We won't get paid for this honor, and the journal is a celebration of tiny fiction, but I'm still excited and honored to be included with such great company - Madeline is an exceptional short fiction author.
And, then, there's this fun and awesome video celebrating 2016 with my daughters' team - created by one of the athletes:
My youngest has short, blonde hair and kayaks (two-sided paddle)
My oldest has long hair with blonde ends (usually up in a high messy ponytail) and canoes (one sided paddle).
If you watch, see if you can find them.
Celebrations help motivate me.
I am a total PLOTTER. I need organization. I also like to name things, people, places, stories, even scenes. So this topic spoke to me… I even gave a few chapter headings from all my books as teasers.
5 Reasons to Use Chapter Titles
As a Teaser/Preview - I like to hint what the chapter is about. And the hint lets the reader guess what’s coming
For a Character POV - I love how some books, like Game of Thrones, have characters for the chapters so I could look ahead and see when my faves were coming up
As a Quick Reference - I use them for myself whether I put them into the novel or not for organization. Like in my YA/Adult series Pop Travel, I have the list (with page numbers of course) so I know where to look for a certain scene or section as needed.
To be Quirky & Funny - I have fun coming up with the previews and teasers. I was raised to be punny =D
For Creativity - The process of devising them stretches the brain muscles!
As promised, here are some of my faves from my novels…
For my Pop Travel Series, the chapter names are just for me, they're not in the books.
From the middle Pop Travel. As you can see, I started very basic, until I switch series...
Saffioti & Jones
Miki & Jared
A few from Simulation, can't give too many or they spoil the story!
a new deal
C meets the C
G meets A
C chase
G&A investigate/C Slug
G & A trap
And here's a sneak peek at Disposal, these chapter titles are a little more detailed:
Passion in a pill
Jimmy's all-nighter
Get to work
Let's do lunch
Is he dead?
You can have him
Kids, nothing but trouble
You want me to what?
Torture Chamber
Thrill of a lifetime
For my Beast World Series, these chapter titles are totally in the books.
Chapters 1-16 From Broken Branch Falls
Careful what you wish for
Best laid plans
Meet cute
Leave the pranking to the pros
Punishment fits the crime
No pain, no gain
Phoenix from ashes
Cracking the armor
Hiding in the bushes
Here's the deal
A glimpse of hope
Smashed to pieces
Powder keg ignited
The big deal
Plan hatched
Werewolves? There wolves
And lastly, the first twelve from Cradle Rock
You Can't Live With 'Em
Sense of Insecurity
Up, Up, and Away
Fire It Up
Watch Out For That Tree
Pit of Despair
Without a Paddle
Don't Get Too Cozy
Forget Me Not
Sticks and Stones
Be Our Guest
I hope you had fun reading the chapter headers and maybe they piqued your interest! Thanks Tyrean, for letting me come over and be a part of my release party. I had a great time!
Do you use chapter titles? Give us a teaser!
CRADLE ROCK, Beast World Book Two
by Tara Tyler
Gabe the goblin just saved his town Broken Branch Falls from splitting apart. He also revealed that humans--horrible creatures of myth and legend--may actually be part of their history! But seriously? Nah!
Now Ona, Gabe’s girlfriend, is headed thousands of miles away to Camp Cradle Rock for Spring Break seeking evidence of humans. Gabe knows better than to tell a stubborn ogress she’s crazy, so he’s letting her go and spending the break at the beach like a normal teenage beast. And he’s determined to have a good time without her, whether he likes it or not.
But when Gabe hears Ona went missing, he and his friends set out for the wilds of the west to find her, no matter what dangerous creatures get in his way. Not even humans.
Tara Tyler has had a hand in everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After moving all over, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently she has two series, Pop Travel (techno-thriller detective capers) and Broken Branch Falls (fantasy adventures). To squeeze in writing, she economizes her time aka the Lazy Housewife. Make every day an adventure!
I'm also giving away signed copies of Broken Branch Falls and Cradle Rock, some Beast World swag, and a $20 GC!
