
Friday, August 24, 2012

Punctuation Saves Lives!

This wonderful little nugget of punctuation wisdom was posted the other day by a friend, and I couldn't help but repost. It seems fitting since I'm getting ready to go back to school - to teach my own kids (homeschool) and teach kids in homeschool co-operative writing classes.

I'm not a grammar queen, but I have a fairly good understanding of grammar rules from experience - English and Secondary Education major, college grammar classes, acting editor of all my friends' essays. So, I find grammar and punctuation humor fun.

Do you have any "fun" grammar nuggets of wisdom to share?



  1. No grammarian here, but that picture always cracks me up. Excellent illustration of the importance of commas.

  2. Don't overuse exclamation points!!!
    Not that I follow my own rules...

  3. I just saw a picture of a tatto with a horrific grammatical error! Too funny.

  4. Like Alex, everything that bugs me I end up doing anyway. :-)

  5. L.G. - I love the picture too!

    Alex - I do that too!!! Especially in comment sections!

    Angie - oh no! That's funny and awful at the same time.

    E.J. - Yep, me too. :-)

  6. I do love that one. Have you seen the one about the Oxford Comma, Stalin, JFK, and the strippers?

  7. Hello, I'm Chris, and I'm also a exclamation-point-aholic...


    Love that comic -- hilarious! Reminds me of the classic "Eats, Shoots and Leaves".

    Too funny.

    Or, I should say, Too Funny!!!


  8. wish I did, the one you posted is hard to top though. LOL

  9. Too cute. That just tickled my funny bone :-)

  10. I have to admit I am guilty of this!
    Blessings, Joanne

  11. What a great way to learn some tricky grammar rules! I wish my teachers had used some humor with this subject.

  12. The institution where my husband banks built a new location a few years ago.Painted on the plate glass to the left of the front door was this sign: This is a smoke-free premise." I wanted to say something so badly. Recently I noticed the sign was changed to: This is a smoke-free institution."

  13. Cherie - yes, I have and it's hilarious!

    Chris - Exclamation points!!!

    Summer - Glad you enjoyed it.

    Angela - Good!

    Joanne - we all are :) Blessings!

    Susan - same here, I think humor helps.

    quietspirit - That is funny, and it would be hard not to say something.

  14. That picture always cracks me up! I showed it to my friends and they were all like, "you're weird, you know that?"

  15. "GOOD GOD, another day!" for those unappreciative ones & "Good, God, another day" for those of us who know best!...:)JP

  16. Bad grammar and punctuation makes for some very funny reading. I too tend to overuse exclamation points... But not in my story writing, I hope...

  17. ravenaguron - Writers are awesome the rest of the world . . .well, they are weird enough to give us story ideas right?

    Quiet Corner - Love your example!

    Pat Newcombe - I always overuse exclamation points in my comments! But hopefully not in my regular writing.

  18. Oh, I am BIG on correct grammar! I see incorrect commas and apostrophes in advertisements and labels all the time. I always sigh internally and think, "Seriously? Why didn't somebody check that for them?!"

  19. One of our church secretaries and I say everyone needs a proof reader.This morning she passed around a clipboard with the date of the annual Rummage Sale and the Bake Sale that is held at the same time. She had two dates on there, one for bringing in the baked goods the day before and before 8:00 A.M.the day of.She had both dates wrong.someone else told her about it before I got to her. The othe lady had her calendar in hand.

  20. Ha, I love this comic! I need to print this as a reminder for my students. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!