
Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm Thankful for my Readers! .

Dear Readers,

You have stood by me and encouraged me every step of the way in my writing journey. You've been there when I've been down, and you've lifted me up. You've been there when I'm up, and you've just lifted me up higher . . .sometimes with words of wisdom that I didn't expect. :-)

You've read my poetry, my flash fiction, and my story starts. Some of you have even read some of my devotions. You've read portions of one of my novels, or you've read the whole novel. Then you critiqued it, and read it again.

You'e read my blog, and shared your insights. I've read your blogs, and found inspiration!

You are:
my amazing critque partner, Angela Anderson (author of an awesome, upcoming YA scifi/dystopian novel);

my youngest daughter with her eagle eye for detail;

my mom, who never just tells me what she thinks I might want to hear, but gives it to me straight;

my oldest daughter who liked my story so well she read it without prompting from me;

my husband who reads my writing and looks at me with surprise ("it makes me wonder what you think about all the time!") and then gives me loads of encouragement;

my friend Trina who has encouraged my writing since I let her read that terrible story in 8th grade about the boy and the secret note (one of my few attempts at romance);

my niece who was so excited about drawing my cover that she brought her whole portfolio over to my house, sketched out ideas for an hour, and then said she would try to draw hands (one of her least favorite things to draw);

my friend Susan who asked me to recite one of my poems at a gathering (I gulped and turned red, but I appreciated the thought);

my blog buddies who have encouraged me with awesome comments about wanting to read my stories, and who have helped me set up a blog tour!!!!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

I'm over my word limit, and I haven't even named all the names . . .please know that I appreciate you and I am especially thankful for you.

With love, and lots of Big Hugs!

-Tyrean Martinson

And I'm thankful for Vikki and Tara for setting up this awesome blog hop of Thanksgiving!

NaNoWriMo and NaNoRevMo
NaNoWriMo news: Doug is on his way to becoming Captain Wrath in the Identity Crisis of Captain Wrath! My husband was home when I wrote the court-martial scene, and was on hand for all the military jargon questions I had for him.
NaNoRevMo news: I finished critiquing my critique partner's novel, and sent her the last half of mine. I'm continuing to revise one chapter at a time, even before I get her notes, which I know is dangerous.


  1. I lost it on your husband's comment!
    We won't give up on you. Just don't give up on yourself.

  2. Lovely, Tyrean.

    I just realized I didn't thank my family in mine. Oh well. Yours is great! :)

  3. you have so much support! its all give and get around here! wonderful words of praise! thanks for always being there for me! and doing our hop =)

  4. This is such a great way to thank those who have supported and encouraged you!

  5. Great post. I am thankful for you, Tyrean!

  6. I'm with you. What would I do without my writing friends who read my work and catch me when I try to take short cuts.

    Good luck on the NaNo!

  7. What a lovely set of thanks, and I loved your husband's comment! How lovely to have such support around you and thank you for joining in the bloghop, very heartfelt thanks.

  8. A very beautiful and heartfelt Thank You, Tyrean. Much love back atcha with all the wonderful encouragement you share. Good luck in pursuit of NaNoWriMo and NaNoRevMo victory :-)

  9. Love it! And I snickered at hub's comment as well. So cute. :)

  10. I love how you thanked our family. The whole world needs Moms who gives it to us straight.

  11. It takes a village to produce a novel, doesn't it? This was so sweet. :)

  12. Tyrean, you have been a blessing to me. :) So glad we met through blogging. Sending hugs your way!

  13. I'm glad I bumped into you, Tyrean. This is all the easier with support from you and everyone else.

  14. Alex - Thanks! I won't!!!

    Emily - your post was lovely too. I forgot to thank a few people too.

    Tara - Thanks for always being there for me too!!!

    Sherry - Thanks! I agree - this is an awesome blog hop!

    Angie - I'm thankful for you too! Hugs!

    Viklit - and a big hug of thanks for you for hosting!

    cleemckenzie - Thanks!

    Angela - Thanks for all your encouragement!

    Cassie - Thanks! My hubs makes me smile . . .

    Scribbles from Jenn - agreed!

    Laura - Yes, it does! Thanks!

    Karen - you've been a huge blessing to me! Hugs!!!

    M Pax - I'm glad I bumped into you too! The encouragement and support from the blogworld is awesome!

  15. Support and encouragement goes along way in this writing community! It binds us together as one, as a family! WE ARE A FAMILY!

    Lots to be thankful for! This community is awesome! :)

  16. Such a sweet post! You're family sounds very supportive. That always helps when one writes.

  17. Your family sounds awesome. My husband is the same way. haha. He knows I'm always off playing with my imaginary friends.

    Great post!

  18. Wow...such an awesome support network. =)

  19. Great post! Best of luck with NaNo!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  20. My family has been beyond incredible with their support as well. I'm glad that we have people we love there for us! New follower :)

    Writing Through College

  21. Yay to having so many people to thank.

    It must be handy to have someone in the know for military jargon :)

  22. Its great to have a family member read your books. My wife hasn;t read mine. She said she'll wait for the movie. I hope that was prophetic.

  23. Ah the joys of writing, eh? It's always a roller coaster. --And what a great list of readers you have! Any person with such a crowd of cheerleaders is destined to succeed.

  24. Livia - I agree! This community is awesome!

    Jack - Thanks! They are, and it helps a lot!

    Tamara - They are! Love how you put that about your husband!

    E. Arroyo - Agreed!

    Allison - Thanks! You too!

    Samantha - That's great! I agree - people who support us are wonderful!

    Lynda - It is!

    Stephen - It sounds like she believes in your writing and your storytelling! My husband doesn't read everything I write . . . just some of it.

    Crystal - it is always a roller coaster, and I am very thankful for the crowd of cheerleaders!

  25. This is a wonderful tribute!
    Besides your bloggy friends, you're blessed with an amazing family-based support structure, including hubby and 2 daughters... how awesome is that?

  26. Hi I'm visiting from the bloghop and am following now. This is such a lovely post. It sounds like you have a great and talented family.
    I look forward to getting to know you :)

  27. michelle - Thanks! I am very thankful to have such a wonderful group of supporters!

    Suzanne - Thanks for stopping by! I'm looking forward to getting to know you too. :)

  28. It sounds like you have a great support system, Tyrean! :D

  29. Aww, beautiful letter. I'm glad you have these wonderful people in your life and that all of us in blogland have each other. Now I'm off to join the Hobbitfest - sounds fun!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!