
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Epic Post: Do You Have Goals, Celebrate the Small Things, and Sunshine Blogger Award

Although micro-blogging is the rage, this is an epic length last post for the month of July. Hit the bold print for highlights.

Celebrate the Small Things - a wonderful blog hop hosted by Viklit! I'm a few days early, but it's my best day to post.

An epic family road trip to Gainesville, Georgia commences tomorrow. We are driving a trailer with some of the Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak boats to the Junior Flat-water Sprint Nationals at Lake Lanier. It will be the longest driving trip that any of us has ever taken at 2,672 miles.

At the same time, it's a 13th birthday present for our youngest daughter who went from novice kayaker to bantam racing competitor in the last five months. She told us that she would rather go to Nationals than have a birthday party or get a birthday present. (Her birthday will be one of our drive days and we are bringing a few presents from Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and us.) She loves the sport more than anything else she's ever done, and she's practiced hours and hours, fallen in over and over again, and improved her race times by several seconds for every distance. She's come home exhausted, cold, and hungry, and then gotten up the next morning ready to go again.

So, we are driving 2,672 miles to honor her awe-inspiring passion, for her birthday, and for our family summer trip.

Do You Have Goals? - hosted by the super-encouraging Misha and Beth!

This month - I planned to participate in Camp NaNo but I didn't take into account some of our family activities and so . . . I don't know that I'll reach the goal.
I'm posting early, so maybe I'll get some massive writing done on the road trip when my husband is driving.
So, this month felt like a big fat "zero" but then I realized I completed 14,000 words total between two projects. That's not "zero."

The delightful Sarah Scheele at Stardust and Gravel gave me this award last month! Thank you, Sarah!

Each blogger who receives this award must give 11 random facts, answer 11 questions, and pass it on to 11 bloggers.


11 Random Facts:
1. I love sunflowers!!!
2. I'm allergic to sunflower seeds. I plant them anyway and don't eat them.
3. I love the sun!
4. I love all kinds of rain - the mist, the trickle, the steady, the drumbeat, and the massive downpour - but I have limits on how long I like the rain - two days is enough in a week or two.
5. I even like overcast skies with no rain - as long as they don't last for more than a day.
6. I love vanilla chai tea with honey and coconut milk.
7. I love roses with thorns. The thorn-less ones are just wrong.
8. I love dandelions and the bunnies that come to eat them.
9. I love blackberries.
10. We allow deer to eat the apples from our ancient apple trees, but we don't like them in our fenced vegetable garden.
11. I love journals and buy them too often. Some women have a closet full of shoes. I have desk drawers full of journals.

11 Questions with Answers
1. What’s the last sentence you wrote in a story?Clara and her group were only eleven strong, but that was the perfect number for a scout force into the Dark Sisterhood’s stronghold.
 2. What was the last movie you watched?The Avengers (fourth time)
 3. Do you have a favorite quote?Too many. "Writing is a dance of language." - Ivan Doig.
 4. Favorite food?           Vanilla Chai Tea
5. Have you ever seen a shooting star?               Yes
6. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three books, which would you bring?               The Bible, The Hobbit, and a journal
7. In real life, which appeals to you more: futuristic, modern, or old-fashioned?            Modern
8. In fiction, which appeals to you more: futuristic, modern, or old-fashioned? (Other worlds count.)Futuristic and old-fashioned :)
9. What’s the strangest thing hanging on your wall in your room?
             Origami cranes from birthday wrapping paper
10. What’s your favorite bird?    Eagle Owl
11.  Robin Hood or King Arthur?
Robin Hood

Now, I'm supposed to choose 11 bloggers to receive this award . . . and there are many more that deserve it . . . so, if you haven't received this award before, consider it yours!

What are you celebrating? What are your goals? And, Remember Please take a Sunflower Award!!!


  1. Blackberries are yummy. Oregon grows them like weeds... well, they are a weed. A yummy one. Have a wonderful vacation!

  2. Thanks, Mary!!! Blackberries are yummy and weedy! :)

  3. Hi, Tyrean,

    Have a wonderful trip!!!!! And congrats to your daughter for her achievements!

  4. A trip anywhere sounds perfect to me right now, and one with your family is going to be wonderful. Come back with pictures to share. Have fun.

  5. "Micro-blogging is the rage." LOL

    I love journals and notebooks too . . . most are blank because I can't figure the perfect topic for them o_0 Have fun on your family road trip! :D

    1. Yeah . . . I don't think I'll ever fit the micro-blogging "way."

  6. Drive safely! And good luck to your daughter in the competition.

  7. Have a great time on your road trip!

  8. Vanilla Chai Tea is sooo yummy! Your daughter is amazing, but it sounds like you guys are doing a great job celebrating with her. Have a fun trip!

  9. Enjoy your road trip, and congratulations to your daughter for being so awesome!

  10. 14,000 words is definitely better than zero - that's epic! Enjoy your road trip, and don't feel guilty if you don't get too much writing done - we can't write if we forget to live.

  11. Nope, 14k is definitely not zero! Good job on what you did achieve at the time of posting. :)

    I had a productive July, but not with any writing. ;)

  12. Your family trip sounds like lots of fun! Enjoy!

    14,000 words is a lot to be proud of! Awesome!

    I love rain too- all types. :)

  13. That is going to be a long drive! But very worth it, something I am sure your daughter will never forget. I hope you have a wonderful time.

  14. Enjoy your trip! You're featured today on the Untethered Realms blog. Happy Friday! :)

  15. I forgot to post my goals last week and my celebration. Have a great vacation!

  16. 14K is definitely not 0 -- well done, Tyrean. Holy cow, that's a long road trip. Enjoy it!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!