
Friday, November 27, 2015

1. Publishing Goals:
Champion's Destiny - DELAYED. The reality is, it still needs a bit more work. I'm not sending it out there as it is. I just can't. It feels sucky to delay it one more time, but I think it's the right decision.

2. Writing and Write 1 Sub 1 Goals:
I'm in revision, but I did spend a bit of time re-writing whole chapters that desperately needed new life.

In short stories, I got my short story off to the Turning Points Anthology, being put together by Randi Lee, so I completed a Write 1 Sub 1 Goal. (Except, I was revising this one, too, so it doesn't really count as new writing.)

3. Marketing
Um, twitter-pated, and helped a friend tweet and post about his new book. (He's supposed to stop by my blog one of these days, but that was delayed, too.)
My first book is still FREE.
Also, I took part in #99centnovember - still going.

4. Exercise Goals:
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha - agh. I lost track of miles and I definitely haven't walked that much - maybe 20 miles out of the 40-50 I had hoped to walk. Biking - not really. Kayaking - probably 10k in the first half of the month.

5. Invitational Goal:
I'm part of a party planning committee for a retirement party for an awesome kayaking and canoeing coach, so I've been inviting people to help out with that. Plus, I invited a friend to Thanksgiving dinner.

6. Spiritual Goals:
Prayer is okay, Bible study hit a low in the first half of the month and picked up for this last week, and I've helped out in a few small ways at church.

I'm looking forward to the family advent calendar - which is a little kid "lift the flap" kind with cartoon pictures and tiny devotions. My kids are way older these days, but we all still like bringing out this same calendar every year, lighting candles, and praying together.

Life has been . . . interesting, in good, bad, and well, just plain interesting, kinds of ways. I feel a little like taffy lately - stretched and pulled. Hopefully, it will make me sweeter. :)


  1. It's frustrating to have delays but you know it'll be worth it, rather than putting out something you know could be better. Hang in there! Good luck with the anthology submission. Is December really just around the corner?? I just bought the kids' advent calendars (they have to have chocolate ones of course - I don't think you can even get the old kind nowadays!)

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Nick!
      We have an old-fashioned advent calendar that we re-use every year. It's kind of fun, even if it is almost falling apart. :) (And, my kids get peppermint instead of chocolate every day.)

  2. I think this time of the year is hard on anyone. I'm also going through the stretching and pulling at the moment.

    As for deciding to delay your book, I think you made the right decision too. It's just not worth rushing if the quality isn't right yet.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Misha! It is a tough time of year, and yet it's wonderful, too. I'm not sure how it all fits together, but somehow it does.

  3. I agree you made the right decision - you wouldn't have been happy putting out a book you didn't think was finished. I can't believe we're already talking about Advent - I'm not ready for it to be December!

    1. I'm not sure I'm ready for it to be December either, but I'm hauling out my advent calendar and a tiny advent wreath. It's fun to light the candles every night. I'm looking forward to that part. :)

  4. Sounds like everybody has had a bit of a struggle this month. You're right not to go ahead with publishing a book you feel isn't ready yet. Hope December is kind to you :)

    1. It has a been a struggle, and yet, it has also been good.

  5. Sounds like you've had a month of ups and downs, but that's how life keeps us on our toes! Good luck with the final edits and the submission, and I hope December is fruitful for you.

    Visit my blog at

  6. I admire how you keep track of your goals and get involved in so many things. I have a general list of things I need to do, but it always feels like I'm not progressing, even when I am. But it's a busy time of year, and I can relate to feeling like taffy. Hope you'll make great progress in December -- but more importantly, I hope you enjoy yourself with the holidays coming up!

  7. Goals are so important. I find writing them down really helps me to stay focused. Awesome job working on your goals- some of them take longer than we want them to that is for sure. :)

  8. I love that you guys keep traditions alive and pray together. Such a wonderful thing to hear, these days! :)

  9. Delays are frustrating, but they happen. It's best to hold off on publishing if you don't think it's ready. Best of luck!


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