
Monday, November 26, 2012

Giveaway, Giving Back, and FESTS!!!

The Father Christmas Confessions Giveaway is starting right here and right now!!!

Emily Ann Benedict is giving away one kindle copy of The Father Christmas Confessions this week, and all you have to do is write a comment below to enter! I'll be putting your names into a hat, literally, and then having one of my kids pick one out - I know this isn't tech-savvy, but it works. The drawing will take place late Tuesday night and the winner will be announced Wednesday morning (Pacific time).

So, first, who is Emily? She's a really sweet blog buddy of mine who I've known since the beginning of my blog days when I had no idea what I was doing. I used to lurk around her blog to see how a blog really worked. She gave me one of my first awards, and she's a fantastic writer. In addition to The Father Christmas Confessions, she's also the author of Only Angels Are Bulletproof, a sweet romantic mystery.

I asked Emily how The Father Christmas Confessions started, and this is her answer:

"My family has a very serious tradition every Christmas. We simply try to watch as many Christmas movies as we possibly can. Whether it is a big Hollywood hit or a simple TV movie, we’ll watch it just so long as it is about Christmas. I guess one year I must have overdosed, because I starting thinking about how I would write a Christmas story. Well, with a head full of Christmas history and Hallmark Channel amusement, I started with the idea of re-writing the Santa Claus legend and it all went downhill from there."

Official blurb for The Father Christmas Confessions:
 What if Santa Claus isn’t one man? What if he is a secret organization?

Jeremy Ogden has 25 days to accomplish his mission and a list of people whose lives can be changed forever if he makes it to them in time. He just has one big problem…And her name is Virginia.

Virginia Kipyard is the last girl Jeremy wants holding his family’s ancient secret, no matter how many times his mother suggests she’s “the right girl.” But if he wants to save the life of the next man on his list, he might just need her help.

The “season of miracles” is about to take on a whole new meaning, even for Father Christmas.

If you don't win a copy, I highly recommending purchasing one for .99 at Amazon.


Julie Luek has invited all of her blog-friends to give their love for books to First Book, and has created this cute button:

First Book donates books to children, contributing to the efforts of literacy everywhere. What better way for writers to give back than donating books and nurturing the love of reading in children?

And now onto the LONG LIST OF FESTS

Trisha at Word + Stuff is celebrating her blogiversary with Baby Faces Blogfest on December 2-3!

Lynda R. Young at W.I.P. It is celebrating the publication of her short story, Birthright, with the Make Believe Launch Party on December 3rd. (two celebrations in one day, no problem, right?) She's also starting her book blog tour that day!

 Mark Koopman, Morgan Shamy, Stephen Tremp, and David Powers King have teamed up for the Cheers, Cavanaugh Fest.

     In Mark's words:
Ever attended a Christmas party where you bump into the person who was always there for you during the last year. You’d thank them for being such a RockStar, right?

If there’s one person in the Blogisfear who you want to say cheers to, who would it be?

For us, it was a no-brainer: Alex “no hyperlink needed” Cavanaugh.

Alex is an awesome blogger who’s helped hundreds of us via book releases, guest posts, guest interviews and always positive comments. While we can’t have a live part-ay for the Ninja Captain, we can host a BlogFest.

In +/- 20 words, what does Alex look like?

In +/- 20 words, who could play Alex in a documentary? (Living or dead.)

In +/- 20 words, who does Alex remind you of?

In +/- 100 words, (excluding the title) write flash fiction using all these prompts:


For Bonus Points:
In +/- 40 words, leave a comment for Mrs. Cavanaugh - thanking her for sharing J

Join the Linky List
Be a follower.
Post your 200 (total) word contribution Monday, Dec. 10.
Have Fun!

Two winners – chosen by Alex – will each win one prize:

FIRST PLACE: A signed copy of CassaStar. (Or CassaFire)

GRAND PRIZE*: A picture of Alex and a download of him playing the guitar. (There might be another prize… all depends!)

