
Friday, November 30, 2012

U Got the Look

I've been tagged for the U Got the Look meme by Ilima Todd!

All I have to do is go to my current WIP, hunt down the word "look", and post the surrounding paragraphs. I've had two projects going this month, my NaNoRevMo project: Champion in the Darkness, and my NaNoWriMo project: The Identity of Captain Wrath. So I thought I would give you a "look" at both.

From Champion in the Darkness:

He smiled at her, and then looked down at his papers. “You’re expected,” he said. “Although you’re younger than I thought you would be.”
Clara merely nodded, knowing that she was younger than most students who entered their mastership. At fifteen, she had already passed up students two to three years older than herself. But as Salene had pointed out, she had been under the tutelage of two unofficial masters, as well as her assigned Master teacher.
“You’re to wait there, by the doors to the Chamber,” said the sword guard.

“Thank you, sir,” said Clara. She walked slowly over the doors, which she had been looking at every day since her first day as an apprentice seven years ago. The doors were carved with several scenes, the history of the Champions of Septily, with the first Champion overlapping the two doors at the center. Champion Elar had fought back the divisive forces of the Dark Sisterhood and brought seven kingdoms together to form Septily itself. Space around the scenes left room for future Champions.

From The Identity of Captain Wrath:

“Would anyone care to wager on the outcome?” asked Doug, looking around the crowded barracks.

“You’re going to bet on your own fight?” asked Wistar, his Elvanen friend, who stood taller and leaner than the rest.

“Well, that would be cheating,” said Doug slowly, “so of course not.” He smiled at Reynad. “But if you,” now he looked at Wistar and their other friend Smith, “would like to place a wager on me, I’m sure you’ll get your money’s worth out of it.”

And I would like to pass this meme on to Julie Luek at A Thought Grows, Allison at Geek Banter who has a new blog look today, and Jack at Hapharzardly Improbable.

Thanks everyone for your graciousness yesterday!
I will have a final update on project goals on Wednesday next week for IWSG.

Life keeps being interesting around our house and within our family - my father-in-law spent a few hours in the hospital the other day for some heart issues - we joked later that he was just jealous of the attention my dad got (they know each other pretty well). Thankfully, everyone is on the mend, and we all still have our humor intact.

Despite all that's going on, my family and I are taking a day off today to see the King Tut exhibit. I'll be in blogland for a bit this morning and this evening. Then this weekend we plan on getting our Christmas Tree, and doing some decorating around the house . . .so we have a packed weekend ahead of us.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In Which Time as I Make VERY HUGE MISTAKES and have to apologize to everyone

You know the old chapter titles in books that start with a description of events like "In Which Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets Into a Very Tight Place."

Yeah, that title fits me right now. Big mistake, Huge Embarassment, Tight place.

So, I hosted a giveaway for Emily Ann Benedict's book. She and I exchanged a flurry of small e-mails.

It turns out that I thought she was giving away a copy of The Father Christmas Confessions when in actuality she was giving away a copy of her book Only Angels Are Bulletproof.

Umm, oops.

And then it turns out that she legally can't give away a copy of The Father Christmas Confessions.


So, Livia is still the winner of an Emily Ann Benedict book, just not the one that I thought she won.

And I owe everyone who entered and Especially Livia and Emily, a HUGE APOLOGY.
Already I've already sent a red-faced e-mail,  but I thought I should say I'm sorry here too.

Please forgive me. 

And the Winner Is . . .

Livia is the winner of The Father Christmas Confessions Giveaway!!!

Remember, if you didn't win, The Father Christmas Confessions can be found at Amazon.

And I have to admit that I forgot something, or well, a couple of somethings, on my Monday post:

Emily and Tammy are hosting the And You Are? Blog Hop on Monday, December 3rd. It's going to be a fun fest.

Monday is a very busy day, but the more the merrier, right?

Then on Wednesday we have IWSG by Ninja Captain soon-to-be-roasted Alex.

And Thursday is the first ever Writers 4 Writers event!!!

And the linky list for Hobbit fest being closed? It's fixed!!! Please sign up today! Either go to my last post, or hit the tab on the top of my page labeled Hobbit Fest!

