
Monday, August 27, 2012

Torture Day . . . erg, I mean, Hair Cut Day

Maybe I'm the only woman in the world who doesn't squeal with delight at the prospect of getting a hair cut.

Maybe I'm just paranoid about someone I don't know running their hands and a pair of scissors through my hair.

Maybe I'm the only one found cringing in the movie theater when there's a hair washing scene that's supposed to be romantic. Instead of seeing sensual romance, I'm imagining scalp burns, scents that make me sneeze, and drowning.

Is it just me?

Does anyone else have hair cut horror stories?

Ever been burned in the shampoo chair? Had water accidentally sprayed in your face?

Walked out after countless hair cut appointments with the plan to buy a new hat?

I don't know what I do to make hair stylists so angry. Really. I used to be as quiet as possible as a teen in the hopes that I wouldn't ruin their concentration or cause a slip of the scissors. Now I try to simply be friendly and go with whatever mood the stylist seems to be into.

However, my hair has different ideas.

My hair just doesn't go the direction that hair stylists want it to go. It doesn't accept curling irons - it flattens. When flattened with a straightener, it curls. When shellacked with products and straightened, sometimes it stays . . .just long enough for the hair stylist to look at me, swivel the chair away from the mirror and say . . ."you know, your face looks better when your hair has a little body to it."

Thankfully my time in the swiveling torture chair is over for now.

And I don't have to buy a hat.

Plus, I didn't get burned, have my hair yanked, or get sold on products that make my scalp itch.

It was actually an exceptional hair cut day.

On a writing note, it got me wondering . . . what do my characters think about their hair? Does Clara like hair cuts? Does Salene? What about Stelia? It's not something that really fits in my book, but yet, hair is something we all have to deal with every day. . . .hmm. Maybe I'll add a "hair moment" in my next book.


  1. I like getting my hair cut, but I've gone to the same person for years and she doesn't mess it up.
    What's wrong with straight hair? It's natural and pretty.
    One of my characters needed a haircut in the last book, but that's about the extent of my hair thoughts.

  2. This is me too! I hate getting my hair cut. Stupid me, I went and got it cut really short awhile ago, and now I have to go in even more often! You can probably guess I'm letting it grow out again...just so I can go to the hairstylist less often. Really.

  3. I'm officially out of the haircut discussion unless it involves a razor. :-)

  4. Alex - Actually, the tough part is I don't have straight hair - it's wavy and waves it's own direction, not anyone else's no matter what products or methods are used.
    Glad to hear you have a great stylist. . .if I didn't live across the country I could sign up.

    L.G. - I know what you mean! I had my hair cut a little shorter this time, and I know it's going to mean a little more maintenance in the long run.

    E.J. - I don't know whether to say I'm sorry or congratulations . . . either way, you don't have to worry about it.

    Come at me Bro - Thanks!

  5. Yep. Plenty of horror stories, and I'm always afraid to allow anyone to touch my hair. On MCs and their hair... I have an MC who suffers from Trichotillmania, which is the excessive twisting and pulling of the hair. So, interesting post for me. :)

  6. I visited two different salons in one day because I came out from the first one with a mullet! UGH! hence, the reason for my very long hair now.
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. Wow. There are probably several folks who could get together and write voulmes on hair horror-mares. But at least the hat wasn't necessary this time :-)

  8. Maybe you should just grow it out? That way it doesn’t need to get cut. =)

  9. Maybe you should just grow it out? That way it doesn’t need to get cut. =)

  10. I have yet to have an exceptional hair cut day. I'm like you, not a fan. I used to have long hair and put up with split ends because I hated going to the hairdresser. I used even cut my own fringe (bangs) lol.

  11. Your post gives a new meaning to "hair-raising moments"... LOL.

    Confession first. I've always wanted curly and wild hair.
    I always go to the hairdresser, since their special products give my lifeless strands the body and bounce it craves and desperately needs...

  12. you're funny =)
    when i read the title i thought you were taking a child for a dreaded haircut!
    i love going to the salon. about 4 times a year i get some me time. and mine is easy.
    you need a regular airdresser who knows your hair and can work with it, not against it!

  13. I have board straight baby fine hair, but a lot of it. I've had bad layers more times than I can count.

  14. My hair dresser grew up across the street from us. I have known her most of her life. She sometimes gets the curling iron too close to my ear, but she apologizes. I have been going to her for three years this time.

    The only horror story I have is when I was having my hair frosted several years ago and I got home and found my burgundy top had big white spots in the back. That woman didn't tell me. It took a while for me to get over it.

  15. I quite enjoy getting my hair cut, because I once lost half a meter in length because I didn't cut out breakages.

    Now I'm almost religious about making hair appointments. :-)

  16. My son got cut by a stylist once. Now I just buzz all my boys' hair. Much easier that way. I have a great gal who lives up the street who does a great job. Sorry it's not such a good experience for you! But, hey, I'm always looking for an excuse to buy a new hat!

  17. So sorry you have salon trauma! Hope it went well this time, and continues to go well in the future.

    I look forward to haircuts, partly b/c I usually get my hair colored too (shh!). I have had some interesting experiences over the years (bangs too short, wrong color), but overall, I can't complain. And once I find a good stylist, I stick with them as long as possible!


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