Tyrean's Review:Cradle Rock is an excellently fun MG adventure through a fantastical world of Beasts and those strange mythical creatures, humans. Gabe, Ona, and their friends stumble into a human camp, nearly begin a war, and then . . . well, you have to read to find out! It's hard for me to review this one because I was so caught up in the adventure that I didn't slow down. The characters are fully developed, the world-building is insteresting and full of depth, and the plot rocks!
Thank you, fellow writers, for all of your encouragement!
Thank you, Misha and Beth, for hosting this hop!
I'm keeping this short today. My last post was a wee bit long.
My main November goals were:
1. - Thanksgiving - as an attitude and a holiday - Yes!
2. Exercise and Health - Hmm. Some. Lost my walking logbook, and had to guestimate.
Miles walked: at least 30
3. NaNoWriMo - 32,870 words - I'm way behind schedule, and I had to write three essay responses to questions about homeschooling for my daughter's college applications today. Why did we homeschool? 638 word response. What methods of evaluation were used: 235 word response. What classes were taken outside of the home? 427 word response. I have three more due by the first.
Update on NaNoWriMo - I squeezed through the finish line on Wednesday, just at 50, 102 words!
My December Goals Are:
1. Christmas Cheer!
2. Walk 50+ miles.
3. Yoga x 20 days of the month.
4. Write/Revise 25,000 words.
For Black Friday and Always:
Champion in the Darkness is free everywhere.
I have a bunch of short e-story books set free at Smashwords.
Maybe it's because of dietary restrictions in the house - think food intolerances and digestive issues to an extreme factor (eggs, dairy, gluten, corn - just to name the most annoying ones),
but I started focusing on giving thanks for Thanksgiving.
My father-in-law sits at the head of the table and tells Sven and Oly jokes.
Everyone is invited to the kitchen, before and after the feast, at my Aunt's house.
This year, we aren't getting together at my Aunt's house. It makes me sad. I'm missing my cousins - three of the younger ones are pictured here. And yes, we are all stuffing our faces on leftovers - just an hour after dinner. :)
This year is so different from previous years. Some loved ones are gone. Some have larger families that have invited them into new traditions. Every celebration is different, and yet, I still have thanksgiving in my heart.
Thank you, God, for giving me life!
Thank you, friends, for giving me cheer!
Thank you, family, for your love!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And, don't worry, I still eat turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and pie on Thanksgiving. It's just a little more creative.
I know that most people see this day as a day of insanity, rioting in stores, etc.
I know a wonderful group of people who see it as an opportunity to share..
On Friday, they have cookies to hand out to shoppers.
They do this every year.
They don't shop.
They go to share love, kindness, and Christmas cheer.
If people want to talk, they might share their faith (but only if asked).
They inspire me.
Who inspires you on Black Friday?
If you don't have enough to do/read/consume this weekend, check out these links that I ran across recently:
How Authors Can Build Their Audience on Instagram
Although - I have to say - it does matter how many times a day we post on instagram according to my two "in-house" teen experts. Once a day is best, twice is okay. Once a week is good, as long as it's on the same day every week.
The Social Media Frequency Guide
The numbers change on this type of article every time I read one, but it's good to stay updated on the latest data.
Black and White Publishing has a new way to publish books through youtube!
Check out this Flash Fiction story, "Breathe," by Milo James Fowler.
I really, really like this video: Know Your Why
And, this is a longer "Know your Why" type video about How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Do You Have Goals? - This Friday
IWSG and Dressember - December 7th
Guest Post by Tara Tyler - December 14th
Last Post Before Christmas/The Reader Edition - December 19th
Do You Have Goals? And Early New Year - December 30th What are you thankful for this year?
Thank so much for having me here today, Tyrean! More so, for inviting me to talk about two of my favorite things: writing and the paranormal.
Tyrean: Thanks for coming by, Christine!
