
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In Which Time as I Make VERY HUGE MISTAKES and have to apologize to everyone

You know the old chapter titles in books that start with a description of events like "In Which Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets Into a Very Tight Place."

Yeah, that title fits me right now. Big mistake, Huge Embarassment, Tight place.

So, I hosted a giveaway for Emily Ann Benedict's book. She and I exchanged a flurry of small e-mails.

It turns out that I thought she was giving away a copy of The Father Christmas Confessions when in actuality she was giving away a copy of her book Only Angels Are Bulletproof.

Umm, oops.

And then it turns out that she legally can't give away a copy of The Father Christmas Confessions.


So, Livia is still the winner of an Emily Ann Benedict book, just not the one that I thought she won.

And I owe everyone who entered and Especially Livia and Emily, a HUGE APOLOGY.
Already I've already sent a red-faced e-mail,  but I thought I should say I'm sorry here too.

Please forgive me. 


  1. It's all right, Tyrean! I understand! Thank you Emily and Tyrean! Still can't believe I won, though! I'll just let it soak in overnight! :)

  2. I'm thinking as far as mistakes go, this was a pretty workable one. Livia still comes out with a great book! Now if we want to talk mistakes, I have a few I could share... ;)

  3. A friend used to say to me..." if this is the worse thing that happens to you...then you are very lucky"
    Its ok everyone makes mistakes...Lord knows I have made some doozies!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. I think this shows class. Don't beat yourself up.

  5. it happens
    no biggie =)
    you did the right thing.

  6. Mistakes happen to everyone! Don't sweat it :) Someone still got a free book, and isn't that the best prize EVER???

  7. I've made a few gaffs myself over the years. It was unintentional and you apologized; that's what counts.

  8. Mistakes happen. You wouldn't be human if it didn't. Thank you for sharing your humanity with us and for the apology to entrants. In this, you show your integrity. That is a huge plus :-)

  9. Things like that happen, especially when the holidays are going on and everything is in a mad dash. Completely understandable!

    Taking a lot of kids to the movies sounds both fun and a daring feat! Rise of the Guardians would be worth it though. *Smirk*

  10. This stuff happens. If you're like me, you just jump in to help folks out--sometimes things get crossed in the information exchange. Good that you caught it and are making it right. :-)

  11. This stuff happens. If you're like me, you just jump in to help folks out--sometimes things get crossed in the information exchange. Good that you caught it and are making it right. :-)

  12. No worries. We all understand. It happens.

  13. WOW!
    Thanks to all for your graciousness and kindness!

  14. Things happen! This isn't exactly a huge mistake, either. Don't be so hard on yourself!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!