
Saturday, December 31, 2022


 Invitations can be wonderful, well-timed, expected, or unexpected. There are so many ways to feel when receiving an invitation.

I was invited to take part in the Indie Author New Year's Live Kickoff Blitz for 2023 by Katherine D. Graham. My first reaction: surprise. My second reaction: gladness.

Invitations create a bubbly fizz of surprise, happiness, and anticipation when they are unexpected yet fitting for who we are and what we love, and the timing works well for us.

I hope this invitation today brings you the sweet, bubbly fizz of surprise, happiness, and anticipation for the event!

You are invited to come to any and all of the events happening for the Blitz! The Youtube channel is Here.

You are especially invited to attend the Science Fantasy Panel happening on January 1 at 11 am Pacific, 1 pm Central Time. I'm excited to take part in this panel with fellow authors Danielle Novotny, Jim Wilbourne, and S.G. Blaise.

What invitations do you love the most? 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Happy Holidays (Holy Days) to you and yours!

In my recent newsletter, I sent out links to various places for inspirational messages and offered up a bit about Booksprout.

I don't want to repeat myself too much here at my website, but I would like to say:

I hope you have hope this season. I hope you know joy. I hope you have peace and comfort, great books, and wonderful people in your life.

I hope you know Christ as your Savior - not because I want to be aggressive or rude or overbearing with my faith, but because I believe Jesus is the best way to have peace, hope, joy, and comfort.

If you are wondering what that's all about, I will add four links here that I added to my newsletter. They are the Advent Series links from my church - a multi-denominational church.

Advent: Writing the Script

Advent: Casting the Characters

Advent: The Dress Rehearsal (I gave the message that Sunday.)

Advent: The Mary Miracle

Merry Christmas to all! And Happy New Year! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

IWSG December 2022: Holiday Writing and Book Shenanigans



December 7 question - It's holiday time! Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals?

The awesome co-hosts for the December 7 posting of the IWSG are Joylene Nowell Butler, Chemist Ken, Natalie Aguirre, Nancy Gideon, and Cathrina Constantine!


Holidays are the best time for me to read and to write stories that bring me joy. It would be nice if every aspect of writing filled me with joy, but some parts are simply hard work. 

Sometimes, a book or story will seem to dead end into a cheerless, dark corner by the trash leftover from Halloween, but it's often that I need to shed more light on the story, or I need to lighten up my mood with something fun or silly or just odd. I've written a number of short stories that fit into those categories, and some of them have been stories I've written around the holiday season. 

Then, there are the "serious" stories that seem to beg to be written in December, when the sky grows dim. Even as I long for light, some years I turn to history and faith, and find myself poking at an old historical fiction story or reworking a poem long forgotten. 

For me, it all depends on the year and what else it has brought into my life.

This year, I plan on vacationing from writing other than in my journal from December 22-27th, and I think having a planned timed off is good for renewing the energy I need to write. 

December 26th-January 1st are my prime reading days for the entire year, based on a childhood tradition. I asked for books on my tenth Christmas, received fifteen of them, and read half before I started school again in January. While I don't often read quite that many books every year in that week, I spend at least two days reading to my heart's content.

How do you write and read over the holiday season?


Dark Blade: Forged is completed as a Kindle Vella serialization. The first three episodes are free (this is a Kindle Vella rule), and the whole novel is finished. I will be turning it into a regular Ebook, paperback, and Audiobook in 2023.

Dark Blade: Tempered (Dark Blade, Vol. 2) is my newest Kindle Vella project, with the first free episode out today! I have a more-detailed-than-usual plot outline for the series to keep the serialization driving forward. 

On an "off writing" day, I spent some time playing with my book covers again (they are mostly the same, but Dark Blade: Tempered is new) at Canva and attempting to create a new banner for The World of Aramatir. This is what I have so far, but I hope to create some "marketing" materials for the series as I get into the new year. 

Pre-orders are definitely happening at Amazon for 25 Impossible Tales of Survivors, Flawed Heroes, and Annoyed Villains It was fun to put together, and using some great feedback from some beta readers, I've taken out one of the darker stories and added in a happier one. 