The supernatural has fascinated me since I was a child. I was the kid who wished Halloween was every month, I picked up every scary book and film, and I was the always the first to investigate strange noises in the night. (I wouldn’t last long in a horror movie!) I had to share my love of the paranormal through my stories.
Here are five fantastic reason to write about the paranormal:
1) Escaping reality. Of course every story helps you escape from your every day life, but the paranormal can bring you into a whole new world. You can create a parallel dimension or craft a hidden society of wizards which exists within our mundane world. You aren’t limited by every day rules, but you must always keep in mind the rules of the world you do create.
2) In creating that world, you get to play with countless what-ifs. What if vampires were real and controlled all the major countries’ governments? What if powerful psychics banned together to control the world’s population through their cell phones? I always knew those things were going to land the human race in trouble! You can put forth a lot of food for thought with these what-ifs.
3) Supernatural characters are such fun to play with. Sure, they can shapeshift, have super speed, and can read your mind, but along with the strengths of being paranormal beings, they get the weaknesses. You can stick with the legends and have your vampires unable to go into the sunlight and your werewolves deathly allergic to silver. Or you can create new ways to torment your characters. And since your characters are supernaturally powerful, you can torture them in ways you couldn’t normal humans.
4) Most paranormal tales have elements of mystery and horror in them. It’s such an adrenaline rush to write the scary and suspenseful scenes. I love to get my heart pounding and bring goosebumps to my skin.
5) Wide-eyed wonder. Sometimes it’s difficult to put into words what you’re imagining in your head, especially when it isn’t real. Yet when you do find the right words, not only will you be happy, you will leave your readers in awe. The paranormal can be beautiful and horrifying, but it’s the otherness which attracts us. Every book which has made a lasting impression on me has hit me with this otherness, because I’m seeing something new and wonderful.
If you write paranormal stories, what’s your favorite thing about writing them?
And if you’re a reader, what’s your favorite thing about reading them?
Author Bio:
Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and geek mom. She has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood but make her a great Jeopardy player. She’s a proud member of Untethered Realms and S.C.I.F.I. She has one novel and several novellas and short stories published. Her newest urban fantasy series, Totem, is her biggest project to date and weaves ancient Inuit myths with modern day society.
A few notes from blog host, Tyrean: 1. "Rain Vigil" at A Story in 100 Words came out on Saturday. Plus, I have a vignette, "I am Patient," getting published in Vine Leaves Literary Journal tomorrow. 2. Children's author Stephanie Faris has a new book out in her Piper Morgan series!
Piper helps some four-legged friends find the perfect home in the third book of the brand-new Piper Morgan series.
3. Remember, if you want to escape reality with some wide-eyed wonder, read Christine!
Her latest book just came out!
No one messes with Saskia Dorn’s family and gets away with it.
The same murderous shifters who had hunted her sister have attempted to steal a magical totem pole. Since the pieces are scattered across Alaska, Saskia, a polar bear shifter, takes her search to the tundra for any signs of the lost totems. Cloak of Snow - at Amazon
Please welcome Lynda R. Young to the 5 Reasons to Write Series
5 Reasons to Write with Images
by Lynda R. Young
1. For inspiration: I once had an idea in my head about a place that functioned as a warehouse/shopping mall. It had to be different but I couldn’t see it. So I looked up ancient buildings in Google Images and found the perfect place with the perfect feel. It turned out to be a European Cathedral with vaulted ceilings, and a sense of awe seeping from the walls. The image helped me describe this strange place and brought the story alive.
An example: Click this Link
2. For posts: When a blogger or social media guru posts articles, the pieces are imminently more readable and engaging when images are included—whether they are graphs, photos, or drawings. In this visual culture, people are attracted to imagery and the pictures break up the text to make it easier to digest and understand.
3. For grounding: When a writer writes with word pictures—not just the description of the setting, but also what the characters are doing, feeling, smelling—the reader becomes grounded in the story and far more invested. The reader isn’t left in the dark to fill the gaps. They are, instead, carried away into a sensory experience, rich with imagery. They know exactly where they’ve been transported.
