
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Superwoman Falls from the Sky: IWSG

So, I realized the other day that recently I've tried squeezing into a superwoman suit. I'm into NaNoWriMo, NaNoRevMo for the last revision of Champion, blog fests, and all the other stuff I do in life.

I was flying pretty high, feeling good, keeping the invisible plane at a good height from the ground (you know, so no one actually could see me in that skimpy superwoman suit).

Then life interference flew into one of the engines, and it died.

I had to fight for control, cut the power to the remaining engine so I didn't spin, and take a long glide down, down, down to cold waters of Puget Sound.

My tiny little superwoman outfit isn't made for swimming in 50 degree waters.

Thankfully, I managed to check my radio before the plane became water-damaged.

That's the story of my writing week so far.

Thankfully, the awesome bloggers of blogland came by to cheer me up, wrap me in blankets of love, and warm me with cups of encouragement. (Thanks to the I'm So Thankful blog hop led by Tara and Viki - you both are wonderful superwomen!)

So, this superwoman (not) is climbing back in her invisible plane with some organized lists, a pocket timer with a really loud ding to keep me on track with my writing, and a full set of clothes.

I'm not sure what this says for IWSG except that I love the writing community here, and I hope I can encourage some of you the way that you've encouraged me. Also, I highly recommend having a writing timer, and making space for your writing, even if it means squeezing it in around other commitments.

 And, because I don't think I said it enough times on Monday,


Why? For being awesome, supportive, encouraging, and for sticking around and reading all my ups and downs.

Check out the I'm So Thankful Blog Hop entries - they rock!

Sign up for Hobbit Fest - details on the tab on the upper right!


  1. Hi Tyrean,

    I wrote down all the stuff I needed to complete in November and wanted to throw it away and crawl under my bed. All we can do is the best we can. Superwoman needed a nap every once in a while.

  2. I was so focused on all my writing goals for November feeling, yes, like a super hero. But alas, it seems like time obstacles, holidays included, are rearing their heads. Not all of them are avoidable. I may have to .. gasp... settle for being an ordinary, multi-tasking, frazzled writer.

  3. that's another reason I don't do nano. I'm plenty busy as it is and to require myself to write that much each and every day would just do me in. Glad you're back up in the air again :)

  4. sydney - I agree.

    Julie - I know what yo umean.

    Mshatch - Nano is stressful but usually good. I'm mostly back in the air . . .

  5. And that's what IWSG is all about, I think, support. Which you're getting when you can say you love the writing community.

  6. I'm glad you're back in the air! I'm trying to put my cape back and on get there too. Loved this post!

  7. Our blogging community of writers is fantastic. I love it too!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  8. Julie - Glad you're getting your cape back on! Keep flying/writing!

    Allison - Agreed!

  9. That made me laugh. Very glad you put on the extra clothes. Made me feel quite chilly! Now get back out there and keep on writing!

  10. I'm doing NaNo and revising another WIP this month. So far, so good, but I'm starting to feel the outfit is getting tight. Thanks for sharing this, and I completely agree about the support and encouragement of our wonderful writing community.

  11. That's the spirit! Dry off and get back in that plane.

  12. Pat Wood - Great! I'm glad I made you laugh - I had hoped I would. Thanks!!!

    Christine - glad I'm not the only one . . .best of wishes on your writing!

    Alex - I will!

  13. Hobbit fest is a great idea. Hope you're at crusing altitude by now.

  14. Superwoman is a tough gig. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. :)

  15. Life really gets in the way of things, doesn't it? I try my best to work around it and I'm proud of it.

    Sure, I make over commit in the blogosphere but I end remembering all the dates (which blogfest is when, which blog tour is when, etc.) in end! Don't know how I do that with my busy life! Must have good memory :)

  16. I've been feeling pretty good about myself, too, and then I realized next week and the week after will be insane. In fact, I was so wrapped up in everything ELSE going on that I forgot my birthday was coming up in less than two weeks. How weird is that?

    I'm glad superwoman got back into her invisible plane. Fly high!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  17. Putting pressure on ourselves by taking a lot on sometimes works but often it has the opposite effect. Maybe stop and set smaller goals which are actually acheivable. It's great to be superwoman but she is a fiction character - and she probably does not have to cope with real life! Glad to hear you are back up again and ploughing onwards. You'll get there and you'll acheive all you want, I'm sure... but maybe a bit slower?? The very best of luck - you deserve a medal for trying to do so much... And I do love the little story of superwoman plunging into the sound and then!

  18. Sometimes the hardest part is picking yourself up, dusting (or drying) off and persevering. You've got that going for you, so you're one up on most.
    I agree. The blogging community is awesome!

  19. The writing community is so wonderful, isn't it? So supportive!

  20. Susan - Thanks! I'm almost at altitude with my writing, still climbing.

    Brinda - me either.

    Livia - I know how you feel. I've been using the calendar section of my e-mail program far more often these days to remember things - even blog fest dates.

    Shannon - Happy Birthday early!!! Take some time and celebrate your life!

    Pat - there's definitely a reason that superwoman is fictional . . .I think that my revision is going to end up being slower, and my NaNo novel may end up finishing in December.

    Heather - the writing community is awesome!

    Talli - so supportive, so true!

  21. my superwoman suit got lost at the cleaners...but we carry on anyway, right?
    i love timers, but sometimes i dont hear them (or ignore them)...

    dont burn out! thank you, too!

  22. Ha, I like the way you described that; fun to read. :) Being Superwoman is way overrated! Sometimes we get a lot done doing it, but it's easy to crash. Rah for supportive community!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. You've got excellent weapons for heading back on your quest, and it's a pretty cool chicka who can jump right back in, undaunted, after dealing with those inevitable life interruptions. :)

  25. Yep, I'm doing a little free-fall myself at the moment. And yes, the blogsphere is an amazing, encouraging place and keep all involved in this community sane.

  26. Every time I read a post like this, I feel such a surge of gratitude for the writing community. How many other industries have such supportive kind folk? I feel so lucky to have chosen this path, and all the wonderful people I have met because of it!


  27. All authors need encouragement, and a lot of it! It is great to have it, and the blogging world seems to have some of the best.

    Oh, vinilla chai is wonderful. I don't find it often, but when I do I like to have a big mug. Also, peppermint tea.
    I like coffee only if it is flavoured and on a sugar high. I can't stand it plain.

    My pirates loved their moment of frying as well. Since none of them are good at cooking, I think they enjoyed the bacon, until I have to make them into pirates who can fly.

  28. Sometimes we just have to admit we can't do it all.


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