
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

And the Winner Is . . .

Livia is the winner of The Father Christmas Confessions Giveaway!!!

Remember, if you didn't win, The Father Christmas Confessions can be found at Amazon.

And I have to admit that I forgot something, or well, a couple of somethings, on my Monday post:

Emily and Tammy are hosting the And You Are? Blog Hop on Monday, December 3rd. It's going to be a fun fest.

Monday is a very busy day, but the more the merrier, right?

Then on Wednesday we have IWSG by Ninja Captain soon-to-be-roasted Alex.

And Thursday is the first ever Writers 4 Writers event!!!

And the linky list for Hobbit fest being closed? It's fixed!!! Please sign up today! Either go to my last post, or hit the tab on the top of my page labeled Hobbit Fest!

Today, I'm working at catching up with all of you in blogland, NaNoRevMo, and a little more for NaNoWriMo. You may have noticed that those numbers for NaNoWriMo haven't moved in a long, long while . . .yeah. I've noticed that too.

I didn't crash Wonder Woman's invisible plane again, but I decided I needed to prioritize, and getting Champion in the Darkness completely ready for publication in February 2013 is taking the top of the list (well, after family and stuff like that).

I love The Identity of Captain Wrath, but I don't think I'm winning NaNoWriMo this year with that book. I have a new plan for that book - more to be revealed on IWSG, next week.

Our dear friends' daughter Jessica who has been in the hospital since early September, and who has been through two major spinal surgeries, will be coming home tomorrow. It's a bittersweet homecoming.  There's an ambulance ride involved and Jessica will be on complete bed rest and unable to move her back/spine even to sit up for the next six weeks. They are basically moving the hospital room equipment into the living room of their house. So . . .I'm hoping to stay involved in blogland, and get my writing done, but I feel like I need to be there for them too. If my attention is a little divided, I hope you understand.

All your prayers for my dad's recovery from pneumonia are greatly appreciated, and if you could pray for Jessica for the next six weeks, I would really appreciate that too.


  1. I'll add my prayers to the ones being said for your friend's daughter. I'll hope for the best!

    Thanks for the shout out. :)

  2. Thanks for all the reminders. Prayers going up for you all.

  3. I will keep your daughter's friend in my prayers. That cannot be easy for her or her family.

    Congratulations to the winner of the book!

  4. Congratulations to Livia!
    Ready for December 3.
    Soon-to-be-roasted - funny!
    Glad Jessica is coming home. She'll feel better there.
    And now I can't wait to hear more about Captain Wrath.

  5. Prayers for Jessica, absolutely.

    Great things coming up-- woohoo! (Can you feel the heat, Alex?)

    And oooo book envy for Livia. Congratulations to her!

  6. Ohhh... so much drama going on right now... lots of love your way!

    And congrats to Livia. And I'm stoked for the Dec 3 blogfest too. :D

  7. Alex - good, glad you found it funny, and thanks on both counts!

    Julie - Thanks! And it's definitely getting warmer these days for Alex!

    Morgan - Thanks for the love!

  8. I'm getting so much love for winning a book! Thank you!

    I'm suprised! I usually don't win giveaways, but man, this time I did! Can't wait to read it! :)

  9. Prayers for Jessica.

    For the And Your Are? blogfest, are you handing the keys to our current or dream car? Otherwise, my answers are ready.

  10. My prayers for that poor child and your father. Sorry about the linky.

  11. thinking good thoughts for Jessica.

  12. Livia - hopefully it will come to you soon . . .haven't heard from Emily yet today.

    L. Diane - Thanks!

    M Pax -Thanks, and no problem!

    mshatch - Thanks!

  13. Big congrats to Livia! Can't wait for the Ninja roast. Will keep Jessica in my thoughts and prayers. Having been through several spinal surgeries, I can definitely relate.


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