
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

IWSG: Mood Swings

If you haven't joined IWSG, join now! Join here! Visit the website! Visit the facebook page!
Why? Because it's the best monthly hop for any writer in need of a little encouragement from fellow writers!
Plus, Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh started it. 

Many thanks to all IWSG co-hosts and writers!
Co-hosts this month:

I didn't post last month so I'm feeling a little insecure about that. I think it was the first IWSG post that I've completely missed since the inception. But, I was on a road trip with my family that included a lot of activity (see post from the 24th) and Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak Racing Team's Fourth Win of the Flat-water Sprint National Championships! So, I was busy doing a lot of proud mama cheering for my daughters (both brought home three medals) and for all the other kids.

But here's what I'm feeling really insecure about: intense writer mood swings.

In detail (you can skip this if you're in a hurry):

 At the book festival in Portland, it poured down rain for three hours, my poster became a runny mess of ink, I couldn't seem to describe my own books, 70 other vendors seemed way more prepared than me, and I only sold one book. I was asked if my name was my real name (more on that at the bottom). On the way back to the mini-van, I dumped a box of books into a busy street crosswalk in downtown Portland and encrusted them with mud trying to pick them up, and then I cried in the parking lot behind the van. It was a horrible, no good, very bad day (quoting Alexander's Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - children's book). I required dinner (I hadn't eaten all day because my stomach was in knots) and hot chocolate from Cacao to get back to a somewhat calm but near sniveling state of insecurity. My sweet family was super supportive, but I just wanted to go curl up under a blanket somewhere.

After coming home, I realized I had a lot of work ahead of me because I write my own lessons for the classes I teach. Well, except I planned to use a couple of other curricula resources for a part of my College Prep writing class. Then, I discovered that the writer of the most popular home-school co-op curricula advocated using sentence fragments as a "dress-up" sentence variation for college application and SAT essays. I have already had distinctly unhappy run-ins with this particular curricula provider, which apparently everyone else in the home-schooling world thinks is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but this was another chunk out of a tenuously rebuilt bridge of trust. I know that sentence fragments are considered acceptable for poetry, fiction, and any social media. However, I can't and won't advocate sentence fragments for use in a college application or SAT essay. 
Do you see the arrogance building here?  
I do. (Agh.)

The only good thing about that arrogance build is that it gave me the confidence and energy to finish revisions on Dynamic Writing 1 - 161 Lessons of Writing for Middle School Students

However, I'm still not finished with revisions for Champion's Destiny - and that's totally freaking me out! 

So, I'm back to semi-normal on the insecurity scale - proud of some accomplishments, challenged by more work ahead, and unsure of how I'm going to make my goal publication date for Champion's Destiny without losing sleep. 

How have you been on the insecurity scale lately?

And, does anyone else hit some intense writer mood swings?

And, my name is my real name. My parents named me Tyrean at my birth. If there has been any "clever" name-stealing going on, it was what's-his-name who took my name, misspelled it, and mispronounced it for his popular book/HBO series. Someone made a half-accusatory comment about it at the book festival and it happened again at one of the hotels we stayed at on our trip. It is an unfortunate coincidence. I like my name too much to give it up just because of someone used something similar for one of their terribly popular characters.
Tyrean = Tie + rene (sound pronunciation)

Oh, and I almost forgot to re-invite everyone to Realms Faire in November! I'll be hosting an event for the first time, and there are loads of fun events to participate in for a whole week in November!


  1. That's a bummer about the poster. But looks like you've been up to a some fun things!

    1. Yes, mostly fun things. I just had one of those days that everything seem to go wrong, but now . . . life is back to the normal ups and downs, transitions, excitement, and even boring moments. :)

  2. Whew, that was definitely a rough day! Glad you got through it.

    Yeh, I've been "saying" your name correctly this whole time. :) People mispronounce my name all the time, but it's understandable - the "line" in my name sounds like "lynn" even though it's not spelled that way.

    1. I think I've been saying your name the right way, too. :) I know another Madeline that says her name the same way, instead of like the Madeline storybook way.

  3. I've had some really disappointing book events where I sold no books! And I believe you are entirely correct about the sentence fragment things in essays. Fiction is fine but not in any kind of academic writing. I always remember your name rhymes with Irene. And Martin totally stole your name and then mispronounces it.