Today, I'm working at catching up with all of you in blogland, NaNoRevMo, and a little more for NaNoWriMo. You may have noticed that those numbers for NaNoWriMo haven't moved in a long, long while . . .yeah. I've noticed that too.

I didn't crash Wonder Woman's invisible plane again, but I decided I needed to prioritize, and getting Champion in the Darkness completely ready for publication in February 2013 is taking the top of the list (well, after family and stuff like that).

I love The Identity of Captain Wrath, but I don't think I'm winning NaNoWriMo this year with that book. I have a new plan for that book - more to be revealed on IWSG, next week.

Our dear friends' daughter Jessica who has been in the hospital since early September, and who has been through two major spinal surgeries, will be coming home tomorrow. It's a bittersweet homecoming.  There's an ambulance ride involved and Jessica will be on complete bed rest and unable to move her back/spine even to sit up for the next six weeks. They are basically moving the hospital room equipment into the living room of their house. So . . .I'm hoping to stay involved in blogland, and get my writing done, but I feel like I need to be there for them too. If my attention is a little divided, I hope you understand.

All your prayers for my dad's recovery from pneumonia are greatly appreciated, and if you could pray for Jessica for the next six weeks, I would really appreciate that too.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Giveaway, Giving Back, and FESTS!!!

The Father Christmas Confessions Giveaway is starting right here and right now!!!

Emily Ann Benedict is giving away one kindle copy of The Father Christmas Confessions this week, and all you have to do is write a comment below to enter! I'll be putting your names into a hat, literally, and then having one of my kids pick one out - I know this isn't tech-savvy, but it works. The drawing will take place late Tuesday night and the winner will be announced Wednesday morning (Pacific time).

So, first, who is Emily? She's a really sweet blog buddy of mine who I've known since the beginning of my blog days when I had no idea what I was doing. I used to lurk around her blog to see how a blog really worked. She gave me one of my first awards, and she's a fantastic writer. In addition to The Father Christmas Confessions, she's also the author of Only Angels Are Bulletproof, a sweet romantic mystery.

I asked Emily how The Father Christmas Confessions started, and this is her answer:

"My family has a very serious tradition every Christmas. We simply try to watch as many Christmas movies as we possibly can. Whether it is a big Hollywood hit or a simple TV movie, we’ll watch it just so long as it is about Christmas. I guess one year I must have overdosed, because I starting thinking about how I would write a Christmas story. Well, with a head full of Christmas history and Hallmark Channel amusement, I started with the idea of re-writing the Santa Claus legend and it all went downhill from there."

Official blurb for The Father Christmas Confessions:
 What if Santa Claus isn’t one man? What if he is a secret organization?

Jeremy Ogden has 25 days to accomplish his mission and a list of people whose lives can be changed forever if he makes it to them in time. He just has one big problem…And her name is Virginia.

Virginia Kipyard is the last girl Jeremy wants holding his family’s ancient secret, no matter how many times his mother suggests she’s “the right girl.” But if he wants to save the life of the next man on his list, he might just need her help.

The “season of miracles” is about to take on a whole new meaning, even for Father Christmas.

If you don't win a copy, I highly recommending purchasing one for .99 at Amazon.


Julie Luek has invited all of her blog-friends to give their love for books to First Book, and has created this cute button:

First Book donates books to children, contributing to the efforts of literacy everywhere. What better way for writers to give back than donating books and nurturing the love of reading in children?

And now onto the LONG LIST OF FESTS

Trisha at Word + Stuff is celebrating her blogiversary with Baby Faces Blogfest on December 2-3!

Lynda R. Young at W.I.P. It is celebrating the publication of her short story, Birthright, with the Make Believe Launch Party on December 3rd. (two celebrations in one day, no problem, right?) She's also starting her book blog tour that day!

 Mark Koopman, Morgan Shamy, Stephen Tremp, and David Powers King have teamed up for the Cheers, Cavanaugh Fest.

     In Mark's words:
Ever attended a Christmas party where you bump into the person who was always there for you during the last year. You’d thank them for being such a RockStar, right?

If there’s one person in the Blogisfear who you want to say cheers to, who would it be?

For us, it was a no-brainer: Alex “no hyperlink needed” Cavanaugh.

