
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Do You Have Goals? Hop Final 2015 and Look Ahead to 2016

Many thanks to Misha Gericke and Beth Fred for hosting this blog hop all year long. I highly recommend it! 

End of the year wrap up (new goals at the end):

1. Publishing and Write 1 Sub 1 Goals:
My goals this year were at the top of the insanity list. I had hoped to publish several projects, and I did publish many of them. Some were short story e-books, and some were longer. 

For December, I had hoped to have a beautiful blog tour for my newest book Champion's Destiny.
I got sick. Life happened. I changed the pre-order date, and then tried to change it again . . . hahaha. The pre-order system has had the last laugh.

Please note: If you pre-ordered Champion's Destiny, I am so thankful for your faith in me!
However, you will receive an updated version within the next two days - please consider letting your kindle or your kindle app re-load the book. I would greatly appreciate your grace in this matter. If you haven't ordered it yet, please wait a few more days. Official announcements will be on my IWSG post.

Write 1 Sub 1 has been going awesome, except I keep forgetting to update my stuff at the Write 1 Sub 1 site. I had eight more stories published this month, and I'm at 41 newly published stories for 2015! 

2. Marketing:
Twitter, facebook promo-groups and my first book is still free for e-book. 

3. Exercise Goals:
Hmm. I was sick. I had vertigo for 8 days. I had a sick kid. Then, I had dental work done followed by muscle spasms in my jaw for a week, and then I had another sick kid, and some more vertigo. 

Somehow, with a lot of rest, we enjoyed a few days of Christmas. Plus, I walked about 13 miles this month, and did some much-needed stretching.

4. Invitational Goal:
Despite all the sickness, I helped a little with a retirement party for Coach Alan of the Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak Team.

5. Spiritual Goal:
I did a lot of praying around visits to the doctor and sleep. 

Now, a word from Coach Alan:

"FINISH!" (wait beat and gather more air to bellow at an even louder volume) 

Despite all the issues with health and with Champion's Destiny, that's what I'm going to do, both this year and next!

Semi-sane "Big, Dream Goals" for 2016 in "Mini-Top Secret" Form:

1A (short term). Finish the paperback version of Champion's Destiny and prep it for widespread e-book release. Just finish this one strong, even if it feels like I'm limping across the finish line with it.

1B (long term). Write Strong!
  •  25,000+ words a month. (this is the slightly insane goal of the year, we'll see if it needs tweaking.)

2. Market with Strength.
  • Use what works for me.

3. Publish with Strength.
  •  indie-publish some, and query some.

4. Live Strong!
  •  Make goals, keep a health journal/diary, and stick to it.
  • Remember that all recent test results have come back "ridiculously good" (doctor's statement)

5. Worship with Strength. 
  • prayer, Bible study, and singing. 
6. Gratitude and Grace = Strength.

7. Rest, as needed.

I'm looking beyond the finish line so I can finish, and finish strong. :)

And, if you can't tell, I'm ready for 2015 to close so I can open the next chapter of life, planning to live 2016 fully each day.


  1. 41 stories published this year is beyond awesome. Congratulations. I hope your health problems are behind you now. Happy New Year :-)

  2. It sounds like you have been really busy this year. I hope you have a great new year and that it is just as productive. :)

    1. Thanks, Joss! I'm hoping that I can learn to balance the productivity with rest. :)

  3. 25,000 words a month--I'm impressed. I really like the idea of setting a monthly word count goal though, I may have to steal this idea :-) Best wishes for 2016.

  4. Good luck with your 2016 goals and Happy New Year!

  5. I like your approach to goals for this year. May God bless your 2016. :-D

  6. Since you have a new book coming out, if you want to guest post let me know. You can do a craft related article for my DIY MFA series.

    1. Thanks!!! Well, except I'm not sure I'm all that crafty. My kids are my DIY experts. My only DIY area is making collages, and making substitutions in allergy-free cooking.

  7. You did awesome at W1S1 - congrats!

    And I'm with you on being done with 2015 and ready for 2016! Whoo hoo! :)

  8. Amazon and others are fussy about those pre-order dates.

    What kinds of stories do you plan on querying?

  9. I love "Finish strong!" You did and you will again this year, Tyrean. I just know it.

  10. Congrats on your accomplishments in 2015. And hope for an even better and healthier year in 2016. And I love the "Finish Strong." Going to use it as my 2016 writing plans'slogan.

  11. Happy New Year, Tyrean!
    Wonderful accomplishments this last year, despite feeling bad. Hope the New Year brings you health, success, and glorious inspiration!

  12. 41 stories? Wow, talk about an impressive accomplishment for 2015! Sorry about all the stress when it comes to Champion's Destiny, though. Best of luck finishing up everything for that, as well as all your other 2016 goals! Sounds like you have a busy year ahead of you!

  13. Well done - 41 stories is a fantastic achievement. Good luck with your projects for the new year. Hope all your health problems are behind you now.

  14. Sounds like you've made excellent progress! That's a fantastic number of stories published. Sorry about the health issues but sounds like you're meeting 2016 head on.

  15. I hope you are on the mend! Wishing you a healthy, happy, productive 2016/


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!