Due to some family wedding plans in the spring (one of my daughters), I have moved the release date up to January! If you are interested in becoming an ARC reader for a free copy, check out my Booksprout Campaign. 

If this is your last post of the year, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Giving Thanks!


Giving thanks invites reflection, rest, humor, and courage into our lives.

In the autumn, I fall into a reflective season of writing each year. Even as I participate in National Novel Writing Month, I find myself reflecting on my writing: what I write, how I write, why I write. I rejoice over the writing that has gone well (both in success and in personal meaning) and consider the writing that didn’t go well (either not successful, unfinished, or simply hard to write). 

I give thanks for those who want to read my writing. 

It kind of amazes me that people like both the wildness and the repetition in my writing themes. And I feel honored and thankful to have been able to write and to speak and to share. 

I find rest in giving thanks because it is an action and thought process that starts in reflection and moves to giving everything away, a letting go of what has been in gratitude for all that has been a part of my life.

Humor comes into the act of thanksgiving when I let go enough to laugh a little, to find the ludicrous in those moments that I can’t say are really “horrible” moments, but certainly aren’t great ones. 

For instance, I am thankful for the moment after I fell on the ice last week while visiting Spokane, Washington (the colder, dryer, more inland part of the state). Okay, maybe not the searing pain in my knees, hands, and back moment, but the moment after that, when I realized, with some embarrassment, that I was swearing a blue streak and I had scared a huge guy experiencing homelessness - he came out from behind a car, wrapped in layers of clothes and a sleeping bag and edged away from me as I flailed on the ground trying to get up.

Maybe that doesn’t sound funny, and I do feel badly that I scared him, but honestly, it made me laugh at that moment and still does. Who knew I was so frightening when I allowed my old natural childhood tongue to come flying out of my mouth? Who knew a short, overweight woman flailing on the ground could scare away a tall, big guy standing on his feet in a parking lot?

For those who don’t know, I actively try not to swear much in my regular life, but when you start your life with those words in your mouth and brain, they don’t just go away easily. I didn’t even know which words were swear words until I was in elementary school, and there were a few I didn’t recognize as bad words until I was in my 40s, and after I had used them in a message at church…. Oh, yes, there’s a story there, but best saved for another day.

.Courage is invited into our lives when we give thanks, because when we reflect on our lives, we can choose to let go of all that has come before, and choose to step into the moment right now, and into the next moment, with an understanding that all of the experiences past, present, and future, are but fleeing moments in a lifetime where we can give thanks and have courage, and live as best as we can - giving grace to ourselves and others, giving thanks for life itself. 

Because I love God and have been growing deeper in love with God over my life, I give thanks to God for my life, for my writing, for the awesome family members and friends who encourage me. I give thanks to God for being God, for Jesus as my Savior, and for the Holy Spirit breathing life and peace into my soul.

So, when I say Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you have a nice holiday, but I also hope you have time to give thanks and invite reflection, humor, and courage into your life.


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November #IWSG and #NANOWRIMO Thoughts


Insecure Writer's Support Group

A database resource site and support group for writers and authors. Featuring weekly guests and tips, a monthly blogfest gathering, a Facebook group, a book club, and thousands of links – all to benefit writers! #IWSG

Website / Facebook Group / Twitter / Book Club
Reedsy Discount / Past Issues

November 2's optional question - November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not?

The awesome co-hosts for the November 2 posting of the IWSG are Diedre Knight, Douglas Thomas Greening, Nick Wilford, and Diane Burton! Many thanks to founder Alex J. Cavanaugh!

You ready?
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!


First, what is it and when did it start?

"National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting but straightforward challenge: to write 50,000 words of a novel during the thirty days of November."

If you haven’t done it before, it might sound slightly unhinged.

If you have done it before, you know that it is slightly unhinged.

However, the writers who run provide motivational messages from well-known authors, some cool gadgetry and graphs on their website to track word counts each day and throughout the month, forums to join in online, meetups in person, and a general way to have fun while taking part in the challenge of getting 50,000 words on the page in 30 days. 

