indoor plumbing is a must for me most of the time.
Julie - Thanks!
Mark - Yes, Jetpacks would rock!
Hart - I know what you mean about the immediate future, but I'm hoping that somehow the future will be brighter than what we see in front of us right now.
Sounds exciting and you'd probably blend better than in the past.
A cautious time traveler, and yes, there wouldn't be as much disruption, but you never know how much change can take place in 200 years - look at the 20th century.
Bloghopping by via the Wormhole.
A cautious time traveler, and yes, there wouldn't be as much disruption, but you never know how much change can take place in 200 years - look at the 20th century.
Bloghopping by via the Wormhole.
Hi! New follower here! Love your answer! Can you come back and tell me what life would be like in 200 years? ;) my blog: (aka Writer's Block)
Make sure you haven't agreed to cryonics and end up seeing yourself anyway because they've found the cure to your deathly ailment and revived you by the time you'd visited through the wormhole. :) Destiny works in strange ways.
Awe and wonder without complete confusion and fear sounds just right!
I wonder what the world will be really like in a couple hundred years time.
D.G. - yes, I like my adventure with a big dose of caution.
Morgan - nice to meet you! And thanks for the follow!
Nancy - Good idea. I hadn't thought about cryonics.
Lexie - good!
Suzanne - I do too . . .
I like that you didn't want to know what you'd do later or try to change yyour past!
I am all for the future....women's rights should always be right up there....along with that plumbing!
200 years...a nice, round number. Sounds good to me:)
going into the future seems like the safest (and smartest)bet! I wonder if we'd still have cars then?
Great choice! Not too far, but just far enough. And I'm impressed you kept the word count down so nicely. (I didn't.)
I totally agree on going to the future... unless there are Morlocks. Then we're kicking that thing in reverse!
200 years? Wow. Wouldn't it be crazy if we were not far off from where we are now???
200 years? Wow. Wouldn't it be crazy if we were not far off from where we are now???
Thanks for having a drawing with a low number of earn-able entries. I skip giveaways/drawings that have "400 more entries available today". No joke. I've seen them.
Anyway, one of my champions in my life was my husband's paternal grandmother, "Mamaw". She passed a week ago today. She was a woman with an incredible spirit.
Found and following through the National Wormhole Day blog hop.
I so agree with you on the "going far enough out in advance" that you can't mess up your own future. :)
Smart way to use the wormhole. :)
I would love to see the future as well, all the awesome technology that will come, etc. I'd just hope I didn't land in some post-apocalyptic version of our world ;)
Yep, I picked the future, too :)
It was such a fun blog fest. 200 yrs into the future sounds like a safe bet:-)
You are brave to opt for a jump into the future! And I sincerely hope that woman's rights are here to stay!!
I chose a jump back in time.
Adriana - I've always thought that knowing my personal future might be dangerous.
Sandy - I agree!
MJ - Thanks!
Nutschell - I wonder that too, although I think we have an addiction to private transportation.
Susan - Thanks! - I usually don't keep my word count down either.
Nickie - We definitely need to avoid Morlocks!
Tammy - that would be crazy.
LuAnn - I'm glad you have had such an incredible Champion in your life. I'm sorry she passed away.
Poisoned Rose - Thanks!
Trisha - yes, a post-apocalyptic world would be bad, but I'm hoping somehow we'll avoid that.
mshatch - I remember that! :)
Jamie - Yes, I'm all for those "safe" adventures. :)
Michelle - I hope they are too.
Traveling to the future would be pretty cool. I think I'd still do some research to find out when/how I died though :/
How exciting! Would you like to see yours great great grandchildren?
Evalina, This and that...
By the time I made up my mind, I'd probably be too old to go anywhere except bed. LOL But considering how different 2013 is from 1813, 200 years might be too much for me. Fifty seems like it might be more my style. :)
I bet 200 years in our future is something none of us have imagined. It would be amazing to see!
Sounds exciting and you'd probably blend better than in the past.
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