
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

IWSG February: For the Love of the Journey and Music

Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and all of the amazing people who make the IWSG blog hop, website, and facebook page awesome!

I've been thinking about journeys these last few weeks. 
My road has been a bit rocky lately, but I'm still walking it. 
I think that's what we're called to do:
to keep walking,
to keep writing,
to keep believing,
to keep hoping,
to keep faith,
and to keep living with joy. 

I love to sing with my journeying. It's why I can go for the ride with any musical movie - I have burst out into song now and then, when I'm joyful or sorrowful. I get caught up in the words or the sound and the world fades away. 

Music is like its own place, like a hidden refuge right inside the real world.

And yet, I don't usually write to music. 
Because when I'm in the music, that's all I want to do, is reside in it.

If I write or clean my house to music, I'll find myself just singing, caught up in the words.
And, if I'm energetic, I'll actually dance - not exactly something that's conducive to writing.

However, if I let the music reside inside me, I can write with a new understanding that comes from that place of refuge inside the journey.

Currently, I'm writing some new material. I'm not ready to share the "what" yet with anyone, but I'm thankful for newness of it, for the journey of it, and for the small places of refuge in the story. 
A few songs that have inspired me are: 

What's inspiring your journey this month?

BTW - Champion's Destiny is out in ebook and only 99cents until Feb. 12th!
Champion in the Darkness is #FREE all the time to start the trilogy.
"The Horse in the Well" is Free today.
Dragonfold and Other Adventures is also Free today. 

New and Upcoming Books:
Parallels: Felix Was Here, Anthology
Print ISBN 9781939844200
eBook ISBN 9781939844118
Science Fiction/Alternate History

Enter the realm of parallel universes! 
What if the government tried to create the perfect utopia? Could a society linked to a supercomputer survive on its own? Do our reflections control secret lives on the other side of the mirror? Can one moment split a person’s world forever? 
Exploring the fantastic, ten authors offer incredible visions and captivating tales of diverse reality. Featuring the talents of L. G. Keltner, Crystal Collier, Hart Johnson, Cherie Reich, Sandra Cox, Yolanda Renee, Melanie Schulz, Sylvia Ney, Michael Abayomi, and Tamara Narayan.

David Powers King's new book The Undead Road is out!

Yolanda's newest book will be out March 10th!

M Pax's latest Backworlds book may be coming out in May!

And, I know there are more - if you have a new book out or coming out, please let me know at and I'll put up a mini-release blurb for you!


  1. I don't listen to music when I write either but I couldn't exercise without it. I also like it when I'm baking or cleaning. Must have when driving.

    1. Yes, I'm with you on having music while cleaning, driving, and most exercising (not walking/jogging outside though).

  2. I find music inspiring and Imagine Dragons is one I like to listen to when writing. I like to pull Pandora Radio up and listen to movie soundtracks too. I find classical inspiring when I need more concentration when writing. I like strings and cello a lot. I am glad to hear you found your something new that can do so much to make you feel better about life in general. When my creativity flows my outlook on life improves too. Happy Writing
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  3. I don't listen to music when I write either, I can't focus on the writing if I do, but I do find music very inspiring. I always have songs in my head. I only sing them when I'm alone because I have the worst singing voice on the planet LOL.

    1. If you can talk, you can sing . . .and I'm sure that your voice is lovely!

  4. They say when the music moves you! It definitely is an inspiration to me.

  5. If I'm writing, I'm constantly listening to music. Editing and revision periods, however, I do music-free.

    I used to sing all the day at my day job, too, much to the delight of my co-workers, I'm sure. On My Own is one of my all-time favorite songs to sing at the top of my lungs.

    And I don't know...I think dancing can be very conducive to writing. To paraphrase Elle Woods...Dancing gives you endorphins, endorphins makes you happy. Happy writers write lots of stories.

  6. I don't listen to music when I write, and I haven't really listened to music in general for awhile. Not sure why exactly. I do love the music from Les Mis though. Now I want to listen to the soundtrack again. :)

    Good luck with your new project!

    1. Les Mis has a great soundtrack!
      And, thanks!
      Best wishes with your writing, too!

  7. This was a delightful and inspiring post, and I must say, you have an interesting approach to writing. I love your zest for joy. Although I love music, I can't write with music playing, because I get too involved in the music.

  8. Without the rocky roads, we'd never appreciate those smooth ones! Keep going.

  9. Music is essential for me when it comes to cleaning or driving. However I, like many people, can't write to it. I do like to listen to music before I write, though. It can inspire me and get me in the right frame of mind.

  10. I wish I could sing, but at least I can play the music and be inspired. And I always write to it.

    1. I like to make up songs, but I've never written any down.

  11. Sorry you've been going through some rocky times. I agree with everything you said we need to do during these times. I don't listen to music usually when I write. Too distracting.