    Susan Says

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one with the bad book event experience, but at the same time I hope that we each have awesome experiences from now onward!
      And thanks. :)

  4. I've wondered about the name, but since so many authors use pen names, I figured it really didn't matter one way or the other. I'm glad to know it really is your name. I think it's cool.

    (And sorry about your awful day. *sad face*)

    1. Thanks, Crystal! I'm just glad that most days are not like that one. :)

  5. Sorry to hear about the unfortunate book event! Public events can be hard.

    1. The crazy thing is, I'm feeling more hopeful for the next one because it's smaller.

  6. Sorry you had a such a crappy day!
    I never thought that was anything but your real name.

  7. Sorry to hear about the book event!

    You have a cool, unique name! Mine doesn't sound cool enough for a fantasy author, but I'd probably keep forgetting a pen name. :P

    1. Thanks, Emma! I like your name, and I think it's a great fantasy author name. :)

  8. Sorry you had such a tough day on the confidence. We fall we learn and do it again until we walk. I'm cheering for you. You can do it. You have come so far and look what you are still doing, so many blessings despite fall backs. What is important is you made it through, you actually did it and showed up. How cool is that going to a book fair with you won books to show?. Next time you will know more about what to expect. You go girl. Good things are heading your way. Looking forward to you next book.

    Happy IWSG day!
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

    1. oops typo sorry I meant own, not won, lol. Sorry.

    2. True, it was cool to go to a book fair with my own books. Next time will definitely be better. :)

  9. Raining in Portland? LOL Is there a time when it's not raining?

    When you said you dropped the box of books, I gasped. That's such a horrible feeling. I once spilled a drink all over a box of books and had to chuck some of them.

    1. We had a drought in the NW so it was the first day of full rain in three months . . . figures.
      It's not fun to mess up a box of books.

  10. You have a story to write, Tyrean. That book event may have been a disaster, but disasters are what stories are made of! Patting you on the back for surviving that and moving on.

  11. Sorry you had such a bad experience at the book festival. Glad your family supported you. And it's good you picked yourself up and got back to work.

    1. It's kind of the only thing I know how to do in the face of messes - just get up and keep going.

  12. ~Sorry about the way the book event went :( PS, I think your name is awesome :D

  13. That really sucks about the book festival, but it can only look up from here, right? Good luck on getting your writing done, you can do it! :)

    - Madilyn Quinn @ NovelBrews

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about the storm. I got rained out of a book event myself, and I only sold one book too! It happens.

    I don't think your refusal to use fragments is stemmed from arrogance. You're doing them a favor. I believe applications and professional papers should keep to strict English rules. It shows knowledge and respect. I agree with you- formal English and fiction are two totally different beasts. And I don't know how many times I've read that CEOs are worried about our new "relaxed" culture- it demonstrates immaturity and a lack of work ethic.

    That's my two cents.

    As for your name- people always confuse me with the queen, especially when I wear the little white gloves and a hat.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Queen Elizabeth! :)

  15. Some really rough moments there... and so sorry about the poster...
    But at least you had fun with the family on the road trip.
    I think your name is cool... one-of-a-kind... really unique!
    I'm sure the insecurity will pass, and you'll soon be back to your normal upbeat and positive self!
    Happy IWSG Day!

  16. Sorry to hear about the really rough day. I fear that if I ever dare go to a convention or book festival. Yet you have accomplished so much. And your name is cool. :)

    1. Thanks, Christine! I don't think you have anything to fear at a book fest - your books rock!

  17. Awww, bless your heart, Tyrean. That was a very bad, no good, horrible day you had. You have that out of the way now. I agree about fragments on college essays. That's a no-no as far as I'm concerned.

  18. I'm sorry you had such a horrible day. You need an author friend on a day like that who's been through it too. You're not alone. I always tell my kids when they're self-consious that everyone is feeling that way, too...well, except the blowhard tooting his own horn. LOL
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Eliza! I'm thankful that most days aren't like that. :)

  19. Portland = rain. Yuck. My brother lives there, and he talks about the constant spittle rain up there.

    Selling my books at events is probably the singular thing I'm good at when it comes to this writing-promotion thing. It helps that I'm in sales for the 'ol day job. If you need some tips, just let me know.

  20. Hey you had that terrible day and you're already back to "semi-normal?" My hat's off to you! Most impressive.

    IWSG September Post

  21. Well, I'm glad you had a good holiday! You will have many more, much better book signings. Hope things settle down into a productive rhythm now that autumn is kicking in.