Alex is an awesome blogger who’s helped hundreds of us via book releases, guest posts, guest interviews and always positive comments. While we can’t have a live part-ay for the Ninja Captain, we can host a BlogFest.

In +/- 20 words, what does Alex look like?

In +/- 20 words, who could play Alex in a documentary? (Living or dead.)

In +/- 20 words, who does Alex remind you of?

In +/- 100 words, (excluding the title) write flash fiction using all these prompts:


For Bonus Points:
In +/- 40 words, leave a comment for Mrs. Cavanaugh - thanking her for sharing J

Join the Linky List
Be a follower.
Post your 200 (total) word contribution Monday, Dec. 10.
Have Fun!

Two winners – chosen by Alex – will each win one prize:

FIRST PLACE: A signed copy of CassaStar. (Or CassaFire)

GRAND PRIZE*: A picture of Alex and a download of him playing the guitar. (There might be another prize… all depends!)

This fest runs December 10-12th!

Plus, Don't Forget Hobbit Fest!
I'm teaming up with M. Pax for this fun fest on December 14th! Check out the tab on the upper right for more info!


What is your favorite hobbit characteristic/or the one that you think closely resembles you . . .?
If you could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast and a perilous unexpected journey – which would you prefer?
Have you ever left behind something on a journey (expected or unexpected) and wished you could have it over and over again? (a pocket handkerchief?)
What is your Favorite part or quote from the book that you hope will be in the movie?

Have you signed up for these fests and celebrations? Planning to give back in some way this December? and are you ready to win a copy of The Father Christmas Confessions? Be sure to comment below!

And again, many thanks to those who prayed for my Dad last week . . .he's out of the hospital and getting good rest at home.

Friday, November 23, 2012

A Very Happy Thanksgiving

My dad was released from the hospital yesterday in just enough time to make it to our family Thanksgiving Feast. He didn't stay too long, still feeling tired, but I'm very glad that he made it, and felt well enough to come and even tell a few stories.

His main priority is rest for the next few months.
So I'm giving him a few books to read . . .like whole series of books . . .

I hope all in blogland had a very happy Thanksgiving too!!!

Oh, and I won the awesome 500 follower giveaway from Cassie and Tara - Thanks Ladies!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wreck It Ralph, Road Dancing, and Thanksgiving

Wreck-It Ralph Posterfrom IMDB

Wreck-It Ralph is definitely a movie for gamers who like a redemption style hero's journey.

Yes, it's a Disney movie, but it's just a little different all the way through, and I liked that. I got the sense that most of the movie critics that they didn't really know or understand half of the game references so don't go by professional reviewers opinions.

Altogether, my family thought the movie was extremely clever, and held a few unexpected twists that we enjoyed.

So, Huzzah to Wreck-It Ralph, a Disney movie for 80's gamer nerds . . .and maybe their kids too.

Road Dancing What is that you might ask? Just this thought-provoking fun quote from Tim Hawkins, comedian:

"Make the world a better place today. Instead of responding with road rage, try road dancing. They won't be expecting it."

So, as we go into Thanksgiving weekend in America, with huge dinners, and sometimes long miles traveled, or if we celebrate Black Friday (the biggest shopping day of the year), I suggest we all try a little road dancing, or turkey dancing, or mall dancing. The world won't be expecting it.

If you would like a fresh perspective on Thanksgiving, check out Julie Dao's post, Stuck in Traffic . . .Or a Reality Check!

And . . .this added after I wrote the post - please pray for my Dad. He has pneumonia, a high temp, and will be in the hosptial for the next three days. On a good note, he still has his sense of humor and it was funny hearing him tell the admitting doctor about all of his injuries - mainly because he kept not mentioning them, and the doctor would move on, and then my dad would tell him about another one. I'm thankful that he is in good spirits and he's in good care.

Psalm 69: 30 "I will praise God’s name in song
and glorify him with thanksgiving.

Psalm 150
"Praise the Lord.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,
 praise him with timbrel and dancing,
praise him with the strings and pipe,
 praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord."

