
Monday, November 12, 2012

Jousting Tournament and Launch Party!

A New Adult Urban Fantasy, The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear is the first book in a new series. And it’s now out! The main character, Hetty, is a twenty-two-year-old, stumbling about in an effort to become a full-fledged adult. She struggles with self-esteem, weight, relationships, and making the transition between college and the real world.

Graduation from community college isn’t the magic elixir Hetty Locklear counts on for becoming an adult. Her parents, who work the Renaissance fair circuit, insist she spend part of the summer with them. Hetty doubts pretending to live in the Middle Ages will help her find her way.

 To make it worse, an entity haunts her at her dead-end job, warning her of a dangerous man she doesn’t know. The ghost leads her to a lover who has a lot of secrets. He pulls her farther into peril and into a strange, hidden world of genetic experimentation.

New Adult Urban Fantasy with a contemporary sci-fi twist. Mature content.

Available as an ebook at Amazon / Amazon UK / Smashwords / iTunes / Kobo

(B&N is coming – visit for other links)
I am Knight Light!
M. Pax is celebrating her latest release with a jousting tournament and contest at Help me win. To score points I need you to comment at her website before Saturday, November 17th, and tell her you’re cheering for me, Knight Light to earn me a point. Score me an extra point by using the medieval phrase pray tell, which means ‘please tell me’. Example, I’m here for Knight Light. Pray tell, what is the current score? (You may rewrite the example)
For each day you comment, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a free ebook of The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear. Tell all your friends. Win me the championship! Win a book! Huzzah!
Remember, comment for KNIGHT LIGHT!
and if you haven't already, sign up for Hobbit Fest. M Pax and I will be co-hosting Hobbit Fest on December 14th!

On a completely different note, for you music lovers, we happen to kind of know a lead singer who will be performing at the HMMAwards  on Thursday night. He's the son of some friends of ours from our church . . .check out this interview and this preview clip of his band's album Zelodius.

And I just have to throw this in at a later moment in the morning . . .I just saw this cover, and loved it!
 Congratulations ali, on a beautiful cover reveal!


  1. I can't wait to read this book. M. Pax is such a terrific writer.

    As for the tournament, I cannot vote for you as I am jousting as well. My post will be up tomorrow. Good luck to you.

  2. Oh man! Now I know five of the knights. This is going to be difficult. (And I already championed one of you this morning.)

  3. Brinda - She is a a terrific writer! Watch out for Knight Light on the field! :)

    Alex - You could vote a different one each day . .. :)

  4. Love seeing this book promoted! Thanks for sharing. By the way, gave you a shout-out in my blog today. :)

  5. Knight Light *snort* prepare to defend thyself! You do not stand a chanceth against me, Stormy Knight. Your light will be extinguished on the field, and the brownies will be mine! Huzzah!

  6. Julie - Thanks!!!

    Stormy Knight/Gwen - Pray tell, how will you best me on the field? . . .your storm clouds will be chased away . . .and the book will be mine! Huzzah! :-)

  7. Tyrean, I championed your Knight.

    Thank you for offering to host me on my tour, too.

  8. Woot, Knight Light!

    Thanks for taking part in the joust. I appreciate your fantastic help and fine jousting skills.

    Congrats to Ali!

  9. Tara - it is really fun!

    M Pax - Thanks!!!

  10. eek! Another knight!! Good luck in the joust!

    Congrats to Mary!

  11. New books! Hurray! This is always good news.

    Sherlock survived differently in the books then in the, well, in the books he actually died and Doyle was kind of forced to bring him back to life. In the show, he just faked his death...somehow.

    That is great your niece is helping you! That sounds exciting. I hope you like the end result.

  12. I have come to pay the Knight Light a visit! Huzzah!

    The Knight of Aidensdein!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!