New Year's Eve feels like the turn of a new page in an open book. I know, from my faith, that the pages have already been written by the Author of life, but I haven't seen them yet. It's like they are in invisible ink and will only appear as life enfolds, as I turn the page.
New Year's Eve invites me to look back on the story so far, and look forward to the adventures to come, knowing with confidence that the end of the book is a happy one, even if there are trials on the way.
One way that I look forward is to create goals . . . you know, New Year resolutions.
For 2012, I have some goals to improve my blog.
1. Keep my posts shorter - hovering around 250 words. (splurging maybe to 500 once in a while)
2. Post pictures or video with every post.
3. Keep a steady schedule. Unless a blogfest beckons, I will post M, W, F.
4. Pre-write my posts. No more seat-of-pants rambling.
5. Get to each of these themes once a month:
Poetry/Humming like Pooh
Social Causes/Needs
Movie/Book/Storytelling Reviews
Interview/author highlight/guest post
Blog/website highlight day
Random Day (only once a month)
6. Visit more blogs, and encourage fellow bloggers.
Do you have any goals this year? Feel ready for 2012?
Have a metaphor for New Year's Eve?
Happy New Year!!!!