Friday, November 28, 2014

Do You Have Goals?

Do You Have Goals? is hosted by Misha and Beth and has been a huge help for me this year. I've been encouraged by this great group, and I've discovered that even in my meandering months where it feels like I'm getting nothing done, I actually have made progress.

Next month, I plan to do a whole year wrap up.

For now . . .


For some reason, just writing the month name and saying it in my head seems to say it all. But then, I realize that no one reading this lived my November with me.

So . . . lots of family stuff (good and bad), changes in schedule, holidays, and planning for holiday events . . .

NaNoWriMo Attempt - AGH! I did want to win. I had a plan. Then, I had a plan B. Then, I had a plan C, then D, then . . . well, it didn't happen.

There is a part of me that loves NaNoWriMo, but the last few years have chocked up fails for me. I wish that it were some other month, like . . . well, ok, maybe March? I don't know.

However, I did get around 30,000 words written on various projects - Champion's Destiny, Captain Wrath, "The Clover Wars: A Seedling Story," a hint fiction story that I wrote and subbed for Write 1 Sub 1, and some world building notes for all of those plus others. I actually have this weird, massive idea of trying to world-build a bunch of different story ideas together . . . in some kind of crazy series. I'm not sure that will happen or not.

Then, I outlined a romance story about a skier and a snowboarder . . . kind of a star-crossed lovers idea that I've had ever since I picked up a funny postcard with Romeo and Juliet misquoted by a girl skier and a guy snowboarder. The "angst" between the two groups has gotten better, but it's still there. I know this because I'm a skier (who has snowboarded) married to a snowboarder (who used to be a skier), and there are people we meet who really think that's there's some kind of problem with that . . . which is just weird to me.

Basically, I planned to win NaNo and my brain and my life said, "Squirrel!" over and over again.

How did your November go? Have any crazy ideas or "squirrel!" moments?

#FridayFreebies -  Dragonfold and Other Adventures and "The Bridge Snap."


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Why would there be a problem with a snowboarder and a skier getting together?

You did good hitting 30,000 words. November is a tough month. December would be worse though.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

30K is a big number in my opinion. I had a good November writing but I'm having some doubts about December.

Tyrean Martinson said...

It feels like a pretty big number to me too. :) I don't know what December will look like for writing, but my goal is to get a little in each day.

Tyrean Martinson said...

It's odd, but despite the efforts of many hybrid skier-snowboarder families, there are those who are just in the "only my kind of ride" ranks.

And thanks! December might be worse, but my goal is to write a bit each day.

Spanj said...

Fellow NaNo failure here! I used to love it and win every time with a week free, but it just doesn't fit into my life anymore. But that's ok, not everything is meant to be a part of our lives forever, right? And yay for all the writing you did get done.


Misha Gerrick said...

Yeeeeeeaaaah November's been a rough month on me too. But hey, at least we got some writing done. Which is really the important thing. :-)

Writer Pat Newcombe said...

Nanowrimo has a lot to answer for in terms of pressure on writers! But then again, I think that sometimes it is just what is needed to stop the procrastination.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to Captain Wrath. I don't do NaNoWriMo, but I am averaging 1K a day this month. If I can stick with that throughout the year, I'm usually content.

Unknown said...

30k is nothing to sneeze at, plus you got some story organization/outlining done on the snowboard vs skier one. I think that's great! Don't be hard on yourself - give yourself a pat on the back for what you accomplished! :)

cleemckenzie said...

Lots of words there, girl! Here's my pat on the back for having a goal and doing something about it.

Maurice Mitchell said...

I have a lot of "squirrel" moments but they're usually followed by "ah ha!"

Jack said...

Sometimes life and NaNo don't mix. But your skier and snowboarder idea sounds really great! I'm a snowboarder who used to be a skier...or both. I still ski, but I get a lot of the weird moments too, so your idea sounds doubly fun!

Morgan said...

30,000 words is AWESOME… truly AWESOME. You definitely need to be proud of that!!!