
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Five Reasons to Write Super Short Stories

Five Reasons to Write Super Short Stories:
1. Creativity Boost -  Let's say you're stuck in the middle of your novel and you feel frustrated. A short story with a completely different cast of characters can free up your imagination so when you return to your novel, you have some imagination coursing through your veins.

2. Courage - If you submit those short stories, the process of submission can help you build up the courage you might need to self-publish or send query letters for your novel later. 

3. Experience - When you get a short story published, you might go through an editing process with an editor first, or you might just get the elation of getting published. 

4. A Sense of Accomplishment - Writing a short story should only take an hour to a month of your writing time. It's nice to have something get completed quickly. It gives a writer a sense of accomplishment. Story started, story done, and so on. 

5. Word Choice - Working within a short word count forces a writer to pay attention to the vibrancy of each individual word. With a lot of short story practice, I think this skill starts to show up in our novel writing. 

If you don't know what I mean by super short stories, check out these sites:

Hint fiction: Nail Polish Stories (unpaid)   

Drabble Fiction: Specklit (paid) The Drabble (unpaid)

Flash Fiction: Every Day Fiction (token payment)   Brilliant Flash Fiction (unpaid)

I write short stories to help boost my creativity, gain courage and experience, have a sense of accomplishment, and work on my word choices.

Do you write short stories? If not, I highly recommend trying this form of fun, fast writing. 


  1. I like writing short stories! I'm a slow writer and they are something I can complete in a short period of time.

  2. All excellent reasons to write short stories! Flash fiction on up!

  3. Super short stories really are a lot of fun and help a writer learn to choose their words wisely. I always enjoy reading your short pieces!

  4. Great list! I've dabbled in short stories in the past, back when I used to be a novel writer. I agree, it's rewarding to work on something that won't take months, or even years, to create...

  5. I love writing short stories and flash fiction. I have shorts published in print magazines in Australia and they pay well, which is a bonus. I agree with the creativity aspect.

  6. These are all great reasons! They can be very satisfying, especially thanks to the shorter time period taken to create a complete work.

  7. You already know how much I enjoy writing short - flash, hint, etc. :) These are all great reasons, Tyrean.

  8. I haven been thinking of writing short stories for years, but never did. I think it is time I actually do. Inspiring post, Tyrean.

  9. I wrote the one for Randi's anthology and it was my first. I cheated a little and used characters I was familiar with, but found the process to be fun, and you're right- finishing something after a summer and fall of writer insecurity felt inspiring.

  10. I agree with all those reasons.
    Flash fiction rules!

  11. I have at times spun off stories from existing longer projects and also experimented in other genres through short stories. It IS fun. Thanks for the encouragement!

  12. I do! I usually attempt to participate in a weekly blogging challenge which gives you a word prompt and a 1000 word limit. It's difficult sometimes, but I think it's really helped my writing! I'll have to check out those other links too.

    1. I keep meaning to try one of those, but I haven't . . .

  13. Great points, Tyrean! Short fiction can really teach us a lot across the board. I think that short non fiction can offer similar benefits too. I haven't written much fiction in a while. Maybe it's time to get back at it. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  14. Lots of great reasons there. Makes me want to try it out. :)

  15. yup, I love short stories! Really forces me to sharpen my skills :)

  16. I love reading them, too. They're perfect for that ten minutes while waiting for the next life event or on nights when my eyes want to close, but my brain needs just a bit of prose.

  17. I try to write at least one short story a year. (I know. Eye-roll inducing.) But at the moment, I have so many long stories going on that I actually struggle to focus on writing a short story just off the bat in a few minutes.

  18. Great set of reasons. I finished a story a few weeks ago while stuck in the middle of a novel. Finishing something, no matter the length, is always a good feeling.

  19. I do sometimes write short. And you've done remarkable with your short stories. Gooo, Tyrean!


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