
Monday, July 21, 2014

News, Call for Submissions, Reading and Writing

Awesome news abounds these days for writers! I keep reading/hearing about new books published, contracts, and new cover art! If I've missed/misplaced your news, please send me an e-mail (found on my about me page). I would love to share it! (Please note that I will be blogging irregularly until late August but I will do my best.)

Just in . . . but hopefully not too late: C. Lee Mckenzie has her new cover art up for Double Negative and it's fabulous!

Crystal Collier has a cool cover for Soulless:

Rachna Chhabria has a new book out:

Milo James Fowler always has new stories to read, and his cover art for Captain Quasar is out:

Elizabeth Seckman is hosting a blog challenge from July 15-31:
Write something readers want to read. No word limit, no guidelines. Your only prompt is: The year was 1865....

The Broken Branch Blog Tour stopped here last week and you can scroll down and read all about Tara Tyler!

Call for Submissions for Corvidae and Scarecrow anthologies by World Weaver Press, submission dates: July 1st - October 31st, fantasy and non-gory horror stories up to 7,500 words. The two anthologies are supposed to be "in conversation" with each other and WWP is hoping for some authors who will have stories in both. More details found via the links.

Plus, Kyra Lennon is putting together a charity cat anthology - deadline September 5th. See her site for details.

Recommended Posts/Links/Etc.

Anne R. Allen's Incredibly Informative Post on Publishing. Finally, a post that gets into Indie, Small/Medium Press and the Big 5 without purposely making strident statements and enemies to get comments. 

And today, I'm guest posting on the partnership of Reading and Writing at Misha Gericke's blog, Five Year Project. Please come by and join the conversation!!!

And for the Sunshine Award . . . I hope to have that out this Wednesday.

Have any news to share? Ready to submit some stories? Remember to come join me for a conversation about Reading and Writing!

And, if you haven't picked up your copy yet of Champion in Flight, they are always available at Smashwords and Amazon. Plus, for the rest of July, Champion in the Darkness (book 1) is half price at Smashwords.


  1. You certainly covered a lot today! Anne's post was awesome.

    1. Thanks, Alex! Yes, Anne's post was awesome!!! I'm keeping it on saved for future re-reads.

  2. Lots going on! I've been on a summer blogging break but am just checking in today before I continue my break.

    1. Wow! Thanks, Barbara! That's so sweet of you to check in on your break! :) I'm sort of "breaking" over a few weeks, but it's more like I'm just blogging sporadically.

  3. Whoa. Gotta check out all this stuff. And Milo's cover rocks!

    Will check out the Five Year Project first.

  4. Thanks Tyrean for giving me and my book a shoutout. I will check the anthology details on their website. I will be in touch with you regarding some kind of a promotion for my book in late August (by then the book should be available online).

    1. You're welcome, Rachna! I look forward to your e-mail. :)

  5. Wow, you really had a lot of news. Pretty busy for July.

    1. Yes, and I don't think I caught all of it. It seems like the writing world is just flying by with activity.

  6. Newsy post, Tyrean. You've been busy. Wish I had time to enter Elizabeth's contest. Well, we'll see. Who needs sleep?

  7. Thanks for sharing all the news. Excited that Rachna has a new book out.

  8. Lots of great news and covers! Thanks for keeping me updated on things. :)

  9. Wow, lots happening. Congrats to all the authors with new books. I've known the majority of them for a long time in the blogsphere.

    1. Yes, it's good to see all the hard work coming to fruition!

  10. Hi Tyrean .. love Lee's cover, and Crystal's cover has been seen around .. while the other books look interesting .. life goes on doesn't it - and summer seems to come around and let's enjoy some of it ..

    Cheers for now - Hilary

  11. Great covers here and lots of cool stuff going on! Enjoy your blogging break:)

  12. You packed a lot of good information in one post. Thanks.

  13. All the covers are great, but Captain Quasar rocks


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!