    1. Definitely too distracting.
      Thanks for stopping by, Natalie!

  12. Thanks for mentioning my newest book. Hugs to you. It's been rocky here, too. there's a lot of that going around. Glad you found inspiration. I'm still trolling for some.

  13. Hugs to you too!
    Thank you for the mention it's lovely to see, and I know soon you will be sharing your successes too. Yes, sometimes the road is rocky, but as you're singing your way down it I see nothing but success ahead!

  14. I can't write to music too unless it has no lyrics. I like your selection, in particular, Imagine Dragon's "Warriors". Nice.

  15. This month I'm inspired by my 2nd grand baby being born on Feb. 13th!!!!

    I'm Glad you found your inspiration!!!

  16. Hi, Tyrean,

    Congrats on the new 'idea...' looking forward to next writing adventure! CONGRATS to IWSG Anthology writers! I was privileged to read Yolanda Renee's feature. It's amazing! Can't wait to read the others.

    Congrats to David, Milo, Yolanda, and Mary for the new releases! ALL THE BEST TO THEM!

    1. Yes! I'm wishing the best for all the writers of the anthology and all the writers I know!
      Thanks for stopping by, Michael!

  17. Author Jeff Goins routinely encourages writers to put some elbow polish into it. My journey, which is awesome but humble, emulates the likes of this author and blogger by trying to write five hundred words a day for an entire month.

    1. That's a great goal. I try to write at least a line or more every day - sometimes that's just a sentence, and sometimes it's a few thousand words - with the larger goal of 25,000 words a month to keep my eyes on the prize.

  18. I usually write wearing headphones with the music cranked up just to block out all distractions and keep me focused. I'm sure it's not good for my hearing, though.

  19. I usually write wearing headphones with the music cranked up just to block out all distractions and keep me focused. I'm sure it's not good for my hearing, though.

  20. Music and poetry - yeah, they are very uplifting. Wonderful post.

  21. I'm that oddball who can easily work on my projects with either music or silence. Love seeing the songs that are inspiring you right now! It's especially fun to see Superchick and Thousand Foot Krutch listed. Been a fan of those bands for years! And how exciting about that new material of yours. Best of luck with it!

  22. I am like you, Tyrean, when I am writing, I need silence. However, when doing things like this (blog-hopping) music is a must as it keeps me energetic. I love your post. It is so beautifully written! Have a wonderful month and good luck with the new ideas! ~Lori~

  23. Hanging in there is sometimes all we can do.

    I love music too. I can't write it, so I never try, but I will sing and dance- though I can do neither of those either. As long as no one catches me, I'm good :)

    1. If you can talk, you can sing. If you can walk, you can dance. Heck, I've even danced with a few people in wheelchairs, so I think the walking is just a bonus.

      Hope you're singing, dancing, and writing goes well this month!

  24. Music is a big part of my life. I listen to music all the time, especially when I'm writing. I need music to write. :)

    1. You have a talent for multi-tasking more than I do, then. Music is awesome!

  25. Music is a big part of my life. I listen to music all the time, especially when I'm writing. I need music to write. :)

  26. I don't generally listen to music while writing, either. BUT...I have a Benedictine monk in my current WiP and so I've been listening to a CD of Gregorian chants while writing part of it. No words, so no distraction. Glad you're finding motivation, Tyrean!

    1. I'm really interested in your WIP! That sounds really cool. :)

  27. Music is always running through my head whether I want it to or not. It's the soundtrack to my life. That cover for Zombie Summer is chilling too.

  28. I haven't listened to music this week yet, but I'll definitely do so starting tomorrow.

    Best of luck with your new project!

  29. I'm with you. Music takes one on a journey. I love music too. It definitely inspires me most times. I used to write to music, but these days if I write I need lots of quiet. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Tyrean. It meant a lot.

    1. You're welcome, Murees! Your encouragement means a lot to me, too.

  30. Music is a large part of my day-to-day life.
    Good luck with the new project. There's nothing better than a shiny new idea to stir the creative juices.
    You are such an inspiration and I love the positivity that radiates from your blog.

  31. I love a strong melody. The kind that sings in my head, even when I'm not thinking about it. So calming. Great post Tyrean, thank you.

  32. Music makes the world go round...different music for different occasions. In a writers' workshop once, we were asked to write while listening to two very different musical pieces. Amazing what a difference it made. And so many books out there! I downloaded one of yours that I didn't have. And it was FREE! Thank you! :-)

  33. Yay! Thanks for the mention of the anthology. I'm so stoked.

    Music is my secret weapon when I can't get the words to flow. Find something with the right mood, flood the senses and go!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!