4. For engagement: To mix up the way you say things in your writing is to help keep the reader engaged. For example, the use of figurative language like analogies, similes and metaphors helps paint a picture in the reader’s mind that offers them a different perspective on a subject. Even using general description—a word here, a sentence there—can build a remarkable picture for the reader that will stay with them for a long time.
5. For sharing a passion: Passion is often displayed through the teller by the indepth way they speak or write about the object of their passion. The more detail, the more pictures painted in words, even actual pictures, the more others understand the depth of that passion.
So there you have it: my five reasons to write with images. What would your reasons be?
Lynda R. YoungLynda R Young writes devotionals, articles, and speculative short stories. In her spare time she is also an editor, game developer, artist, and dabbles in photography and all things creative. She lives in Australia with her sweetheart of a husband. You can find her here: Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads
Her debut daily devotional, Cling to God, can be found here: Amazon Paperback, Amazon kindle, Nook, B&N, Kobo, iTunes, Goodreads. A few notes from blog host, Tyrean: #1 Lynda's devotional book is one of the best devotional books I've read in years. I haven't finished it yet because I'm savoring it. I highly recommend it! #2 Crystal Collier's newest book came out last week and I missed the party. :( So, let's throw confetti and dance for her book and Lynda's at the same time.
#3 I had a unexpected novella come out. See story about that here. I am working at getting the latest pdf from my small press publisher for some reviews. If you are interested, please e-mail me here: tyreantigger (at) gmail (dot) com - it's a paranormal early MG novella. #4 I had a drabble published and a poem published in the last five days. If you have time, read them here: "Guidance Counseling" at The Drabble and here: "Waves" at Leaves of Ink. And, currently Seven by Twenty is running a series of Twitter-sized stories: "Selkies," "Wind-walker," "Rain Blanket," "Swim Lessons," and "Sorrowing Rain" - all coming out this week. Now, please, dance with Lynda and Crystal!!! Celebrations commence!
November's Question:What is your favourite aspect of being a writer?
My Answer: Traveling to distant lands of imaginary landscapes with new characters in new situations is my favorite part, especially when it feels like it's all flowing onto the page right!
Now, the next day when I look back at it and it looks like gobbledygook, that's no fun.
But traveling to distant lands of imagination is awesome!
Now, please welcome, Jeff Chapman, an amazing novelist and short story writer, who has 5 Reasons to Write on his iPad. 5 Reasons to Write is an ongoing series, separate from IWSG
Jeff Chapman's
5 reasons to write on your iPad
I used to write all of my first drafts by hand with pen in a notebook. I'd cross out words and phrases and then I'd scrawl replacements in the margins with arrows or circled numbers to keep track of what went where. Later, I would attempt to decipher the gobbledygook. Typing the manuscript took a very, very long time. I couldn't always read what I had written. I needed to do something to increase productivity, but composing a first draft at the keyboard doesn't work for me. I like to write curled up on the couch with a cat purring on my lap. Enter the iPad and the Hanx Writer app.
1) The iPad is portable. I can carry it with me everywhere, which means I can write whenever I have the time.
2) I am not tied to a desk or table. I can write lying flat on my back in bed or sitting on the couch or sitting on the beach.
3) I love the typewriter sounds. I use Hanx Writer as my text editor. There is a free version, but an upgrade is necessary to get multiple documents. The keyboard look and sound effects mimic a manual typewriter. I love the clickety, clickety, clack, and there's a clunk when you touch the shift key. Maybe the noise gives me the sense of working hard. Writing is for the most part a silent endeavor.
4) I can read what I've written. Putting the first draft into a story editor is now just a matter of copy and paste from a pdf. I email the current draft to myself as a pdf at least once a day. This also gives me a backup copy on an email server.
5) Just like a typewriter, I have complete control over the text and layout. There's no auto correct or capitalization going on. It's a first draft, who needs fancy formatting?