If you’ve ever read Stephen King’s book On Writing, you know he would own the challenge easily with his 3000 words a day word count, so it’s not like this challenge actually rocks the world book of records for writing, but it is a challenge. 

Many authors hate it. Many authors love it. Some have been there and done that. Some go back every year. Some prefer to write on weekends, or write at a slower pace overall. Some prefer to keep their own word count guides or hit different marks - 100 words a day, or 500, and not the 1667 or so necessary to make the 50,000 in one month.

But the question wasn’t, what the heck do I know about NaNoWriMo, it was: Have I participated? And why or why not?

So, finally, my answer:


Because it actually brings me joy when I don’t overstress about it.

I know that may sound like a weird answer. Some authors see the challenge as an ultimate stress-monster, and I have felt that way, a few times. Those were the years I didn’t finish. 

Last year, however, I noticed a writing friend called her project “Potluck” and she wrote on her blog about doing more than one project at once, and writing the word count as she saw fit. 

I wanted to reach across the webspace and hug her, or cheer, or at least raise a frosty glass of butterbeer in her direction. 

                                                    Found on Tenor

While some authors hate project-jumping, I hate working on one project for an entire month. I love project-jumping from week to week, or three-day to three-day increments. I love writing every day, as long as it’s not on the same project day in and day out. 

So, while I am in revision with one project and the proof stage with another project, I’m also drafting three different projects, joyfully, happily, contentedly. So, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo this year as a NaNo Rebel and I’m anticipating a win. :)

Unless something crazy in life happens, because sometimes… life has been crazy. So, given a free-sailing month, I’ll be NaNoWriMo-ing this year. 

What about you? Do You NaNoWriMo?


Also, speaking of some of my projects...

If you are interested in being an ARC reader for 25 Impossible Tales of Survivors, Flawed Heroes, and Annoyed Villains: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection, let me know in the comments below!

And, while I did slow down a bit with Dark Blade: Forged on Kindle Vella, it has a few new episodes up and going. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Does Rest Have a Place in Fiction Novels?

 Fiction novels take characters on a breakneck pace through trial and fire, through trouble and time-crunched plots where every second matters.

Given the fast-paced nature of most YA, adventure, and speculative fiction, one might think rest has no place in those novels, but I believe it does.

Rest plays an important role in fast-paced, adventure-filled fiction.

I love The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien which contains mini adventures rolled into the larger adventure of the quest. In every novel, characters usually go on some kind of journey internally (emotionally/mentally) and sometimes, externally (physical adventures), and in every novel, there are “rest” points where characters have time to reflect on their circumstances before moving onward in their journey.

These rest points are key moments in any fast-paced, adventure-filled fiction. The rest moments in novels give characters time to reflect on the adventures they've had, how they have changed, and if they are prepared (or not) for what is coming next.

The Hobbit includes some rest points for the party of adventurers, and oddly, not all of them are nice places. They rest with the elves, with Beorn, and with the Wood-elves who imprison them.

Now, wait, you might be thinking that the prison isn't a restful place, but yet, it is. They spend time there. The dwarves heal from their spider bites. Bilbo has time to make a plan for their escape and make it happen.

Rest in a fast-paced novel doesn't have to happen in an idyllic glade or at an elven feast, it could be in prison, or under the foreboding shadows of dark trees. The only key requirement of rest in a novel is that it be a moment during which the characters reflect on events.

Rest gives the characters time to consider their internal struggles and is often when the most important internal story arc takes place.

Bilbo takes a beat in the tunnel before he enters Smaug's lair in the mountain. This important rest beat helps him discover the courage he needs to move forward, and this courage is based on the adventures he's already had at that point in the novel. While you can argue that the interior monologue in The Hobbit is pretty sparse, I still think this reflection is embedded in the scene.

Since I went on vacation a few weeks ago and rediscovered how much I need rest so I can reflect on my life and find renewal, I've been seeing this need everywhere - in life and in fiction.

If you write breakneck, fast-paced novels, how do you build in reflection and rest for your characters, so they have the strength to go on?

