
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

IWSG: Go Team, Go!!!

Started by the amazing Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh, Insecure Writer's Support Group is a place to give voice to our writing insecurities or encouragement for others. There's an excellent website with great tips for writing, publishing, marketing, and blogging and a facebook page for more connection.

Today I have something to share that I hope will inspire you.

Flat-water sprint canoe and kayak racing is a national and Olympic sport. The oldest club/team in the USA started in 1904 in Washington, D.C. Many teams today train at Olympic training facilities or past Olympic training venues. Most teams have their own boathouses and property. Some have professional coaches.

As writers, we often wish we had professional coaches and a professional desk/work area with every perk. We would love to hold up M.F.A. degrees from prestigious programs to back up our writing background.

But is that what it takes to be a writer?

Or a team of National Champions?


The team that won the National Championship is a team that doesn't have an Olympic training facility or its own boathouse. The National Championship team has a strip of grass, a trailer, and some outdoor racks in a public park. The National Championship team doesn't have a highly paid coach. The National Championship team has a denturist who started the team 14 years ago and dedicated himself to becoming a coach (on the side, on his own time and dime), a P.E. teacher who joined him as the canoeing coach (same deal), and a few older athletes on the team who coach part-time for small wages. 

What the National Championship team did have is:

A determination to make history and win the National Championships for the third year in a row.

Dedicated coaches, athletes, and parents.

An encouraging team spirit.

So what do we need to succeed and be champion writers?

Determination, dedication, and an encouraging team spirit.

So I just wanted to take a moment and say in my loudest cheerleader-mom voice:


I believe in the amazing individual talents and gifts of this wonderful team of writers who are all a part of IWSG!

You are determined, dedicated, and encouraging!

And if you hadn't guessed, I am incredibly thankful to have my youngest daughter compete with "that" team - the National Champions from Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak Racing Team - not because they won (although that was really cool), but because of the team's dedication, determination, and encouragement.
Our head coach, Alan Anderson (on left in pic), had an award named in his honor by the USA Canoe and Kayak association this year. He's that awesome! And, he didn't get that way with a degree from a special coaching place - he just has determination, dedication, and an encouraging attitude.
Does that coach remind you of anyone we know? And what do you think it takes to be a writer?
Now, please don't hate me, but I am blogging from the road via in and out internet coverage because my family and I are driving half the team boats all the way across the country from Georgia to Washington state. It's a 2,672 mile trip. I'll comment the best that I can and may visit your sites instead of commenting here . . . 


  1. Congratulations to your daughter!
    Having a top-rate everything does not guarantee stardom. All the talent in the world won't help if there's not determination.

  2. What a great story. Very inspiring. Let's hear if for the little guy and hard work and doing what you love.

  3. Yay to your daughter- that's amazing!
    Loved your words of encouragement. Without determination and dedication (and the wonderful writing team ;) ), I don't think a writer would even have a chance of making it no matter how talented they are.

  4. That was a wonderful and encouraging story thanks for sharing. I love getting pep talks like that. Big congrats to your daughter and the team! Way to go.

  5. How wonderful! Hard work and passion wins every time.

  6. Determination and dedication are very necessary to see us on the road to publication and success.

  7. Congratulations to your daughter!! How exciting for her and for your family. And thanks for this inspiring post. :)

  8. Great comparison. And you must be very proud of your daughter.

  9. I was thrilled to read your news on FB. Congrats to your daughter and her team. It's an awesome story. Oh, and she knows someone who can write it. :)

  10. I never participated in team sports as a child but have also gained enlightenment and insight from joining a rowing team last fall. I'm so happy for your daughter and the fact that through her journey you are also being enriched as a writer. I appreciate your cheerful inspiration and will seek to internalize it even though I get insecure as a writer at times.

  11. Congratulations to your daughter!!!

    And thanks for the inspiration. Determination and dedication are very key for anyone looking for any type of success.

  12. That's so awesome for your daughter. And thanks for the inspiration. Lots of that around today.

  13. Persistence and encouragement helps a lot for writing, and almost anything else for that matter.

  14. Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing it. Go Team, and ditto above awesome for your daughter.
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

  15. Ditto everyone above: congrats to your daughter! Also, what a great post! I agree, things like determination and dedication are so, so important...

  16. That's some great encouragement. Now to repeat it to myself everyday :)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!