Jeff Chapman writes software by day and speculative fiction when he should be sleeping. Fueled by dark hot chocolate, his imagination churns out dark, creepy, comic fiction ranging from fairy tales to fantasy to horror and ghost stories. His latest tale "The Flaming Emerald" appears in Ghosts of Fire. Check out Jeff's website at www.jeffchapmanbooks.com/.
Just last night during a random search at Amazon, I discovered that a small press publisher published a novella of mine in August. I didn't know it was out.
Here's the story behind the novella:
It all started with an acting gig for my daughters who were in one of the episodes of a youtube series, and then I was asked to write a novella for one of the episodes, creating my own B plot. (This makes it sound like I live in Hollywood, but I just live on the rainy Washington peninsula. For those non-USA folks, this is the peninsula that sticks out slightly on the left hand side of the US, separated from Canada by the Juan De Fuca.)
I signed a contract just to write the book.
I conducted research on the series and the B plot, wrote it, received editorial feedback, and made changes to the novella - all in two months. It was a wild run down an unexpected path. I had never written paranormal, or MG, or mystery. I had never taken a script to a novella format, or created a B plot to intermix with someone else's A plot.
I had my doubts, sure, but I felt pretty good about my writing for it, and I hoped my B plot character, Muriel (a selkie), would add to the overall novella's tension with her quest to find her father interesecting with the MC's quest to discover the secret of a mysterious lady.
I enjoyed the writing of it, edited it as the publisher asked, and then didn't hear anything. I finished the whole project almost two years ago.In fact, I thought the whole project was just lost, gone down the tubes, and forgotten for all eternity. But, here it is:
Plot A is based on the script of the youtube series, and Plot B was my own creation. They are woven together in the book.
Here's the blurb from Amazon:
Ghost Sniffers, Inc. is a paranormal investigation firm run by nine-year-old Faith Forge, a little girl whose Type 1 Diabetes gave her the ability to sniff out ghosts. But she’s not the only one with a “trade-off power.” In the fictional world of Ghost Sniffers, Inc., all young people with life-altering medical conditions or disabilities have super powers. United with Forge, these brave investigators solve mysteries that are serious and silly, wacky and witty.
A lighthouse keeper's love might be a selkie, so Forge calls on Maxo, Spark, Skully, Gogo, and Captain Snakes to help. But a shocking turn of events leads to the biggest cliffhanger of the season.
Based on Season 1, Episode 5 of Ghost Sniffers, Inc., the television and web series where the actors’ real-life disabilities become super abilities, Eight If By Sea is a novelization with a twist written by Tyrean Martinson and approved by the show’s creator, Jennifer DiMarco.
So, I contacted my publisher last night and they sent an immediate response sometime late in the night. Somehow, I missed an announcement two months ago . . . not sure where that is. I searched for it and didn't find it; but in any case, the book is out now. So, I'm celebrating a little late.
Onto Goals
My main November goal - Thanksgiving!
Secondary goal: Exercise and Health
Third goal: NaNoWriMo (with the main and secondary goals always before it) My NaNo name is: Tyreantigger - however, I'm not usually social via NaNo, sorry. :(
October Finish Line Results:
Words Written: 12,081 (not even half of my goal)
Stories accepted for publication: 1
Stories rejected: 6
Stories on submission (new count today): 18 - Including a new one to IWSG! Many thanks to our beautiful host, Misha, for editing "Of Words and Swords"!
Miles Walked: 36
Miles Biked: 0 Agh. I may get out this weekend.
A NEW Exercise Practice: Brazilian Jujitsu and MMA!!! So far, I love it.
Our whole family is going two to five days a week.
Book News:
Cling to God in the chaos of life...
Cling to God is a book of devotionals for every day of the year. The aim is to encourage Christians in their faith, to help them think about their beliefs and learn more about God. The devotions are short and inspirational so that people with busy lifestyles will still able to spend time with the Lord each day.
(So far, I'm only a bit into the devotional and I love it!!!)