Monday, November 19, 2012

An Interview with Nickie Anderson

Way back in May, or June, Susan Kaye Quinn had a post that included a critique partner match up.
Thanks to Susan, I met Nickie Anderson of Here's the Story, and we became critique partners. She's been a huge help to me, and I've had the privelege of reading her book Bright Star.
So, although I posted about her release on Friday, I just had to interview her, to find out exactly what her secret is for awesome writing.
Tyrean: What are the steps you took to create your novel? Are you a plotter or a pantster? Did you create the world first or the character?
Nickie: By nature, I am a total pantser. I first tried writing a novel back in 2008, a YA paranormal with mummies. I just wrote, wrote, wrote, and after about 20,000 words I realized all I had was a hot mess.
I tried rewriting a few times, changing the POV and so on, but each time I realized that what the story was actually missing was a plot. That's kind of important.
Writing fell by the wayside when I was in college, but after I graduated and had some free time I wanted to try my hand again.
For 'Bright Star' the world came first, but the characters took over! In fact, I had to do some major rewrites in the first draft because a few of my characters refused to cooperate with my original plot. (I liked their ideas better, though!)

Tyrean: I loved seeing Sadira grow as a character throughout the book. I was impressed at how you showed her becoming more confident in herself as she uncovered more secrets about the world that surrounds her.

Was that part of the plan from the beginning, or did her character develop as the story progressed?
Nickie: I wanted to show some kind of character growth from the beginning. I feel like I've seen too many YA novels with protagonists who are super strong, deadly, butt-kicking machines. What about the rest of us? It's not a relateable character. It seems like it's almost taboo for the character to be scared.
With Sadira, my goal was to create a more realistic teen, one who would be terrified by the events in the story. Her strength isn't hand-to-hand combat -- it's pushing forward even when she's scared to take another step. And with each successful step, she has a little more faith in herself.

Tyrean: Do you feel your book falls under one category more than another? YA, Dystopian, SciFi, Adventure, Fantasy?
Nickie: I feel like 'Bright Star' straddles a few categories. It's definitely YA, but has hints of all these other sub-genres, especially dystopian and sci-fi. One of the most fun trends in YA today is the mashup of different sub-genres, the mixing of different ideas to create entirely new worlds. For example, 'Blood Red Road' was an awesome blend of dystopian, action, and fantasy. I hope that trend continues.

Tyrean: As a writer, who/what encourages you to write?
Nickie: I've always enjoyed writing, but until this last year I never really considered writing a novel. But here's the thing -- it isn't a chore at all. Those characters have come alive for me, and they're constantly giving me new ideas, encouraging me to share their story. We'll be seeing more of Sadira -- she still has a few more stories to tell me.

My biggest inspiration, though, is being a part of the age-old tradition of story telling. It doesn't matter if it's a book, movie, TV show, play, or song -- we all love hearing a story, love that moment of being able to step outside ourselves.

It's bad enough that Sadira Pascal's father doesn't make it home to celebrate her fifteenth birthday. He might be a busy hovership engineer pulling overtime on a new design, but he's always been home for the important things. It's worse when she discovers her father decided to ride on the maiden voyage of his newest ship, the CAS Bright Star, without even telling her. But things really fall apart during Sadira's field trip with her class to observe the hovership launch. Instead of a successful flight, she watches the Bright Star fall out of the sky.

The Central government confirms her father's death, leaving Sadira to pick up the pieces of her former life. While she struggles with her loss, Private Baruj Haddad tries to convince her that her father and the rest of the Bright Star crew are still alive. At first, Sadira doesn't believe there's any hope. But then she stumbles across a message that makes her think maybe, just maybe, her father is still alive. As she digs deeper into the Bright Star's crash, Sadira uncovers secrets about her father's work, secrets that put her and everyone she loves in danger.
Bright Star can be found at: Amazon B&N and Smashwords
You can also put it on your to-read or read shelf at Goodreads
Nicke is running an Indie giveaway of Bright Star this week on her blog. Go check it out at Here's The Story!
Thank you Nickie for being an awesome critique partner!

If you haven't seen it yet . . .I also have to give a huge shout out for this awesome blogfest for the most encouraging blogger I know:
Details can be found at several sites . . .I don't have time to list them all at the moment, but you can stop by the very embarassed Alex's blog and find out more.


Friday, November 16, 2012

I Miss You Blogfest, Bright Star Release, and Jousting!

