It's my delight and privilege to continue my 1 Word Interviews this week with Nutschell Anne Windsor from The Writing Nut, the host of many Writer's Workspace Wednesday posts. She recently celebrated the release of Story Sprouts: CBW-LA Writing Day Exercises and Anthology 2013 and is a MG and YA writer with many interests, including martial arts, photography, drums, and travel.
1. What's your current favorite word?
2. In one word, what inspires you?
3. What's one word that describes your writing habits?
4. What's one word that you wish you could get rid of in your writing?
5. What's one word that describes your writing desk?
6. Share the best writing advice/tool/quote that helps you. (please limit to one sentence)
“Just write every day of your life. Read intensely. Then see what happens. Most of my friends who are put on that diet have very pleasant careers.”
—Ray Bradbury, WD
—Ray Bradbury, WD
7. What's your current project?
Currently revising a middle grade fantasy novel.
And an 8th question for November: What are you thankful for this year?
The gift of supportive family and friends!
Thank you for visiting, Nutschell! And although my writing desk isn't tidy or organized at the moment, I love your words, and your quote!
Remember to visit Nutschell at The Writing Nut, and get to know her more!
Plus, remember to check out her release at Amazon!
Celebrate the Small Things:
1. It's been a "normal" week, which feels odd, but restful.
2. Daylight Savings Time made it possible for me to get out and bicycle with my husband this week. I'm a wimp when it comes to bicycling in the dark.
3. Revision writing is going well. I'm a bit behind on my daily goals because I worked on something else one day. (oops, sort of)
4. I've outlined an unexpected non-fiction project. After copying out far too many pages for my homeschool co-operative classes before every Monday, buying new ink cartridges and a giant amount of paper, I decided to write out all my class notes and materials for one of the classes I plan to teach next year in a book format, tentatively titled:
Thank you for visiting, Nutschell! And although my writing desk isn't tidy or organized at the moment, I love your words, and your quote!
Remember to visit Nutschell at The Writing Nut, and get to know her more!

Celebrate the Small Things:
1. It's been a "normal" week, which feels odd, but restful.
2. Daylight Savings Time made it possible for me to get out and bicycle with my husband this week. I'm a wimp when it comes to bicycling in the dark.
3. Revision writing is going well. I'm a bit behind on my daily goals because I worked on something else one day. (oops, sort of)
4. I've outlined an unexpected non-fiction project. After copying out far too many pages for my homeschool co-operative classes before every Monday, buying new ink cartridges and a giant amount of paper, I decided to write out all my class notes and materials for one of the classes I plan to teach next year in a book format, tentatively titled:
The Art of Essay Writing: Essential and Advanced Practices for Essay
(It totally sounds pretentious, so I may have to change that)
Minions! Funny answer, Nutchell.
I will have to remember Bradbury's diet.
A non-fiction book - very cool!
Love those Minions! And the Bradbury quote. :)
I don't care for bike riding in the dark, either. I love that it's now lighter earlier, since I tend to be more of a morning person anyway.
Awesome interview with Anne. Love her quote.
And glad you're getting lots done.
Love the minions answer. Great interview, Nutschell. And congrats on your anthology release!
Your non-fiction project sounds excellent, Tyrean. Good luck with it!
Now that's a real One Word Interview. I failed at it, but The Writing Nut was great!
Daylight Savings has made my commute to work odd. I'm not used to seeing the slightest light coming over the horizon. I hate being in the dark by myself too.
Alex - I think Bradbury's diet sounds good to me too! And thanks - non-fiction is a leap for me . . . except I do produce a bit of it every week for the classes I teach.
Madeline - I love Nuschell's quote and the minions too. :)
And yes, it's nice having light in the morning.
Natalie - Thanks! I love her quote too.
And well, getting lots of things done is good, but I'm getting things done in an out of order way which I need to fix.
Julie - Thanks! I outlined it so I could get the idea out on paper and then get back to work on revising Champion in Flight.
C.Lee - you didn't fail. You were great, with your own style! But I like Nutschell's answers too. I think it's cool to see each writer's uniqueness in few words.
Dani - yes, the sun looks strange in the morning when we haven't seen it for a while, but having a little more light is nice.
I like a tidy desk, too. Congrats on the book, Nutschell. The release party photos at Lee's site yesterday were wonderful.
Thanks for having me here, Tyrean!!!
Loved all your questions :)
Alex, I do love minions--and not just the cute yellow ones in Despicable Me. I also love real life ones who help me out every now and then :)
Madeline, I had so many quotes lined up, but I picked Bradbury's as I thought it gave the best advice. :)
Natalie, thanks! I'll have to visit your blog soon. :)
Thanks Julie! The anthology was a team effort. I'm very grateful to my minions (aka CBWLA board members) for all their help.
Lee, I love this one word interview! I'm usually very wordy so this was a wonderful challenge.
Nutschell's writing habits are organized? Jealous!
Good luck with your nonfiction project, Tyrean! The topic for it is great. :)
Hehe, Minions :D
Great quote too, Nutschell!
Tyrean, glad you had a "normal" week and that revision is going well!
Gotta love the Minions Nutschell! "Read intensely" is good advice even for non-writers. Thanks for hosting Tyrean. I hope you guys have an amazing weekend.
Cool interview. Normal is good!
Minions!! Love it. :)
And that extra hour we got this week was wonderful. I finally feel caught up on my sleep.
Great interview! Love the concept of a one-word interview challenge. Brilliant idea.
I lurves me some Bradbury, Nutshell. Want to come tidy my desk?
Glad your week was normal. I wouldn't want to bicycle in the dark either.
Organised and tidy? I'm a tiny bit envious of that. Great answers. Minions is funny :-)
Ha! Normal weeks are welcomed in my house!!
How about this: "The Art of Essential Essay Writing"
Have a great, (normal!) weekend :)
It's that write everyday thing that's getting to me. I just finished my wip and edits to my 2nd book and thought I'd take an earned break. But that comes back to haunt me. Celebrating a normal week sounds good! Enjoy the weekend.
Nutschell- you're always welcome!!!
Heather - thank you!
SK - me too. Have a great weekend.
Maurice - yes, reading intensely is good. And I hope you have a great weekend too!
MJ - Thanks!
LG - getting caught up on sleep is very important.
Alana - thanks!
M Pax - me too. :) Normal is the new non-normal in my house.
Annalisa -yes, I'm a bit envious at the moment too. I feel like projects exploded at my writing space.
Mark - great idea! Thanks! Have a great weekend!
Catharina - yes, every day writing is tough for me - especially every day on one project. I'm too scatter-brained.
Non fiction - whee exciting! Glad revision is going well ;)
Viklit - Thanks!!! Hope you are having a great weekend!
The one-word interviews are so fun! Great to see Nutschell here. :) And love that quote!
Julie - Glad you enjoy them!
I love these one word interviews! And gosh... my writing life is anything but organized... jealous!!!!! :)
Wow, a one word interview would be hard.
Thanks for sharing your small things celebration. It's so important to find something to celebrate each day.
Minions. Yup, I like that one. But I'll never be able to use organized or tidy.
I don't bike in the morning but I do like it being light out when that alarm goes off.
nutschell!! tidy & organized, of course! love the one word interviews!
and tyrean, good luck with your teaching book! love unexpected surprisings, esp to ourselves!
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