
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

IWSG: Delays

Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and all his awesome co-hosts for keeping this encouraging blog fest going each month!

As I stated in my goals update post last week, I have delayed my release of Champion's Destiny because it just isn't ready yet. In proofing, I found a minor plot issue that I thought I had resolved. That kind of sucked. Okay, well, it really sucked. It's true that it was resolved with a paragraph of writing, but it gave me pause. If that one slipped by me on other content edits, are there others? 

Plus, I need to add a bunch of description in a couple of chapters. I pictured it all so well in my head . . . on the page, it wasn't there. Agh. 

Anyway, I made a tough decision and it has had some cascading effects. I have to figure out how to delay my book blog tour. I'm hoping that bloggers who have been so kind to offer a spot at their blog will be kind enough to let me back out now. I'm feeling bad about all of it.

At the same time, I know it was the right decision. I want Champion's Destiny to shine.

This whole process had made me realize that I can't decide on release dates until my book is so ready that it feels like it can be wrapped up in Christmas paper and mailed to a long lost relative. Unfortunately, I set it for pre-order for Kindle, and I can only delay it one month. It has to be Christmas wrap ready within weeks. I know I can do it, but at the same time, I'm having doubts.

So,  I'm going to be in the final editing cave . . . 

Have you ever had to delay a project? Is there any way to make it . . . feel less sucky?

On an upward note:
Awesome Book News
The Reader, Book 3 in The Rifters series by M. Pax, is out!
The Reader info:

Buy links:

AmazonUK / AUS / CA / DE / FR / ES / IT / NL / JP / BR / MX / IN
iBook / Nook / GooglePlay / Kobo / Smashwords / inktera / Scribd

With the rift closed for the season and no more monsters to fight, Daelin Long gets bored as librarian in the podunk town of Settler, Oregon. A job interview and her brother’s arrival present a tempting opportunity to escape, until her brother and her best friend, a ghost, disappear.
While Daelin searches for them, more mysteries pile up: dead people coming back to life, portraits of the town founders replaced with strange white trees, and people on the other side of the rift returning. It’s impossible. The portal that allows monsters from other universes to come to Earth is sealed until next summer.
The Rifters, a secret group protecting our world, believe the troubles are nothing more than the tantrums of an offended ghost. Daelin disagrees. If she’s right, the evil hell-bent on destroying Earth has new technology making the rift more deadly.
Before the monster summons the next apocalypse, Daelin must find it and destroy it.
Book 3 in the Rifter series.
Need to catch up? You can read books 1 & 2 in the Rifter series for free by becoming an M. Pax Reader. ENTER MY DIMENSION

“The world Pax creates here is like the Wild West meets Ghostbusters with some Stargate and a bit of Steampunk thrown in. Even though everything seems a bit familiar, it’s not, which is what makes it compelling.”CHOOSE YOUR OWN END
“This book catapults the reader right in mid-events and, like Daelin, one is forever trying to figure out the ins and outs of the situation. Though readers have one advantage in that we are prepared to believe. However, what in some books can be annoying, becomes an enjoyable ride, where you are constantly excited to see where the plot will take you next. I really enjoyed the slightly wacky and off center world of Settler.” AMAZON

The Reader Tweets & FB

People & ghosts are not what they seem. Is it a monster? The Reader #fantasy #scifi

A ghost with a bad temper & fake people. This town is strange. The Reader #fantasy #scifi

There's something wrong in the woods. Monsters or ghosts? The Reader  #fantasy #scifi


M. Pax is author of the space adventure series The Backworlds, plus other novels and short stories. Fantasy, science fiction, and the weird beckons  to her, and she blames Oregon, a source of endless inspiration. She docents at Pine Mountain Observatory in the summers as a star guide and has a cat with a crush on Mr. Spock. Learn more at


  1. If it feels like the right decision to you, in your gut, then it is.

    And you definitely can do this! :)

  2. I'm sorry! I'm sure they'll understand. You want the book to be as good as it can be, so better to take the time to polish it.
    Congratulations to Mary!

    1. Thanks, Alex! I agree I need to make sure it's as good as I hope it to be.

  3. Tough call, but your book's quality reflects on your reputation. If it's not ready, it's not ready.

  4. Seems like I'm always in the process of delaying things, and I haven't even gotten one book out the door yet. I don't think there's any way to make it suck less. Other than to realize that your book will be the better for it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You got to do what you got to do to feel good about your release, after all, you have been through it before so if your gut says hold off you are probably right.