It's here, the Oh How I Miss You Blogfest, co-hosted by Ninja Captain Alex Andrew and Matthew.

Three bloggers I really miss:

Melissa from Through the Looking Glass hasn't blogged since May 2011, but I still haven't taken her off my blog roll list. Why? Because I miss her humor, her wonderfully fresh and honest posts, and her sparkling personality. I don't know what happened to her, but I miss her presence in blogland.

Carissa Taylor is a blogger I found just last year near the end of A to Z. I felt like I just started to get to know Carissa and her sense of humor, and then she disappeared. Come back Carissa!

Nikki at Inspire Nordic dropped off the blog-sphere unexpectedly in September. Again, I was a fairly new follower. I admit I probably didn't stop by often enough to let her know how much I liked her Nordic, family, and writing inspired posts.

One of the many bloggers I would really miss if he stopped blogging:
The Amazing, Spectacular, Always Encouraging Ninja Captain Alex!
I know this is a given. Every blogger I know could name Alex. Why? Because he is always supportive, always upbeat, always encouraging, always helpful. His posts are witty, and he always takes time to highlight other writers and bloggers. He rocks the word encouragement like no one else I know in the blogworld.

Thank you Alex, Andrew, and Matthew for hosting!!!

and in other news . . .news that I wish I had released earlier in the week . . .

Bright Star Book Release
My awesome critique partner Nickie Anderson released her newest book Bright Star.

It's bad enough that Sadira Pascal's father doesn't make it home to celebrate her fifteenth birthday. He might be a busy hovership engineer pulling overtime on a new design, but he's always been home for the important things. It's worse when she discovers her father decided to ride on the maiden voyage of his newest ship, the CAS Bright Star, without even telling her. But things really fall apart during Sadira's field trip with her class to observe the hovership launch. Instead of a successful flight, she watches the Bright Star fall out of the sky.

Available at Amazon B&N Smashwords and listed on GoodReads

I highly recommend this book. I've read it twice, and I plan on reading it again! Nickie has created a new and interesting world with compelling characters with secrets to uncover.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! This is the last day to participate in M Pax's Jousting Tournament. Pray tell if you have stopped by and given a loud Huzzah to your favorite knights this week. Knight Light has been flickering in and out of action, but I'm still on the field (I think). Pray tell is the phrase you need to double each Huzzah!

And Tara Tyler and Cassie Mae are having a 500 follower giveaway with awesome prizes!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanks for your Prayers . . .and other news

Thank You for your prayers for Jessica!

Jessica's surgery went well, and she is recovering in the ICU (as expected). She has a four month long recovery ahead of her, with at least a month of it in the hospital. Your continued prayer support would be awesome.

I had the privelege of sitting with her parents yesterday for a few hours, and I am, as always, amazed by their strength and their faith. They had to wait two hours between each update from the surgical team, and the surgery went for 8 and 1/2 hours. With the two hours Jessica spent with the doctors and nurses pre-operation, and the time she spent with them post-operation, her parents had to wait 12 hours before they could be with her again. Even after running that marathon of waiting, they took the time to update their caring bridge site and give thanks to everyone for all their prayers.

So, again, thank you!

In other Thanksgiving News, Angie from Notes from the Writing Chair is hosting a Thanksgiving blogfest called Putting Thanks and Giving into Thanksgiving.
Also, this Friday, Ninja Captain Alex Andrew and and Matthew are co-hosting the Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest.

 Be sure to check it out!

Plus, Jessica Bell's book, Show and Tell in a Nutshell is out!
Available at Amazon US Amazon UK and Kobo
In Show & Tell in a Nutshell: Demonstrated Transitions from Telling to Showing you will find sixteen real scenes depicting a variety of situations, emotions, and characteristics which clearly demonstrate how to turn telling into showing. Dispersed throughout, and at the back of the book, are blank pages to take notes as you read. A few short writing prompts are also provided.

Not only is this pocket guide an excellent learning tool for aspiring writers, but it is a light, convenient, and easy solution to honing your craft no matter how broad your writing experience. Keep it in the side pocket of your school bag, throw it in your purse, or even carry it around in the pocket of your jeans or jacket, to enhance your skills, keep notes, and jot down story ideas, anywhere, anytime.