If you need a little music inspiration, listen to "MOVE"
And, I found another video just recently that I really liked. It's about knowing our purpose and how that can make a difference.
Are you on the move? And why? How can knowing our purpose make our writing more powerful? BTW, I'll be taking part in the Trick-or-Treats Read Hop on Monday and I'll be co-hosting IWSG next Wednesday.
5 Reasons to Write with Pinterest by Kendra E. Ardnek
Several years ago, my mom told me
to get an account on a website called “Pinterest” because she said it looked
cool. I agreed that it looked cool, but I really didn’t know what to do with
it, beyond creating a board for stuff I want in my future house. That is, until
I discovered the writing side of Pinterest. Now I’m here to talk about the
value of writing with Pinterest.
Casting and Setting Simulation. (I like alliteration). We’ll start with the
straight up obvious use. Finding that perfect face for your character, or
getting the aesthetic of your setting just
right. Thanks to Pinterest, I know that I want Eddy Redmayne to play Andrew
when Water Princess, Fire Prince is
made into a movie and that red leaves instead of green in Colluna will be TOTALLY
gorgeous. Basically, Pinterest is the place to go to get visuals for your
Prompts and Inspiring Images. So once you’ve dug past the surface use of
Pinterest and you’ve given a face to all of your characters and your setting is
so real that you could almost go live there, there’s another reason to hang
around Pinterest – the prompts. Some people have whole boards devoted to them.
Some of them are short, some are long. All are awesome. And while you were
looking for the pictures that fit what you already knew of the story, you
probably found a whole TON of pictures that just screamed “include me!” and
made you want to add twelve new characters and create a world where trees have
bubbles for leaves. In fact, I can point to a number of scenes in my newest
release that were inspired by specific images that I found on Pinterest.
With Other Creative People. Pinterest is a form of social media – it’s made for
sharing and organizing ideas. You can use Pinterest as a tool to find other writers
and explore their story ideas, or you can link Pinterest to your existing
social media and your blog and show off your ideas. However, if you don’t want
to be public, there is the option of a secret board.
Advice. Pinterest isn’t just a place to collect images, but you can also
collect the articles behind the images – articles about opening sentences, how
to write a good prophecy, the creation of characters, anything about writing
that someone has thought to give advice about. You can find a lot of helpful
quotes from famous authors and quotes that will encourage you to keep writing
when you feel you can’t.
finally, Co-writing. I’m co-writing a few books, and I’ve found Pinterest to be
an invaluable tool for sharing ideas between me and my fellow writer. We have a
place to share our images of the characters, the prompts and quotes we think
will fit the mood of the story, and recently Pinterest added a chat feature to
group boards that, though I’ve not tried it, I think will be great for co-writing.
Just … one point of caution on
Pinterest. Don’t get absorbed and forget to write.
Book Description:
Two girls with one face
Two girls with twisted fate
One in purple, one in red
One shall speak the other’s death
Who shall win their final war?
Lady Dragon or Tela Du?
Amber, the Lady Dragon, has been promised a
fifty-year reign over Rizkaland and nothing can stop her from claiming it. But
when you've lived six thousand years, fifty is such a pitiful number. Only one
person can keep her from making this reign permanent - the Tela Du, a girl who
shall share Amber's face.
The last thing Petra wants is a magical world
interrupting her plans for a normal life, let alone an ultimate battle against
the Lady Dragon with only one prophesied survivor. She has her childhood best
friend, Reuben, at her side, but she's not sure if he's more of a help or a
hindrance right now. Though she'd much prefer to just return home and forget
about this whole crazy affair, things change when she discovers that the world
has surprising connections to her own family - including her sister who
disappeared without a trace two years before. Still, Rizkaland can't possibly
expect her to risk her very life, can it?
Author Bio:
Kendra E. Ardnek is a homeschool graduate who picked up a pen at an early age
and never put it down. The eldest of four, she makes her home in the Piney
Woods of East Texas with her parents, younger siblings, giant herd of
giraffes, and honor guard of nutcrackers.