It’s that time of month . . .when we examine how insecurity and exhaustion
roll over us like waves on a rocky, stubborn shore.
A month ago, I felt truly zestful after the finish of A to Z,
and I really didn’t know what to write about for IWSG, except for the fact that
I felt encouraged by others and I wanted to go out and encourage more bloggers.
Since then, a rising tide of blogging
insecurities made me want to just bury my head under my laptop, and turn off
the internet connection to the world.
My blog is kind of a mess. It’s random. I live on West coast
time. I don’t visit other bloggers enough, and when I do, my comments suck. I
don’t blog meaningfully enough. I don’t give any amazing advice, or tips for
writing, or . . .enough of whatever makes an awesome blog. I’ve been blogging
for three years, and I still have yet to master some of the blogging technical
basics. What am I thinking, blogging? I started this thing with no research,
background, or even knowledge of blog or web platforms, and just started
winging it. I still feel like that’s what I do most of the time. My google
reader list is totally unorganized and I can barely keep track of posts that I
have read, want to read, or blogs that I haven’t visited in far too long. I get
too distracted. I’m just not good enough at this blogging thing, I can’t seem
to keep up . . .and well, what really makes me feel insecure about blogging is
that I just don’t feel like I’m good enough at any of it.
Do you ever feel like that?
And what do you cling to when you feel pounded by a storm of

BTW - when those waves of insecurities hit me, I just pray, and keep writing anyway.
It is hard to be organized and stay on top of everything. I make a habit of commenting back to those who have commented 1st, then I look at my blog roll. I also try to only comment if I have something to say and I try to limit how much time I spend blogging so I can get some writing done. And in between all that is work, the big annoyance. But I think I'm getting better at it, slowly!
I can totally relate to your story. You do a great job though as far as I can tell. Hang in there!
I feel like that every time I put up a post. I send praises out when there's a bloghop so I have something to say, lol.
But I love reading your posts, dear. You shouldn't be so worried about it :)
I don't think your comments are lame! Or your posts. You are very natural in genuine in your posts. That's why I come here. Your blog is a refreshing place of peace and hope.
It is so difficult to keep track - I agree. But I do have favorites and yours is one of them, so you're doing it right! :-)
I don't think there's any formula to writing a successful blog, whatever that is. Mostly I think people come for the personality and just to touch base with other writers. It's always good to just read a post, nod, and say, "Oh, yeah, I've experienced that too."
I'm visiting from the IWSG.
My first time at your place and I enjoyed your post - you've obviously written it from the heart!
I'm your newest follower via Networked Blogs.
Nice to meet you. *waves*
hey, sunshine! you better stop talking about my friend like that! tyrean is one of the most perky, pumpin up bloggers i know!
and lemme tale you, there are no lame comments =)
or lemme TELL you, ha!
Have you been inside my mind because this is exactly how I feel! I followed a lot of great blogs but I rarely visit them which makes me feel awful. And I'm not the best at advice either... but what I have learned is that I started blogging because I had a voice and I felt like it wasn't being heard. Whenever I'm done with a post I feel good inside because I let out what I had to say.
I don't think you seem particularly disorganized, not more than anyone else. I think a lot of us do what we can, but our WIPs (and our children and/or our other jobs) need to take a priority.
mshatch - that's what I try to do, but there are days when life just runs away with my time.
Joy - Thanks! I plan to . . .I just opened up one of my more insecure moments.
Cassie - Thanks!!! I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling that way, and I love how you cope with it, by sending out praises. Great attitude.
Alex - Thanks! I just have those moments of total insecurity about the whole thing now and then.
Susan - Wow. Thanks!
L.G. - I agree. I think it's about connecting with people with similar experiences.
Tara - Thanks, friend!
Mr. Opinion - I wish I could feel completely content with my posts after I post them, but there are days when I just don't.
Tonja - Yes, they do, and for good reason. It's just hard to stay connected in both worlds.
What I love most about these ISWG posts is that we all get to find out we're not alone! I definitely wing it on my blog too - but it's fun, so I don't mind :)
One day I organized my Google Reader into folders for days of the weeks and a few other groups. That was an absolute life saver. I still don't catch up with everyone, but I'm better! Good luck :)
Hon, we are all winging it. Blogging seems so easy for some and I empathize because I feel all over the place. I do have a few common themes, but I basically write about things I love or know. I've enjoyed your blog.
Well, I had no clue what I was doing either, and people still seem to follow me, and by the looks of things they are following you too! And for what it's worth, I enjoy your blog and like it when you comment on mine. I agree with Alex, I like your comments because they are genuine and honest.
Allison (Geek Banter)
Jemi - Thanks for the tip. I'm still trying to organize those folders, but I've at least started.
Brinda - Thanks! I'm glad I'm not the only one winging it.
Allison - Thanks! I really appreciate that.
Everyone - I think I'm going to have to save all these sweet comments for those moments when I hit the rock bottom of insecurity. Thank you!
Tyrean ~ I think you're doing just fine! Your posts are genuine, and that's what's most important. Oh, and personally, I don't think you need to blog about writing--like the how-to's or whatever. Blog for the READERS. Just be your awesome self--which you already do!
ali - Thanks so much for the encouragement!!!
Who really cares whether or not the Google list is organized. Mine isn't, and somehow, I still manage to get through the day. lol
You've a lot on your plate, and I think you are doing a great job. I am so glad you keep writing anyway, for I often come away from your blog inspired and motivated! Keep writing, girl!
Karen - Thank you Karen!!!
Fellow IWSG member here. Glad to meet you!
You're not alone, I definitely feel like my blogger experience is muddled and disorganized and probably ineffective. I've been blogging for a few months and I have no idea what I'm doing right or wrong, or how to increase traffic with all those hosting websites like reddit, stumbleupon, bloglovin, etc etc. I see that stuff on other blogs and I keep telling myself to look into it, but I don't even have the time to make the rounds on all the blogs I follow; I almost feel like I can't handle more traffic because I'd never be able to get back to everyone.
I also agree with what you said about your posts/comments lacking any great advice. Sometimes it's hard to come up with a brilliant post or comment, but I think the important thing is to just speak your mind and write as much as you can.
I'll try to stop by your blog again soon. Have a great weekend!
I do know how you feel - I am terrible at blogging consistently across the blogosphere. But you managed some very helpful comments on my blog so I think you are doing a good job. Winging a blog is more exciting sometimes. Keep it up.
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