In NaNoWriMo-land, I struggled to get any writing done. If you look at my word count meter on the right side, you'll see that I'm far behind. I'm ok with that on the days when I feel like my writing went well, but yesterday was one of those days, when nothing seemed right. For instance, even my characters were realizing that they were out of character yesterday.

“That horrible parrot?” said Telli. “That thing could bite off her finger, and dwarvans don’t have puny fingers.”

“He’s actually a very nice bird, if you treat him right,” said Doug.

“You’re definitely going to have to work on getting into character,” said Reyla. “Captain Wrath would never describe Mr. Polly as a ‘very nice bird.’”

Doug sighed. “You’re right.” He went to run his hand through his hair, but stopped when he touched the greasy wig. The glue was still itching him, or maybe it was just the nasty hair.
In NaNoRevMo-land, I revised three measly paragraphs worth of writing. On the upside, I don't think I need to revise those three paragraphs again.
 And Knight Light is still jousting at M Pax's Jousting Tournament - so please stop by and give me a Huzzah and a Pray Tell!
And Julie Luek put together a post full of revision tips, and one of mine made it into the post! However, I think you want to go to her post here, and check out what all the other awesome writers had to say about revision.

And my awesome critique partner Nickie Anderson released her book, Bright Star. More info on Friday and next week when I host her on my blog.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Prayers for Jessica

Jessica is the eight year old daughter of a friend of ours. She's sunny, smart, musical and a book reader. She loves a good joke, and she really likes Disney fairies. She's courageous and joyful in the midst of hard circumstances.

She's been in halo traction for the last 10 weeks in a children's hospital, and today she is undergoing a spinal fusion surgery. At 6:30 a.m. she'll be taken to pre-op, and at 8a.m., her two surgeons and team of specialists will start an eight to ten hour surgery to straighten and fuse her spine.

Her brother, her grandmother and grandfather will be waiting by the phone. Her mom and dad will be in a waiting area of the hospital all day with a pager in their hands.

Please take a moment and pray for Jessica, for her family, and for her medical team. Pray for a miracle, pray for peace, pray for strength, pray for endurance, pray for wisdom, pray for the surgeon's hands, and pray for an outcome of joy.

This is Jessica and her family at a Halloween party hosted by a church near the Children's hospital. She's in traction with a walker - and they walked to the church. She and her brother (in the lego suit) won a couple of the costume contests. (she's a cat, but had a fairy costume in reserve, just in case)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Jousting Tournament and Launch Party!

A New Adult Urban Fantasy, The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear is the first book in a new series. And it’s now out! The main character, Hetty, is a twenty-two-year-old, stumbling about in an effort to become a full-fledged adult. She struggles with self-esteem, weight, relationships, and making the transition between college and the real world.

Graduation from community college isn’t the magic elixir Hetty Locklear counts on for becoming an adult. Her parents, who work the Renaissance fair circuit, insist she spend part of the summer with them. Hetty doubts pretending to live in the Middle Ages will help her find her way.

 To make it worse, an entity haunts her at her dead-end job, warning her of a dangerous man she doesn’t know. The ghost leads her to a lover who has a lot of secrets. He pulls her farther into peril and into a strange, hidden world of genetic experimentation.

New Adult Urban Fantasy with a contemporary sci-fi twist. Mature content.

Available as an ebook at Amazon / Amazon UK / Smashwords / iTunes / Kobo

(B&N is coming – visit for other links)
I am Knight Light!
M. Pax is celebrating her latest release with a jousting tournament and contest at Help me win. To score points I need you to comment at her website before Saturday, November 17th, and tell her you’re cheering for me, Knight Light to earn me a point. Score me an extra point by using the medieval phrase pray tell, which means ‘please tell me’. Example, I’m here for Knight Light. Pray tell, what is the current score? (You may rewrite the example)
For each day you comment, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a free ebook of The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear. Tell all your friends. Win me the championship! Win a book! Huzzah!
Remember, comment for KNIGHT LIGHT!
and if you haven't already, sign up for Hobbit Fest. M Pax and I will be co-hosting Hobbit Fest on December 14th!

