I can't do it ALL. And saying that stresses me out, but also offers me some relief. I can't do it ALL - the big capital ALL: all the stuff I want to do, or mistakenly think that I can do all at once. Originally, with this post, I had a list here, call it a whine list, brag list, whatever, of all the stuff I try to do every day, every week, and every month, and then I thought . . . wait, everyone has a list like that. Everyone I know has a tendency to make "to-do" lists that could take up a piece of butcher paper that stretches across a room.
Maybe I just know crazy people like me . . . who dream big, and then scramble to put foundations under those dreams. And maybe that's ok.
Really, it's ok to dream big. It's ok to fill up massive to-do lists. It's ok, even when I can't get it ALL done ALL at the same time. I can begin, and begin again, and get one thing done at a time.
So, if you are like me, and you like to create gigantic to-do lists for your huge dreams and plans, I encourage you to just take it one bit at time, begin and begin again, if needed and just keep building that foundation, brick by brick, under your dreams.
We can do it, one bit at a time.
And when we struggle, we can pray. I invite you all to participate in Mark Koopmans awesome 50 States of Pray on December 24th!

And as you accomplish each task, tear off a bit of that butcher paper and happily toss it away! It's a reward in itself!
Such a freeing post, Tyrean
That's how you eat an elephant. One bite at a time.
Great advice, and that's how I manage to calm myself down when I've got a lot to get done: I remind myself that if I take it one thing at a time, it'll be much easier :)
Very wise words Tara. Some of us have to remind ourselves daily that it's okay to NOT do everything. It's the first thing on my "list". :)
Trying, that's the real success.
There's so much satisfaction in drawing a line through one of those tasks when it's completed, though, isn't there? I felt so good on Monday when I had my IWSG post done a day early!!! :))
I'm already learning I can't do it all. And my list isn't even that big...
But it's so hard! Why can't we do it all?! Lol. You're right though, we can keep going, keep doing, and keep moving forward and that's enough. :)
I would still rather be someone who has dreams and goals and sets challenges, even if I don't accomplish all of them, than someone who doesn't even try. :)
Yes and yes. I think sometimes all our goals and high expectations just fuel our exhaustion and stress. We just need to write enough for today. End of story.
Great advice and I will think of this post the next time I make one of my mammoth to-do lists!
I have a to do list that is seemingly endless! Your not alone. I don't dream bigger than I can handle however and I look at my list realistically if it gets out of control. I tend to mark off my list the hardest tasks and the easy ones are a snap. I also don't put time limits on things, for me that is when the stress clock begins to ticky tock! Lol!! Sandy of sandysanderellasmusings.blogspot.com
Where did we get the idea that we have to do it ALL? Super Woman/Man? I don't think so. I love to-do lists. Actually, I love checking off the things on my to-do list. There are always items left unchecked and more added. But if I didn't have the list, I wouldn't get anything done. Best wishes.
Fantastic advice, Tyrean! You are so right, our plates can be so full of to-dos and it can all seem too daunting, but yes, one bite a time will eventually get that plate cleared up. . . or at least leave space for the new list lol Why is it ever-growing?
One task at a time. Even I am unable to complete all my tasks, feel too bogged down with work.
Great advice and encouragement!! Thank you! You're right; we all take on too much, usually for the best of reasons. It's so, so helpful to remember that we can't do everything, and to give ourselves a break.
Small steps lead to giant strides. We can only do so much before we burn ourselves out. Ticking something off the list sure feels good though doesn't it?!
I make lists like that, too. It sucks not being able to accomplish everything I want as soon as I want to, but I always try to remind myself that it's okay as long as I'm accomplishing something, no matter how small.
Pam - thanks! I agree. It's nice to cross off lists!
Maurice - true, although I don't know that I'll ever eat a real elephant. :)
Laura - it seems the only way to handle things when the list seems huge.
Charity - yes, I'm having to remind myself daily of that these days.
LG - it's a great feeling! Way to go getting your post done early.
Alex - I'm pretty sure your list is that big, you're just smart enough not to lay it all out at once. :)
Rachel - I know, it's hard not to dream big!
Madeline - so very true. :)
Julie - very wise words. :)
Julie - thanks! Glad I could be of a little help
Sandy - there are definitely things that shouldn't have time limits on them, but sometimes I find that time limits help me get little bits of things done - like 10 minutes for laundry, 10 minutes of kitchen cleaning, and then a reward of 40 minutes of writing!
Diane - Checking things off is great!
SK - I think it keeps growing because we keep on dreaming big! :)
Rachna - yes, I know how that is. It's hard not to feel bogged down. Today I have a mega list tucked to the side and a much smaller "today's list" that I'm working through.
Liz - giving ourselves a break actually helps us get stuff done . . or at least that's the way it seems to me.
Suzanne - I love how you put that about small steps becoming giant strides . . . I had a picture of us all hiking in mythical seven league boots.
Heather - very true. :)
So needed to hear this. Because I feel like I'm going insane trying to do it all. It's all so overwhelming sometimes.
I reached that same conclusion. I just have to repeat it over and over not forget it. I do have a strong tendency to feel almighty.
Sometimes we have to remember not to overfill our plates.
Thanks for linking us to Mark's blog. I LOVE it and joined in on the fun.
My wife is a list maker. I tend to just look at what is right in front of me and tackle that. Not sure my method works better than hers, but together we get things done.
I completely agree. look at me, it took a whole day to get back here so I could say thank you so much for helping promote the 50 States of Pray event :-)
I do tend to bite off huge bits of ambition. Seems I'm not the only one. :) I think it's OK to know the top of the list will eventually get done.
I've decided I can't do it all, so I'm going on hiatus over the holidays, then trimming my blog schedule to once a week when I return. If my writer's blog is keeping me from writing, what's the point? LOL
Great post. And I wish Mark success with his hop. :)
I can't do it all either. No worries. Take a deep breath and relax. It's okay.
Thanks for the reminder.
And the reassurance... it's okay if we cannot do it all.
But at least we ARE trying.
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