
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November #IWSG and #NANOWRIMO Thoughts


Insecure Writer's Support Group

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November 2's optional question - November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not?

The awesome co-hosts for the November 2 posting of the IWSG are Diedre Knight, Douglas Thomas Greening, Nick Wilford, and Diane Burton! Many thanks to founder Alex J. Cavanaugh!

You ready?
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!


First, what is it and when did it start?

"National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting but straightforward challenge: to write 50,000 words of a novel during the thirty days of November."

If you haven’t done it before, it might sound slightly unhinged.

If you have done it before, you know that it is slightly unhinged.

However, the writers who run provide motivational messages from well-known authors, some cool gadgetry and graphs on their website to track word counts each day and throughout the month, forums to join in online, meetups in person, and a general way to have fun while taking part in the challenge of getting 50,000 words on the page in 30 days. 

If you’ve ever read Stephen King’s book On Writing, you know he would own the challenge easily with his 3000 words a day word count, so it’s not like this challenge actually rocks the world book of records for writing, but it is a challenge. 

Many authors hate it. Many authors love it. Some have been there and done that. Some go back every year. Some prefer to write on weekends, or write at a slower pace overall. Some prefer to keep their own word count guides or hit different marks - 100 words a day, or 500, and not the 1667 or so necessary to make the 50,000 in one month.

But the question wasn’t, what the heck do I know about NaNoWriMo, it was: Have I participated? And why or why not?

So, finally, my answer:


Because it actually brings me joy when I don’t overstress about it.

I know that may sound like a weird answer. Some authors see the challenge as an ultimate stress-monster, and I have felt that way, a few times. Those were the years I didn’t finish. 

Last year, however, I noticed a writing friend called her project “Potluck” and she wrote on her blog about doing more than one project at once, and writing the word count as she saw fit. 

I wanted to reach across the webspace and hug her, or cheer, or at least raise a frosty glass of butterbeer in her direction. 

                                                    Found on Tenor

While some authors hate project-jumping, I hate working on one project for an entire month. I love project-jumping from week to week, or three-day to three-day increments. I love writing every day, as long as it’s not on the same project day in and day out. 

So, while I am in revision with one project and the proof stage with another project, I’m also drafting three different projects, joyfully, happily, contentedly. So, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo this year as a NaNo Rebel and I’m anticipating a win. :)

Unless something crazy in life happens, because sometimes… life has been crazy. So, given a free-sailing month, I’ll be NaNoWriMo-ing this year. 

What about you? Do You NaNoWriMo?


Also, speaking of some of my projects...

If you are interested in being an ARC reader for 25 Impossible Tales of Survivors, Flawed Heroes, and Annoyed Villains: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection, let me know in the comments below!

And, while I did slow down a bit with Dark Blade: Forged on Kindle Vella, it has a few new episodes up and going. 


  1. I'm one of those jumpers. It seems to be more interesting to have several things going at once.

  2. I've done it and I didn't stress about it. Won once, second time close, but both achieved the goal.

  3. I tried project jumping. It messed with me. :) I can jump from fiction to non-fic but not between fiction stories.

  4. I think it was last year I decided to officially join NaNo and my brain promptly decided it would be HILARIOUS if I didn't write a single word all of Nov just to spite NaNo. My brain is a jerk.

  5. I don't do NaNo, but I think it's great that your friend used the time the way that it worked best for her by working on more than one project.

  6. I'm very similar - love having multiple projects and I see NaNo as fun, not stressful.
    I believe I sent you my notes on your ARC. If you didn't get them, let me know!

  7. If I counted everything I was editing for me AND my authors, I'd hit the 50,000 easy.

    Mmmmmm...butter beer. Now I want to go to Universal Florida again!

  8. Hi Tyrean - I project jump all the time ... but two outside the internet world ... then back to the blog - with no thoughts about NaNo and after time no desire either! Good luck and enjoy - cheers Hilary

  9. I jump around too as it suits me, though lately, I've been good sticking with just one project.

    Good luck with NaNo!

  10. At present, I have a lot on my plate and the thought of NaNo is quite overwhelming TBH. I find it very interesting. Might try after my release.

  11. If we're not enjoying ourselves in our words, why are we doing it? I like your potluck thinking.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!