Welcome back to the 1 Word Interview. Today, please welcome author, guitarist and super blogger Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh. Let's see how he does at the one word challenge:
1. What's your current favorite word?
Diametrically opposed (Sorry, that’s two!)
2. In one word, what inspires you?
3. What's one word that describes your writing habits?
4. What's one word that you wish you could get rid of in your writing?
Felt! (And not the Muppet kind.)
5. What's one word that describes your writing desk?
6. Share the best writing advice/tool/quote that helps you. (please limit to one sentence)
Two words – critique partners!
7. What's your current project?
If I continue writing, I have an outline for a new space opera.
8. What's your favorite part of your latest book, CassaStorm?
There is a scene in the final third of the book involving Byron’s son, Bassan, and someone he encounters in the desert, and I really liked their exchange.
By Alex J Cavanaugh
From the Amazon Best Selling Series!
A storm gathers across the galaxy…
Commanding the Cassan base on Tgren, Byron thought he’d put the days of battle behind him. As a galaxy-wide war encroaches upon the desert planet, Byron’s ideal life is threatened and he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans.
After enemy ships attack the desert planet, Byron discovers another battle within his own family. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, threatening to destroy the boy’s mind.
Meanwhile the ancient alien ship is transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life in the galaxy. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago could return. As his world begins to crumble, Byron suspects a connection. The storm is about to break, and Byron is caught in the middle…
“Cavanaugh creates such an unforgettable world, and these characters will stay with you long after their story is over.” - Cassie Mae, author of Friday Night Alibi and How to Date a Nerd
"Cavanaugh makes world building on the galactic scale look easy. The stakes affect the entire known universe and yet Cavanaugh makes it intensely personal for our hero. The final installment of this series will break your heart and put it back together." - Charity Bradford, science fantasy author of The Magic Wakes
“With a talent for worldbuilding and a compelling cast of characters, Alex J. Cavanaugh combines high powered space battles and the challenges of family dynamics to provide readers a space opera with heart.” - Elizabeth S. Craig, author of the Southern Quilting and Myrtle Clover mysteries
$16.95 USA, 6x9 Trade paperback, 268 pages, Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.
Science fiction/adventure and science fiction/space opera
Print ISBN 9781939844002 eBook ISBN 9781939844019
$4.99 EBook available in all formats
Find CassaStorm:
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Alex J. Cavanaugh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design and graphics. He is experienced in technical editing and worked with an adult literacy program for several years. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is the Ninja Captain and founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. The author of the Amazon bestsellers, CassaStar and CassaFire, he lives in the Carolinas with his wife.
Website – http://alexjcavanaugh.blogspot.com/
Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4287922.Alex_J_Cavanaugh
Thanks for joining me for the 1 Word Interview Challenge, Alex! I know what you mean about that awful word "felt" - however, it is slightly better than "was." Love your advice for critique partners - they are invaluable.
I'm loving this weekly hop hosted by Viklit, and I encourage everyone to join in and celebrate the small things - like getting a few sentences in every day, or getting a bit of that laundry pile folded. :)
This week, I'm celebrating:
1. Bike riding in November. I've only been out once or twice a week, but I'm still riding.
2. Thanksgiving is next week!!! I'm compiling a big thankfulness list!
3. Next week, I'm taking the week off blogging - mini-Thanksgiving vacation!
4. IWSG is right around the corner, and I know what I'm posting about. Wait, is that a good thing?
5. Misha's tenacity guest post on Wednesday is awesome! and I'm glad to have Alex here today!
Thanks for joining me for the 1 Word Interview Challenge, Alex! I know what you mean about that awful word "felt" - however, it is slightly better than "was." Love your advice for critique partners - they are invaluable.
I'm loving this weekly hop hosted by Viklit, and I encourage everyone to join in and celebrate the small things - like getting a few sentences in every day, or getting a bit of that laundry pile folded. :)
This week, I'm celebrating:
1. Bike riding in November. I've only been out once or twice a week, but I'm still riding.
2. Thanksgiving is next week!!! I'm compiling a big thankfulness list!
3. Next week, I'm taking the week off blogging - mini-Thanksgiving vacation!
4. IWSG is right around the corner, and I know what I'm posting about. Wait, is that a good thing?
5. Misha's tenacity guest post on Wednesday is awesome! and I'm glad to have Alex here today!