This week, I'm celebrating:
1. A story re-submission acceptance e-mail. It did say that editorial changes will be needed, but I'll take it. :)
2. I'm back into writing Champion's Destiny and even though I got a slow start the last few days, I'm determined to finish it by October 31st - at least in super rough form.
3. Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak Team won the Pacific Cup in Canada! Both of my girls raced, and my oldest is gong to start canoeing with the team (although she raced in a kayak for the weekend).

The guy holding the trophy was the development coach last summer, and he's only 17 and super talented. He has a great head coach teaching him the ropes (but the head coach stood outside this picture and let him hold up the trophy).
4. My oldest (kayaking since June) went K2 with a more experienced kayaker and they took 5th place in a heated 500m race. She also took a 4th place in the 1000m for her age group . . . but feels less excited about that since there were only five competitors.
5. My youngest, who has been kayaking since March, took 1st for her age group in the 1000m - and she was way out front and shaved 30 seconds off her best time for that distance - the coach was amazed. My daughter glowed the rest of the weekend.
6. Watching kids I know outside of racing team practice (church, homeschooling, long term friends) grow in self-confidence and skill as they race. It's really cool to see a kid I knew as a baby stand up there on the podium, and another kid that used to be a super shy middle school kid stand up on the podium again and again and grin at the crowd (I think he took home at least four first place ribbons, if not more).
7. Getting in a training kayak and playing around in the training area by the lakeshore. :)
Congratulations to your kids! And to you for the acceptance, even if you have to revise.
Keep writing - you can make that deadline.
Congrats on the submission and enjoy those wonderful children. Sounds like a great activity fitness and otherwise.
Congrats on the acceptance. I know how hard it is. Have a good weekend.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Alex!
Yes, it is . . . now I just need to get out there more. :)
Thanks, Marilyn. :)
Good luck finishing your MS! Congrats on the acceptance :)
Congrats on your MS being accepted and on your kids' successes! Sounds like they had a lot of fun. Good luck with your writing. Have a great weekend and hope you make your deadline!
Thank you!
Lovely, Tyrean. Look forward to hearing more about your story. Enjoy Sat and Sun. See you next week.
Great stuff, Tyrean -- and way to go on that story acceptance! Can't wait to read it.
It seems like you had a great week! Congrats on your story being accepted!
That's so awesome about your kiddies! I love when my kids have an accomplishment like's one of the best feelings in the world...pride in your children :) Enjoy the rest of he week and thanks for visiting my blog!
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