The rules/instructions that go with The Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Thank the blogger who gave the award and provide a link to their blog.
2. Select 15 bloggers you've newly discovered or follow regularly and give them the award. (I expanded this to include some bloggers that I've followed for a long while, but have lost touch with recently so I'm rediscovering them)
3. Finally, tell 7 things about yourself.
So, again, many thanks to Yadin!
There are so many awesome bloggers out there, but I have to choose 15 . . .so the award goes to:
Joanne at 10minutes2breathe
Pam at 2encourage
Taryn at A Fool's Golden Paradise
Ali Cross
Susan J. Reinhardt
Christine at Christine's Journey
Luana at Emerald City
Jennie at Garden Full of Lily
Allison at GeekBanter
Laurel at Laurel's Leaves
Ellen at Pink Tea and Paper
Julie at Silver Lining
Tricia at Talespinning
Tara at TaraTylerTalks
Kathleen at Writing, Reading, and Life
Wait, I just noticed I awarded all ladies . . .I'm not sure how that happened. Sorry guys . . .but I guess it's ladies award day!
Now, seven things about me:
1. I love tea, but recently started liking coffee. It's part of the reason I stopped drinking caffeine. To join the legions of coffee drinkers in the Northwest seemed too lemming like for me. LOL - actually I stopped drinking caffeine because it was messing with my sleep and my diet. Mint tea, and Vanilla Chai Decaf are my favs right now.
2. I love to dance, but my left foot keeps me from dancing all that often. I love watching tap videos . . . like of Fred Astaire, Gene Kelley, my daughters, and Greg Russell. Who's Greg Russell? He's an awesome tapper and tap teacher who taught at a dance convention my daughters went to a few years ago. I'm not really into the Lord of the Dance type tapping . . .too stiff, no humor.
3. I love to laugh. Tonight I'm going to see Tim Hawkins and I'm looking forward to laughing until I roll around on the floor.
4. I love being a writer. I love writing, editing, and even revising although that part feels like work sometimes.
5. I love teaching. I love teaching my kids (we homeschool). I love teaching writing and literature classes at our homeschool co-op.
6. My name, Tyrean, is a name that my parents thought was unique. They made it up based on a character from a John Wayne movie that had two lines (I counted). His name was Tyre and he was a scout. They wanted my name to be more feminine (which to them meant it had to have an "n" at the end), and they didn't want it to have two "e"s in it. Hence, "Tyrean" pronounced with a "een" sound at the end but not spelled that way. Turns out there are many "Tyreans" out there - some from America and some from Ireland. I could tell many tales of mispronunciations and even arguments I had with subsitute teachers about the correct way to say my name. I even had an English teacher who told me that "ea" doesn't make a hard "e" sound. Hmm, really, what about "read, leak, teak, squeak, mean, lean"? I think in many ways my love of language came from the defense of my name.
7. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. My faith is part of all that I do, even when I make mistakes.
Very cool about how you got your name. I makes you unique!
I love to dance, too. I only do it in the privacy of my own home. Seriously, it's that bad. :)
Cool origin of your name.
I don't dance unless it's a slow dance and my wife pressures me into it. (I can go around in a circle while holding her, but beyond that, forget it.)
And since we are forgiven of our mistakes, it's all good!
Emily - Thanks! I thinks so too . . . but then someone stops me and says, "you look just like my aunt's friends's cousin" or something like that.
Alex- Thank you. As long as you dance with your wife, you're a good dancer. And you're right. Forgiveness makes it all good.
Tyrean: I know what you mean about teacher mispronouncing your name. My name has given me nothing but trouble. "Luana" rhymes with "you wanna" ... interesting.
I also love to dance and I LOVE Gene Kelly. Tim Rawlins is hilarious...I would love to see him perform live. I've only seen God Tube videos. I also love writing/editing etc. Anything with words.
Happy blogging!
Thanks for the shout out! It was nice reading all the intriguing new info about you :)
Keep up the good work and enjoy the weekend :)
Thank You! I loved how you got your name very cool!
Blessings, Joanne
Hi Tyrean (pronounced -een) -
Thank you for the award. What a nice surprise!
I always thought that was how it was pronounced, but I'm glad for the confirmation. No one had trouble saying my name, but there was too many Susan's. We were known by our first name and last initial.
Susan :)
Hi Tyrean and thank you so much for including me in your awesome award list. You make me want to dust off my dancing shoes. ;)
I love the origin of your name and the way other people try to tell you how to pronounce it!
Interesting names make for interesting stories!
Thanks! Enjoy your weekend!!!
Thanks!!! Blessings!
Susan - You're Welcome! Blessings!
Tricia - You're Welcome! and thanks!
Thanks so much for the award! The story of your name is interesting. I thought it might have to do with the Phonecian city of Tyre mentioned positively in Acts 21. A resident of Tyre would be a Tyrean. Of course, that would have a different pronunciation!
Laurel - You're Welcome! Your insight into the city of Tyre and the pronunciation of Tyrean is cool! Interestingly enough I always think of when Tyre is mentioned in the old testament and not the new . . . not sure why. But my parents weren't Christian when I was born . . . they were actively seeking God, but they didn't really know him yet. Having me, they had to turn to him and commit pretty quickly. :) - it's funny, but it's the truth too. I nearly died as a newborn, and then again when I was 2 and 1/2. My mom gave me into God's care completely and then started studying His word.
Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it on. I loved hearing about your name too. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes on your writing.
Thanks again!
Christine - You're welcome!!! Best wishes to you too!
Thanks so much for giving me this award! I already received it a couple times, but it is nice to be noticed anyway :) I am with you on your love of tea, but I can't stand the taste of coffee, though for some reason I like the smell! Also, I love your #7!
Thank you so much for the award! Sorry I'm so late picking it up - been under the weather and am just starting to feel better (knock on wood). I think your name is absolutely gorgeous!
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