The 5 Reasons to Write Series is mixing it up with the
Hero Lost Anthology Mysteries of Life and Death authors!

Please welcome Erika Beebe!
Five Reasons Why You Should Write Your Own Hero Story
1.) You can tailor you own hero to your most needed moment
Maybe you don’t need someone to lift cars overhead for you, but let’s say you DO need someone to do your much needed laundry over the course of the week…well…more than that at times? Why not picture your own version of Mr. Laundry Man? It might be fun. It might actually make you chuckle while you’re folding those dreaded crinkly clothes.
2.) Make your hero your IDEAL Hero.
As a kid I loved Tony the Tiger. He was bright. He had an awesome smile, but today, you wouldn’t see me sleeping with a stuffed orange tiger. But that’s not to say someone else wouldn’t prefer a superhero as a tiger or bear. Maybe you relate better to the animal world. Maybe your superhero is your grandmother and you want this hero to represent your own picture in your own mind.
3.) You get to decorate them!
From the costume to the colors, what’s not to love about that?
4.) Choose your own remote location to beam yourself in and out of their worlds.
Does the line, “Beam me up Scottie ring a bell?” Or a magic mirror into a world where you walk between them, or in and out of conflict? Maybe Krypton isn’t the place you want to frequent. Heck, technically it doesn’t even exist. But maybe a cool mirror would make your day, where you blink yourself in some orb to another choice location. A Harry Potter subway hole or magical seam to use when the crowd presses in, you really need to disappear?
5.) Finally, no one can argue with your hero.
You wrote it. End of story.
Erika Beebe: Writer, author, dreamer, she envisions the possibilities in life and writes to bring hope when sometimes the moment doesn’t always feel that way. Working in the field of public relations and communications for more than fifteen years, she has always been involved with writing, editing, and engaging others in public speaking. In 2013, her first short story “Stage Fright” published in One More Day anthology. Her two young children help keep her creativity alive and the feeling of play in the forefront of her mind.
Blog: Cloud Nine Girl @
Twitter: @cloudninegirl1
Instagram: erikabeebe
Tumblr: CloudNineGIrl
Two Facebook Options:
My inspiration Page: Cloud Nine Girl
My author Page: Erika Beebe Author
Erika is the author of "The Wheat Witch" - one of the 12 new stories featured in the 2017 IWSG anthology: Hero Lost: Mysteries of Death and Life!
Can a lost hero find redemption? What if Death himself wanted to die? Can deliverance be found on a bloody battlefield? Could the gift of silvering become a prison for those who possessed it? Will an ancient warrior be forever the caretaker of a house of mystery?
Delving into the depths of the tortured hero, twelve authors explore the realms of fantasy in this enthralling and thought-provoking collection. Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these twelve tales will take you into the heart of heroes who have fallen from grace.
Delving into the depths of the tortured hero, twelve authors explore the realms of fantasy in this enthralling and thought-provoking collection. Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these twelve tales will take you into the heart of heroes who have fallen from grace.
Coming May 2017!
Love the idea of tailoring the hero to fit your own needs! I think I'd want mine to dust. Dust Man? Carries a Dustbuster like a gun? Or uses a dust pan and broom like a shield and sword? :)
If he mows my lawn for me, then that's awesome! I won't argue with that.
And heroes come in such different shapes and sizes. They are an unlimited source of inspiration.
Our hero can be anyone we want to create.
Do I dare mention I still sleep with an orange stuffed tiger? His name is Eddie, not Tony though. LOL
Thank you Madeline. I think life would be really fun and entertaining if we could.
That sounds good to me. Plus, being able to make a man do whatever we want? When else can we do that?!
I could definitely use a Mr. Laundry Man today! I could also use a Grocery Shopping Man and possibly a Dishes Man.
Madeline - I love that idea. Dustman to the rescue!
Alex - Mower Man. :)
C. Lee - agreed!
Diane - Eddie the Tiger sounds wonderful!
Erika -thank you for this awesome post!
Stephanie - true.
Sarah - sounds like you need the Wonder Triplets. :) Activate: Laundry, Groceries, and Dishes.
Heroes can come in whatever forms we want them to! This was fun.
Thank you for letting me pop in and create something fun Tyrean. I had so much fun thinking about all the possibilities.
I don't think I've ever written a super hero. Maybe I'll give it try...:)
I want a Mr. Laundry Man. I'll call him, SuperMaid - does whatever a maid/butler/cook does. ^_^ Costume: yoga pants and tee for comfort, shiny blue cape that is there for no reason, and a tutu because it'll make me laugh.
All good advice:) Who doesn't love an ideal hero? :)
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