On a completely different note, for you music lovers, we happen to kind of know a lead singer who will be performing at the HMMAwards  on Thursday night. He's the son of some friends of ours from our church . . .check out this interview and this preview clip of his band's album Zelodius.

And I just have to throw this in at a later moment in the morning . . .I just saw this cover, and loved it!
 Congratulations ali, on a beautiful cover reveal!

Friday, November 9, 2012

A Taste of NaNo - both kinds

So, I'm flying the invisible airplane of superwoman (I'm not her, but I'm borrowing her plane for the month), and I'm trying to both revise Champion in the Darkness to it's final, completely done finish (is there such a thing?) for NaNoRevMo and write a new novel for NaNoWriMo 2012.

Today I thought I would give everyone a taste of each. (Plus this way I can say that I'm blogging and working at the same time, right?)

Here's a bit from a chapter I'm working on for NaNoRevMo (about 130 words):

Clara pivoted to watch Helena climb up the short ladder to the forecastle.
“I think I saw a real mermaid!” Helena pulled on Clara’s arm and pointed out to the open sea.

Clara didn’t see anything, and then, close to the boat, a woman’s head came to the surface. Clara gasped, and the woman saw her and ducked back under again.
“A mermaid?” Stelia asked quietly from behind them.

Dantor said, “A fanciful –
“No, a sign of Kalidess’s minions,” said Stelia darkly.

“Like the snake woman in the tunnel?” asked Clara, although she already knew with the sinking feeling in her stomach that it had to be like that. Only people changed by sorcery could take on the appearance or partial shape of a creature.

“Worse,” said Stelia.
Unfortunately, Stelia's comment reflects how I feel about my revision work on Champion at the moment.
However, I'm also working on The Identity of Captain Wrath, and here's a small slice of that. BTW, Doug will become Captain Wrath, but he's going to mess up seriously before he gets to that point.

          It all started innocently enough, with a card game in the barracks during off hours. Doug was winning. His side of the table held a dozen credit slips, a pink slip for hover-bike, and a few watches. Doug loved card games of all times and cultures. His Grandad, Grand Admiral Cranton the first, had taught him all the tricks before he even started standard school lessons. He knew that some people felt that counting cards and reading player’s faces was tantamount to cheating, but he figured that if they all played to their fullest ability, then he shouldn’t have to hold back. Besides, it was easy. Any fool smart enough to make it into the Spacy Navy should be able to do it.
          Unfortunately, the Space Navy admitted even bigger fools, like Reynad Colter from the Eutrope Moon Colony.
        As Doug won another game, sweeping up the cards from the table, Reynad stood up, and knocked the whole table onto Doug’s lap.
So, how are your writing projects going?
And have you signed up for Hobbit Fest yet? Or joined M Pax's jousting tournament?
Watch out for Knight Light!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Superwoman Falls from the Sky: IWSG

So, I realized the other day that recently I've tried squeezing into a superwoman suit. I'm into NaNoWriMo, NaNoRevMo for the last revision of Champion, blog fests, and all the other stuff I do in life.

I was flying pretty high, feeling good, keeping the invisible plane at a good height from the ground (you know, so no one actually could see me in that skimpy superwoman suit).

Then life interference flew into one of the engines, and it died.

I had to fight for control, cut the power to the remaining engine so I didn't spin, and take a long glide down, down, down to cold waters of Puget Sound.

My tiny little superwoman outfit isn't made for swimming in 50 degree waters.

Thankfully, I managed to check my radio before the plane became water-damaged.

That's the story of my writing week so far.

Thankfully, the awesome bloggers of blogland came by to cheer me up, wrap me in blankets of love, and warm me with cups of encouragement. (Thanks to the I'm So Thankful blog hop led by Tara and Viki - you both are wonderful superwomen!)

So, this superwoman (not) is climbing back in her invisible plane with some organized lists, a pocket timer with a really loud ding to keep me on track with my writing, and a full set of clothes.

I'm not sure what this says for IWSG except that I love the writing community here, and I hope I can encourage some of you the way that you've encouraged me. Also, I highly recommend having a writing timer, and making space for your writing, even if it means squeezing it in around other commitments.

 And, because I don't think I said it enough times on Monday,


Why? For being awesome, supportive, encouraging, and for sticking around and reading all my ups and downs.

