Wednesday, July 3, 2024

IWSG: Writing Tools


Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day!

The optional question for the July post is: What are your favorite writing processing (e.g. Word, Scrivener, yWriter, Dabble), writing apps, software, and tools?

I'm keeping my answers brief today, but my favorites are: Word, Google Docs, Atticus, Canva, Dragon Naturally Speaking (dictation software), ProWriting Aid, and Book Funnel. I also use RSS Feeds and Substack for this podcast.

Word is the word processing software that I find the most familiar. I am able to change around chapters and do most of what I need to do within word and the familiarity makes it easy to use.

I also use Google Docs for projects I plan to work on via my phone and my computer. I write on the go this way and keep my writing with me.

Atticus is a great piece of software and has an incredibly helpful team for writers who are PC users. Atticus software allows authors an easier process of formatting their books for ebooks and print than any other I have used. It's also possible to write within their program. I haven't learned how to use all the features yet but their team has plenty of helpful videos. offers a free and pro version of their online image program for anyone who wants to create images for their business. I find it helpful for book cover creation and images for marketing for my books, website, podcast, and more. I find Canva to be an addictive creative tool, and I enjoy using it for fun as well as for business.

Dragon Naturally Speaking is professional dictation software and I've tried plenty of the inexpensive types of dictation software, but this one is the best. I haven't used all the features yet, but I find it helpful for specific types of writing.

Prowriting aid was a piece of online software I didn't want to use, but once I started using it, I found it helpful for finding typos, grammar errors, and repetitive words. I don't like their "replace all" type substitution ideas, so I take all their suggestions and then rework them in my own document.

I have found Book Funnel helpful for building a newsletter audience and selling books and I have a current Book Funnel running, so you can see what it's like (you don't have to click my book or buy anything if you click the link below to see what a campaign looks like).

I use both RSS Feeds and Substack for my podcast hosting, and I host my newsletter through Substack.

And, I'm sure I'll think of something else as soon as I finish this post, but that already feels like a lot.

What are your favorite writing tools?

My links:

NobleBright Scifi and Fantasy Book Funnel - 37 Free Books, including Champion in the Darkness

Tyrean's Tales

Tyrean's Writing Spot Blog


BTW - I have had and will have a busy morning today, so I will be briefly hopping in the afternoon/evening today.