
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So Much To Do!

So much to do, so little time . . .that means that it's autumn.

There are loads of awesome blogfests, celebrations and giveaways. I can't participate in everything, but I'm looking forward to:

The Cover Reveal by Partners in Paranormya next week!

What's Your Chocolate? hosted by M Pax, Laura Eno, Brinda Berry, and Ciara Knight on September 10th.

 Alex J. Cavanaugh's Genre Favorites Blogfest!

I also want to give a shout out for Marcy's Great Giveaway at Maine Words. Marcy is generously giving away books, and first chapter critiques from now through September 26th!

As usual, I'll be participating in the Insecure Writers Support Group on the first Wednesday of September, and have planned an encouraging post . . .or at least one that I hope is encouraging.

In addition to all of that, I'm getting back to school . . . as a homeschool co-op teacher and a homeschooling parent/teacher. I'll still be hanging around the blogsphere, but I'm going to be on a time limit each day . . .so my visits may be short, and my comments will be brief (if I can manage that).

The first few weeks of our year are usually the most challenging . . . it's just hard to get back into a daily schedule after so many weeks of free time, friends, vacations, and outdoor time.

Plus, I still have Champion in the Darkness to finish polishing . . . I'm going for progress each day, and I'm not setting myself a self-publish date quite yet . . .I'm finally going after a cover artist  this next week . . .I actually know three young adults who are skilled artists who might be interested.

And one of these days, I'll do a catch post on my progress in the Scripture Verse Memory Challenge by She Sparkles.

This Friday, please stop by for a visit with Cat Lavoie of Catenabi Chronicles and celebrate her book:


  1. Lots of blogfests coming up. I've sort of had to scale back on joining in on those, as I can't always keep up, but they're usually fun entries to read.

    September is always so busy! But in a good way I suppose after a long lazy summer. :)

  2. oh boy do I know about too much to do and not enough time. I'm feeling particularly swamped right now and it all has to do with writing, blogging, critting, etc!

    and thanks a million for the shout out :)

  3. Lots of great stuff going on! This time of year is so busy. It's difficult to adjust. I'm looking forward to/dreading the start of school.

  4. I've been thankful for the relative quiet in the blogosphere because my day job has been crazy (academics try to get stuff published in the summer when they aren't teaching). I know that once school starts, the places of busy-ness with switch. Whew!

  5. Thanks for the mention for the Choclate blogfest. There's so much fun stuff going on in the next month!

  6. I holding on to summer as long as I can. There will be snow on the ground before I put away my flip flops!
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. We've been back in school for three weeks now and are still settling into the routine. Ah, those late summer night and later summer mornings :) Thanks for all the blog updates. Blessings!

  8. I know Cat!
    Thanks for mentioning my blogfest.
    And I think it's cool you home school.

  9. Thanks for mentioning chocolate fest. :)

    Best on getting it all done, including your manuscript. Most excellent.

  10. Definitely lots going on! Sounds great. I hope you have a great school year.

  11. Lots of exciting things happening! Looking forward to new starts with the fall.

    Allison (Geek Banter)


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