Check out the I'm So Thankful Blog Hop entries - they rock!

Sign up for Hobbit Fest - details on the tab on the upper right!

Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm Thankful for my Readers! .

Dear Readers,

You have stood by me and encouraged me every step of the way in my writing journey. You've been there when I've been down, and you've lifted me up. You've been there when I'm up, and you've just lifted me up higher . . .sometimes with words of wisdom that I didn't expect. :-)

You've read my poetry, my flash fiction, and my story starts. Some of you have even read some of my devotions. You've read portions of one of my novels, or you've read the whole novel. Then you critiqued it, and read it again.

You'e read my blog, and shared your insights. I've read your blogs, and found inspiration!

You are:
my amazing critque partner, Angela Anderson (author of an awesome, upcoming YA scifi/dystopian novel);

my youngest daughter with her eagle eye for detail;

my mom, who never just tells me what she thinks I might want to hear, but gives it to me straight;

my oldest daughter who liked my story so well she read it without prompting from me;

my husband who reads my writing and looks at me with surprise ("it makes me wonder what you think about all the time!") and then gives me loads of encouragement;

my friend Trina who has encouraged my writing since I let her read that terrible story in 8th grade about the boy and the secret note (one of my few attempts at romance);

my niece who was so excited about drawing my cover that she brought her whole portfolio over to my house, sketched out ideas for an hour, and then said she would try to draw hands (one of her least favorite things to draw);

my friend Susan who asked me to recite one of my poems at a gathering (I gulped and turned red, but I appreciated the thought);

my blog buddies who have encouraged me with awesome comments about wanting to read my stories, and who have helped me set up a blog tour!!!!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

I'm over my word limit, and I haven't even named all the names . . .please know that I appreciate you and I am especially thankful for you.

With love, and lots of Big Hugs!

-Tyrean Martinson

And I'm thankful for Vikki and Tara for setting up this awesome blog hop of Thanksgiving!

NaNoWriMo and NaNoRevMo
NaNoWriMo news: Doug is on his way to becoming Captain Wrath in the Identity Crisis of Captain Wrath! My husband was home when I wrote the court-martial scene, and was on hand for all the military jargon questions I had for him.
NaNoRevMo news: I finished critiquing my critique partner's novel, and sent her the last half of mine. I'm continuing to revise one chapter at a time, even before I get her notes, which I know is dangerous.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hobbit Fest and other Awesome Happenings!

 Hobbit Fest is Coming and the Linky List and Details are here!!!
M Pax from Wistful Nebula and I are co-hosting.

 To participate:

1. Sign up on the linky list.

2. Post your answers to the four questions on December 14th.

3. Visit all the other Hobbit Fest participants December 14th.

What is your favorite hobbit characteristic/or the one that you think closely resembles you . . .?

If you could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast and a perilous unexpected journey – which would you prefer?

Have you ever left behind something on a journey (expected or unexpected) and wished you could have it over and over again? (a pocket handkerchief?)

What is your Favorite part or quote from the book that you hope will be in the movie?

Other Awesome Happenings:
Monday is the beginning of the I'm Thankful for my Readers blog hop!
Then, we have IWSG on Wednesday!
The 12th begins M Pax's Jousting and Tournament Launch Party for the Renaissance of Hetty Locklear - get ready to vote for Knight Light!
And, on November 16th, there's the Oh, How I Miss You blogfest!

Plus, we have all month to cheer on all the crazy NaNoWriMos out there. (I'm probably the craziest of the bunch with edits on one book, and writing another)

In December, there's already three fests going on:
Hobbit Fest - see above and page on the upper right of my blog, or at Wistful Nebula.
The Haphazardly Implausible Book Blog Party
and The It's Time to Give Back blog fest.

And Many Thanks to all of you who have been so willing to host me for my book blog tour, even if I don't have my book cover or many details up yet!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

And I realized that many of you may not even have read my blurb yet. So here that is:

Champion in the Darkness is a YA Christian Fantasy about Clara, a young swordswoman apprentice. When the Dark Sisterhood and the Drinaii attack the capitol of Septily, Clara is forced to flee with a ragtag group of survivors. They will return, but only the power of the Champion can break through the darkness.