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Resting, Reading in Audio, and Starting a Short Series of Social Media Posts


Sea Lions Showing Humans How to Rest

It's dangerous for me to start a new series of posts here live on my blog, literally writing my rough draft in blogger for this post. I've started new series of blog posts like this before, and then let them slide.

But this time, I have a plan, written up in my journal, a word document, and an excel spreadsheet. This will be a short series for 2.5 weeks, followed by another series (pre-planned) with all the posts from blog to social media in a common theme.

It started simple and became a big more complex as I worked through possibilities.

But before I get there, let's go back to the resting and reading parts of this post, which are actually integral to my "plan." 


My husband and I recently went on vacation to Carlsbad, CA (not New Mexico), a middle city between San Diego and LA. We drove there and back, taking time to see some of the coastline in California and Oregon. I shared many photos on IG, but I'll share a few here, too.

Highway 101, Big Sur with Marine Air aka Fog (see later picture below for without fog)

Sleeping Tiger Mural in Carlsbad, CA

Beach (near Coronado the day we rode our bikes 20 miles? Not sure)

It was a much-needed rest. 

Santa Barbara - can you tell it was windy and I forgot to take the camera off the "portrait" setting?

Morro Bay - the sea otters were chilling out most of the day

And a much-needed time to fill my creative well.

Coastal Trail along Big Sur Coastline without fog

Oregon Sand Dunes near Florence (hubs in pic)

Heceta Head Lighthouse in Oregon, with more marine fog

Cannon Beach, Oregon (Haystack Rock in the background)

It helped me check-in with how I was doing as an author, a teacher, a volunteer, and with all the "things" I do that keep me busy throughout each day and each week at home. I realized, I had started to over-do again.

I decided I need to take this "rest" and extend it into a vacation kind of mindset for everyday living.


Part of the way I rest is through reading, although I didn't do as much of that on the trip as I had intended.

My husband has been wanting to read more, but he doesn't like to read paperback or ebooks because he stares at a screen all day for work, so we have been listening to audio book versions of The False Prince and The Runaway King, part of a series by Jennifer Nielsen for MG to YA readers. I've read those books as library books in the past, so it's been interesting to hear them as audio books. 

I've discovered how rich the author's language is, and how well she uses each word to create a compelling and fun narrative. I think I race past most of those rich-word moments when I'm reading for storyline and plot.

For this reason, I've decided to make one of my reading goals for 2023 to be about reading in audio. This year, I had the goal of reading 25% poetry books and 25% non-fiction and I'm far behind on both, but I have read far more of those genres than I normally do.


Consider this all to be a pre-amble for a new series of blog, newsletter, and social media posts for the next two weeks. I've been discussing courage in some places, and I'll continue to do that, but I'll also be talking about rest and renewal as necessary parts of life, of gaining courage, and as a part of fiction. 

How is rest a part of storytelling in fiction? Well... stick around for the next post here and all those on social media, and you'll see. 

Warning: this is a cliff hanger.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

IWSG: Favorite Genre, an Upcoming Book, and a Bit about TikTok


Check out all the IWSG has to offer and join the monthly blog hop at the website.

Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and all of the co-hosts: 


Favorite Genre

October 5 question - What do you consider the best characteristics of your favorite genre?

Speculative fiction can range from the outright, noticeably hard sci-fi and all-encompassing fantasy worlds to the somewhat subtle supernatural and sci-fi elements like those we see in the Indiana Jones movies.

The genre offers us a wonderfully, flexible landscape with blurry edges in which to ask tough questions about humanity and morality, go play in a field of unicorns and leprechauns, or attempt to do all of those. We can read The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Lord of the Rings, The Stand, and The Last Unicorn, and still be within the huge, welcoming space of speculative fiction.

In speculative fiction, we get to ask questions. What will someone do when faced with completely impossible odds? Calculate them like C-3PO, go full speed like Han Solo, get one with the force like Luke, attempt diplomacy like Leia? Or put shields on full and attempt diplomacy first with fingers ready on defensive weapons’ arrays like in many Star Trek scenarios?

