My theme this year is fencing and swordplay (mainly fencing).
Today's word: Invitation.
Invitation: a line that is intentionally left open to encourage the opponent to attack.
Usually if a fencer gives another fencer an invitation, that fencer is very sure of themselves, or happens to enjoy parrying and riposting without going on the attack first (again, very sure of their ability to deflect their opponent's attack). My first coach loved to give an invitation to new fencers, or fencers he thought needed a lesson in humility. With new fencers, he might allow them to get a single touch on him before as he taught them, but usually if he was inviting me to attack, I knew I was going to get thumped, and possibly thumped hard. That usually happened after I did something particularly arrogant, or assumed that since I had kept time with him during a practice session that I could hit/touch him. And just so you know, even with all the protective gear, if someone wants to give you hit you hard while fencing . . . you will feel it. I've learned to be wary of fencers who give an invitation at the beginning of a bout. Usually an invitation includes opening up the whole point area, usually turning to face the opponent with both shoulders and the full front exposed.
This video shows a Romanian sabre coach with an Olympic fencer. They aren't going full speed, by any means. Notice at the beginning, the coach seems to be inviting the fencer to hit him. It's a long video but you can get the feel of it within the first minute or so.
Other I terms:
Indie Life
Ok, I’m not a filmmaker, and I don’t even subscribe to Time
magazine, but I happened to be in a coffee shop last night with my daughter,
picked up the April 15th(how is that possible?) edition of Time magazine, and flipped
through it until I reached the back, where I read (not skimmed) a whole article
about an indie filmmaker named Shane Carruth. I haven’t seen his first,
Sundance Award winning film, Primer, but I felt drawn into his story, the story
of an independent filmmaker/storyteller who spent several years after his
initial success trying to get along with the mainstream Hollywood world, and
then ended up making his second independent film, Upstream Color. Now, I know
nothing really about his films. I don’t know if I would like them, or not. I
have no idea, but his story touched me. I loved this final quote by him.
“You don’t need to make a $100 million at the box office to
have a story that can be relevant in the culture for a long time,” he says. “You
just need to be earnest.”
I’m posting that on my board, and my kitchen cupboards. I
may not be a filmmaker, and my book my may never make $1 million dollars, or
even $1,000, but I know that I have a story that’s relevant. And no, I’m not
being arrogant, I’m remembering the sweet words of a young (12 year old) fan
that came up to me on Monday at a homeschool co-operative where I teach. I
apologized to him about the typos in his copy, feeling embarrassed that I hadn’t
caught them before several copies of my book had sold. He said, “A few typos don’t
matter if the story is really good, and you wrote a great story, the kind of
story that matters.” Wow. I just thanked him profusely at the time, but now I
have tears in my eyes.
So, from Shane Carruth to Time, to me, to you: “You don’t have
to make big bucks to have a story that can be relevant to the culture for a
long time, you just have to be earnest.” (paraphrase)
The one giving the invitation need to be capable, because I imagine that's embarrassing if they fail.
Diane - yes, it could be pretty embarrassing.
Another fencing term that I actually knew! Maybe I'm not so out of the loop after all :)
I agree with Indie post. The amount of money a story makes is no indication of how good the story really is.
It makes me think of Nicholas Sparks. The guy has made tons of money from his books, but they are by no means literary masterpieces.
Great post(s)!
Writing Through College
There's such an applicable life lesson from getting "thumped" to learn a little humility, isn't there.
I love that quote too-- may have to borrow it. What a great lesson in listening to and following our hearts.
Hmmm great post for pondering
I believe you and I would get along.
Not just because we homeschool (well I am retired now) but because we want "our kids" (when I say that I mean the collective of all the kids we have taught, influenced) to be challenged to use their minds, soak up information (hopefully good info), and with it go on to be great thinkers even leaders.
keep striving.
I have not made money especially since I have given more books away than I have sold. Fortunately, I have had people believe in my work so they have underwritten it and in so doing my work has been passed about globally.
In the end I hope we both have made a lasting impression (ha an "I" word)
today's inspiration
sorry I left a novella in your comment box
What a SWEET KID! That comment alone makes all the hours writing worth it!
Congrats Tyrean.....
Don't forget tomorrow...
Great thoughts for us all to remember when we get published no matter how many books we sell.
And BTW, I'm not on Twitter yet. I'm hoping to one of these days and will definitely follow you then.
I love this quote! I think I'm going to pin that one up as well, it's a great thing to remember.
I like your attitude regarding your book!!
Where I come from, we call that 'playing opossum' :)
Samantha - glad you knew this one too! And I'm glad you liked the post!
Julie - yes, sometimes humility comes with a little extra oomph. And I'm glad you liked the quote. I think following our hearts gives us stronger stories.
moondustwriter - that's wonderful that your work has become global! And novellas in my comment box are always welcome. Nice to meet you!
Michael - I agree! Comments like make all the hard work worthwhile!
And thanks, ahead of time!
Natalie - Glad you liked the thoughts on writing! sorry if I accidentally twittered your inbox this morning.
Julie - it is a great thing to remember!
Alex - Thanks!
Mark - I'll remember that. No opossum.
Never forget those words of your young fan! They will keep you going when you're asking yourself why are you doing all this.
I love your indie life post! Storytelling isn't about the mega-money or fame. It's about creating something people will enjoy.
Love that quote too. And it's so sweet that the boy said that to you.
Thanks so much for this post on humility. It's so refreshing to hear a person who knows the definition of true success. Best of luck to you in your publishing endeavors.
Visiting from A to Z.
Al - yes, those words are getting posted up on the board too.
Nickie- Thanks! That's so true.
Christine - Thank you, and I agree - it was super sweet.
Ingrid - Your welcome. I'm trying to remember that definition . . .and thanks!
What great feedback from that kid! That's gold.
Yeah, I think I'd be very wary of someone who was letting me attack.
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