1. Survival - there's been some humorous exploits, bee stings, forgotten medication, major tooth aches, and fence climbing with ripped jeans adventures this week in my household . . . TGIF!!!
2. My kids and all of their talents, adventures, and inner beauty.
3. My husband isn't volunteering 30 hours this week in addition to his 40+ hour job. It's good to see him when he's awake. :)
4. An adventure ahead . . . O, Canada. (more about that next time)
5. Really sweet compliments from moms of kids in my classes at our homeschool co-op. ("My son wrote pages and pages for his story," "My son actually likes your writing assignments!" "My son has never written this much before willingly.") They blew me away and it felt really good to hear that maybe I can turn some reluctant writers into enthusiastic writers. :)
Do You Have Goals? Check-IN with Misha and Beth
Goals: Yes!
Progress for September: finished writing two books worth of notes and assignments for two of my homeschool classes.
Originally, I planned to publish them for sale, but I decided just to private publish them with Lulu for my classes. By the end of April 2015, I hope to have them polished (perfectionist moment) and have student examples included in them. So, this is a dream goal that has been slightly postponed. There's a homeschool book fair that I would like to attend as "vendor" in June with my class books and my fiction books.
This means that instead of 2-3 books published for sale this year, it's going to just be 2 . . . unless I self-pub a few short stories in ebook format, and I'm not sure I can "count" that.
Write 1 Sub 1 update: September is almost gone and, yikes, I haven't finished or submitted a story yet! I have 5 days left. Time to get cracking on that.
Other crazy dream goals/ideas for the next three months: Champion's Destiny took a backburner with my prep for teaching. My goal for October is to complete the rough draft of that, and outline a different novel - either Sacred/Sacrifice or Captain Wrath (the last time I tried to wrangle him into a novel size project, it died a painful, slow death - is he ready this time, maybe?). I will be participating in NaNo somehow. December is the month I plan to either finish up stray ends of projects, write short stories and poetry, or just take a break.
So, it's been a good month, although the last few weeks have been more about journaling, making lists, and wrestling with the first chapter of Champion's Destiny over and over again. I think I'm going to just jump into chapter two and turn off the evil inner editor.
Of course, I keep finding mistakes in this post that I accidentally posted a day early . . . so the evil inner editor needs to do a little more work before I send her packing. :)