Will the characters fight for survival and freedom or give into despair (Hunger Games), and if they fight, is there a right way and a wrong way, and who determines that? Can the characters beat the insurmountable odds, or is it too late (Divergent and 1984)? What makes us human, and can AI be “human” in the way we mean? (Blade Runner)

An Upcoming Book Release

Recently, I assembled speculative fiction short stories I’ve written mostly over the last six years into a new book: 25 Impossible Tales of Survivors, Flawed Heroes, and Annoyed Villains, A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection.

No matter how hard circumstances are, there is hope for survival, even if it means making one simple choice in the right direction or standing up in the face of impossible odds. But the question remains: What is the right direction and which way is up?

The find out more, head to the pre-order here: 25 Impossible Tales of Survivors, Flawed Heroes, and Annoyed Villains: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection eBook : Martinson, Tyrean: Kindle Store

A Bit about TikTok

As some may remember, I started a 100-Day experiment with TikTok in late June. It's October, and... wait, I haven't posted on TikTok in six weeks. That's right, I let it fall by the wayside.

How did that happen?

It started innocently enough. I tried to create simple, short videos with visual book recommendations that were focused on the books. Then, I thought I probably should get on screen with face and audio. I started following authors whose content I liked and getting ideas. At one point, I posted videos every day of the week. And then, I got sick. And then, I realized I was spending far more time creating video content than I was writing, even when the videos were short, and that did it. I stopped. 

Honestly, I think TikTok has some bonuses for authors. I know it helped me prepare to give a talk because I practiced my talking points in a series of videos. I'll probably do that again or use Instagram Reels in the same way. There are nice authory-readery people on TikTok and not everyone is age 13. It's okay to be in your 50s or older on TikTok. 

However, one thing I will warn everyone I know about - TikTok has some awful content on there. Until you start following about 50 accounts you like, TikTok will fill your feed with random stuff and some of it is genuinely bad - like, I thought about calling CPS and PETA kind of bad. I really don't like parenting videos that involve violence against children and TikTok has some content like that. Maybe it's out there on IG Reels and Youtube as well, but I had never been subjected to it before TikTok.

For this reason, I am considering taking down my TikTok account, even though I did find over a 100 nice people to follow on there, and I am sure there are more cool authors and artists to see on TikTok. And once you start following enough accounts and the algorithm gets what you like, you see less random ick, but still, knowing the ick there... makes it less of a decent place to be.

So, that's all for now. I might come up with some more marketing-related commentary, but for now, I find my strongest argument against TikTok is some of the content. 

Let's keep the conversation going:

What's your favorite genre?
Have any new books or stories coming out?
And, if you use TikTok, what do you think of it?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

IWSG: Never Say Never, Song Lyrics, and 500 Miles of Writing

The main blurb here about IWSG is reposted from the IWSG website. Check it out HERE

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting! Be sure to link to this page and display the badge in your post. And please be sure your avatar links back to your blog! Otherwise, when you leave a comment, people can't find you to comment back.

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.

The awesome co-hosts for the September 7 posting of the IWSG are Kim Lajevardi, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguirre, Olga Godim, Michelle Wallace, and Louise - Fundy Blue!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. 

Remember, the question is optional!

September 7 question - What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why?

Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting the IWSG! 



My thoughts on the September 7th Question: Never say never! Even if the genre would be the worst one for you to tackle.

When I say Never Say Never, I'm not quoting the Bieber song. In fact, when I say those words, I hear a very different song from the 80s running through my head and some of the lyrics are... well. Umm, I don't even know who the song was by or the actual name of it, but it was on a mix tape a guy friend gave me - and doesn't that make me sound like I could be writing 80s-90s historical fiction? Said guy friend was someone I dated, but did not ever call a boyfriend because, well, we thought about it, but he was Catholic, and I was Protestant and we thought it mattered. There's definitely a story there, but I'm not sure it's one I'll ever write. The above is actually enough over-sharing for that. However, as I said, never say never. Who knows, another decade will pass, and I might think, yes, it's time to write that story in a fictionalized way.

I say all this because I "never" thought I would write with a pseudonym. Now, I have two. 

I "never" thought I would write song lyrics. I have, both in fiction projects and outside of them. 