This fest runs December 10-12th!

Plus, Don't Forget Hobbit Fest!
I'm teaming up with M. Pax for this fun fest on December 14th! Check out the tab on the upper right for more info!


What is your favorite hobbit characteristic/or the one that you think closely resembles you . . .?
If you could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast and a perilous unexpected journey – which would you prefer?
Have you ever left behind something on a journey (expected or unexpected) and wished you could have it over and over again? (a pocket handkerchief?)
What is your Favorite part or quote from the book that you hope will be in the movie?

Have you signed up for these fests and celebrations? Planning to give back in some way this December? and are you ready to win a copy of The Father Christmas Confessions? Be sure to comment below!

And again, many thanks to those who prayed for my Dad last week . . .he's out of the hospital and getting good rest at home.


  1. I'm signed up for most of those. (One I have no choice!)
    Congratulations to Emily!

  2. That's a lot going on!

    Also, I'm pretty sure Santa Claus is a multi-national company. How else does he manage all that travel in one night? She's on to something. :)

  3. Alex - Good!

    L.G. - yes, there is . . .and I'm sure there's stuff I haven't mentioned.
    I agree that it makes sense that Santa is part of a multi-national company.

  4. Book sounds awesome! I love the take on the Santa tale. I think I see a new Hallmark in the making. Thanks for the shout out. Lots of good things to look forward to!

  5. Wow, lots going on in December! Not sure I'll have time for all the festing, but the Hobbit one certainly appeals very much!

  6. Look at all those fun blog fests!

    Thanks for introducing Emily! I like her name. ;)

  7. i saw trisha's baby fest, looks cute!
    and love the what if there was a secret santa society!
    great stuff!

  8. I have already signed up for the one for Alex, which is a grand idea for a blog fest. *Grin* And The Hobbit one...oh, which means I have to squeeze in one more thing that must be done on the 14th. I wonder if there is enough hours in the day for everything I have to do that day?

    Thank you for mentioning mine!

  9. Julie - A new hallmark movie would be cool for Emily!!!

    Laurel - I hope you join us for Hobbit fest!

    Tara - so much good stuff!!

    Jack - I keep hoping I'll have a 26 hour day or need less sleep . ..but so far that hasn't happened. You're welcome!

  10. This looks like fun stuff! Thanks for sharing these.

  11. I signed up for the AlexFest! It sounds awesome! Can't wait!

    Looking forward to seeing your banner by Tara Tyler, Tyrean! She makes incredible banners! I love mine! :)

  12. Can I still sign up for the Hobbit one even though the linky thing is closed? If so, I will sign up! :D

    Thanks so much for the word about my blogfest too :)

  13. I'm ready to win a copy of 'The Father Christmas Confessions' -- sounds like a neat book! I love the idea that Santa would be a company. Maybe all the mall Santas are secretly hired by them! I smell a conspiracy theory :)

  14. So many booksies!!!!!

  15. What a FUN=FILLED December line up!

    OF course doing the Alexfest...

    Your HOBBITFEST sounds awesome Tyrean! I'd have to read the book again first. LOL. It's been YEARS!

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend.

  16. OH, Forgot...

    Congrats to Lynda AND

    THE FATHER CHRISTMAS CONFESSIONS sounds like an awesome read!

    Thanks for the contest Emily!

  17. I've signed up for the Baby Faces, the Hobbit, and Alexfest.

  18. I'm signed up for the Alexfest and the Hobbitfest. I came by to check out the Hobbit questions, because I'm re-reading The Hobbit - having so much fun with it!

  19. Signed up for the Hobbitfest & Alexfest. :) BTW, I was going to Tweet about the Hobbit fest, but I noticed the linky is closed---is that right?

    Love the inspiration behind the Father Christmas Chronicles. Definitely sounds like a great Christmas read. How cool would it be if that became one of the movies the family could watch??


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!