    I don't remember if you had a sign up for your blog tour, but either way, you can have a spot in my Author Spotlight when you are ready. Wishing you much success with your story revision,

    I don't know why today I cannot do a post, even with reread without errors and typos grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Merry Christmas
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  7. You got to do what you got to do to feel good about your release, after all, you have been through it before so if your gut says hold off you are probably right.

    I don't remember if you had a sign up for your blog tour, but either way, you can have a spot in my Author Spotlight when you are ready. Wishing you much success with your story revision,

    I don't know why today I cannot do a post, even with reread without errors and typos grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Merry Christmas
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  8. You got to do what you got to do to feel good about the release, after you have been through it before so if you gut says hold off you are probably right. I don't remember if you had a sign up for your blog tour, but either you can have a spot in my Author Spotlight when you are ready,. Wishing you much success with your story revision,

    Merry Christmas
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  9. I think you made the right decision. It's better to go over it one more time than sending it out in the world too early. I have made deadlines and regretted them because I feel like I rushed to get things out in time. Now I'm trying to have the book in the proofreading stages before setting a date.

  10. It sounds like you made the good decision to hold off on your release. Don't worry. I understand and will be glad to host you when your book releases.

  11. Thank you, Tyrean! You're most awesome.

    Sometimes it happens. Things slip past us. You'll get it done and it'll shine so bright. You're welcome on my blog any time.

  12. Tyrean, you can move the date of your KDP pre-order - just go in and edit it to the latest available date (and just remember to keep doing it). I've hit much the same problem, but haven't got a blog tour to worry about. Good luck!

  13. Sorry about the delayed release! I've had to do that with my projects before, especially with Echo Effect, and the sucky feeling never seems to stop, unfortunately. However, putting something out when it's clearly not ready feels much, much worse, so I think you made the smartest decision for your book. Best of luck editing!

  14. Oh my goodness, I had the exact same thing with Static. I'd found a plot hole... and then freaked out and wanted to make sure I didn't miss other things too. So I delayed. I felt horrible. That was the cascading effect of changing betas, editor, proofreader, and formatter's schedules... but, like you, I knew it was the right thing to do. It's better than publishing something we know deep in our hearts that it isn't ready. Good call. As for the tour, I'm here when you're ready. As I'm sure everyone else will be as well. ;)

    1. Thank you so much, S.K.! I appreciate knowing that I'm not alone in this messiness of writing. :)

  15. Sorry about the minor plot issue. I'm sure it was disappointing, especially because you'd scheduled your release. But, on the bright side, at least you found it and it will be that more amazing when it's released. YAY for Mary!!!

  16. Oh, yeah, I've held up releasing a book because it wasn't right yet. When your story is ready, get it out there.

  17. I can understand your frustration. But the delay will be totally worth it to end up with a product that you know is the best you could have possibly made it. Consider me on board for the blog tour when the time comes. Good luck!

  18. Lots of us are willing to host you for the blog tour. And it looks like you got some great advice on changing the date for the pre-order. So, breathe, friend, and be thankful you uncovered the issues before release. You'll put your best work out, and have stronger reviews to show for it. And if you need to run passages by someone, shoot me a line. I'm happy to crit anything you need.

    1. Thank you so much, Laurel, for your offer of blog and book help!!! I'll be sending you an e-mail. :)

  19. Good luck with your edits. I'll be happy to host you whenever you might need another blog stop! :) I know the desire to make a story shine. The work is tough but it's worth it.

  20. A delayed release does suck, but it would be worse if you found the problems after you released the book. That would make you real unhappy. I guess there is a silver lining in any situation. Good luck with your edits.

  21. I've had to delay one of my projects for more than a year and it's really frustrating. I hope you get everything sorted out with the minimum of effort. :-)

  22. You just hit a snag. You're still making progress. The finish line is not to far now.

    Arlee Bird
    Wrote By Rote

  23. Listen to your gut.
    A delay now is easier to sort out than a plot issue in a book that has already been published.
    Good luck with the edits!

  24. I had to delay the release date of my book because it took forever for the cover to be done. It was really frustrating because I had already started setting up blog tour dates and had to reschedule everything. I felt bad about it, too, but I had to do it. Thankfully, everyone was understanding, and I didn't have any problem setting up new dates.
    I know you feel disappointed and frustrated now, but you'll be glad you waited. I'll still be happy to host you when you're ready to do the tour. Just let me know.

  25. It's so much better to wait until it's as perfect as possible. Glad you found the glitches in time.

  26. It's the right idea to delay it. If you rush it then you'll regret it. Back to the final editing cave! LOL


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