I "never" thought I would write a stand-alone book because I honestly love a great series, but now, I have.

I "never" thought I would write in second person point of view because that's just too weird and grammatically confusing, right?
But now I have written a novel with three POV characters that shifts from second person point of view, first person point of view, and letter writing (first again, but different). 

This is not a new writing technique, but it's a rarely used one. NK Jamieson obviously made it work. Scott Reintgen did it successfully in his Ashlords duology. I'm sure there are more examples outside of the speculative fiction realm. 

Will all of these projects see the light of day? 
Yes, eventually. Some already have. Some will someday.

Because this writing gig is something I love. I am not giving it up, ever. I will write and I will write, and maybe I will write all the "nevers" by the time I'm done, which will be when they pry the pen and laptop from my cold, dead fingers. 

 For anyone waiting for Rayatana 3, I apologize. Drafts 1, 2, and the partial of 3 were shlock, pure and simple. They didn't work. Parts of them shine prettily, but problems happened when I tried to salvage them, so I went back to the brainstorming phase. It will get finished. I have carved out a block of time to rewrite it entirely, but I am not promising any particular release dates until I'm satisfied it doesn't stink.

Current writing vibe:

I decided to replace Never Say Never with 500 Miles by the Proclaimers for my song for the week.

*I had to look that song up because you know how it is when a snatch of lyrics is running on repeat in the back of your head? Yes. That feeling. So, the Never Say Never song I remember is by Romeo Void and came out in 1981. I heard it the first time around 1989 or 1990. If you like clean lyrics, don't go looking it up. It's a weird song from a time when weird song lyrics were the norm.

What's your writing vibe right now?

Any songs sticking in your brain these days?

Thursday, August 11, 2022



I have wrestled with the idea of pseudonyms for over a decade. I didn't originally want one.

I love my name. I love the way it reads. I love the way it sounds. I love it as it is.

However, some readers find it off-putting for various reasons, sometimes because they can't pronounce it easily.

Think of how you use the 'ea' vowel combination in words like read, lean, mean, freak, leak, teak, ease, sea, and you should have it right. 

However, it's still a conundrum on the front of a book cover.

Now, if you're wondering what I'm doing with most of my existing series, well, I'll keep my name there.

However, for some new projects, I'll be going with one of a couple of pseudonyms.



It's going to be a big of an experiment, but so far, I think it will go well.

For one of them, I'm just adding a page here at my blog and my other website. For the other, well, you'll have to hunt for it. I'm not going to reveal it at the moment. 

Ironically, the one I'm adding here is the one with which I'll be publishing slightly more dicey material. My Captain Wrath stories have often surprised people who know me in the real world. It's like I'm too "nice" in my regular life for friends to realize I actually can and do write some slightly grittier material. 

So, for now, TA Thorne (yes, it's obvious, right?), is my pseudonym for my Captain Wrath series, which is going live on Kindle Vella this month. 

The page for TA Thorne is HERE.

More information about the pseudonym and the story are on that page. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

IWSG August 2022 and a Massive Book Sale


The awesome co-hosts for the August 3 posting of the IWSG are Tara Tyler, Lisa Buie Collard, Loni Townsend, and Lee Lowery!

Optional Question for the month:

When you set out to write a story, do you try to be more original, or do you try to give readers what they want?

I hope to do be both original and give readers something they want. However, I have often erred on the side of original, which can be a tough sell.

I have been writing a long, long time and I love to write original ideas, but I would also love to get "read" by readers. 

As I ponder this quandary this month, I have some stuff going on behind the scenes. 

Plus, I have a birthday this month, and to celebrate, most of my eBooks are on sale at Amazon for 99 cents. If you've ever been curious about reading my books, but haven't yet, now is a good time to plunk down less than a dollar for one. 


These titles are all only 99 cents for Ebook for the month of August:

Liftoff into adventure with Amaya when her movie theater turns out to be a spaceship in disguise!

Champion in the Darkness, my first publication with a new cover, at only 99 cents!
Faith matters in this fantasy world - Christian Fantasy YA Adventure.