  22. Aww, I'm sorry things didn't go well in Portland. Don't cry over spilled books. :) Maybe we can team up if you do any other events in Oregon. I could probably wrangle up some others from here.

    I get asked about my name too. It's the one I was born with. Someone accused me of not writing under my real name. I do. It's not my married name, but it's the one I was born with and the one I dreamed of publishing under since I was young.

    Great on your nonfiction and break a leg on finishing up the novel.

  23. I had a really bad day like that at a book fest earlier this year and I can relate to how disappointing it is. Sorry you had such a rotten time. Honestly I'm stunned that people ask such rude questions about your name. What the heck??? For the record I have been curious about how to pronounce it so I'm glad you gave us the pronunciation. I think it's a very pretty name!

  24. I'm so sorry about the book festival. I wish I could reach through the laptop and give you a hug. Don't worry, we all have one of those days. I'm moody all the time and I don't always have a good reason. You made amazing progress on your rewrites. You should be proud. Ignore those people asking questions about your name. They just wish their name was as cool as yours. I'm cheering for you and sending your plenty of hugs.

  25. Sorry about your really, really bad day. I've learned that no matter how low I get over writerly type things, all it takes is a good night's sleep and I'm naively optimistic again. Don't know why. It's not like I've published a book yet, but I have this child-like ability to think everything's going to work out, no matter how much I think my writing stinks at times.

  26. I'm sorry you had such an awful time at your book event. It's over and you seem to be moving along with a much more positive attitude than I often have when far less goes wrong. This might cheer you up, (or not), our oldest daughter began college at Tulane a few weeks ago. She refused to let me help her with her college essays and my high school daughter turns down my offer of help with any writing assignment homework. Want to know why? They both claim to hate, my 'horrible, ridiculous and offensive," use of sentence fragments. I once explained that I was helping them jazz up their writing, giving it an edge, a punch, a hook or something to help capture the reader's attention. I suppose that since their English Lit teacher was the only reader, they decided to stick with her preferred method over mom's "look at me, I stand out," method. Both kids concluded that my sentence fragment idea was horrible a no good, very bad idea, LOL.
    Hang in there. Hope you have a much better time at your next event.

  27. I have had such days, and worse. Try falling on your ass, your skirt up over your head in a roomful of men. Only one offered to help me up, while he gawked. :)
    Now tell me that didn't make you smile!
    Truly shitty day. You're right to stick to your guns on the fragments, and that's coming from the fragment queen!
    love your name!
    Happy IWSG Anniversary!

    1. Agh - the skirt story - that would totally suck. I'm sorry, although it did make me smile a little.

      Thanks, Yolanda!

  28. Those ups and downs are normal. I'm pretty sure we all have them, especially us creative types. And those bad days are just terrible. Thank goodness for chocolate!!

  29. Tyrean. I've always thought it was a lovely name. And ups and downs are part of life, although a bad time for one to hit when you're trying to sell books. Better times ahead!

  30. Wow, you had some tough moments to deal with! It's enough to get anyone on the slump, which unfortunately seems to be the norm for us writers, eh? Up and down, we go all the time. Glad you at least had fun with the family on the road trip.

    And by the way, I've always liked your name. The uniqueness makes it simply awesome ;)

  31. Sorry you had such a horrible day! I would have been in tears, too. I hope you won't let one bad book experience stop you, though. The next one will be better! I completely agree that sentence fragments should not be used in academic/professional writing. Good luck with your revisions!

  32. Good grief, you definitely had one of "those" days, and then you had to work on some teaching plans?

    I would have been scurrying, nay, running for the mountains :)

    But you didn't, so give yourself a pat on the back for persevering and getting the revisions done, too!

    PS: Thanks, Tyrean, for the offer for me to guest post, and I'll shoot you an email :)

  33. My heart goes out to you for that awful day. Some day, you have to use some of that in a book--as a funny incident. When you can see the humor in it, of course. When I did my first signing, my bud & long-time author Nancy Gideon (she's in this group) told me if I sold one book, the signing was a success. So your signing WAS a success!

    Best wishes,
    Diane IWSG #95

    1. Yes, it does seem like a good moment for a book . . . as long as the struggling author bumps into someone or something interesting afterwards . . .:)

    2. And thanks for your thoughts on success!!!

  34. I've been pretty balanced about my writing career for several years now, but in the early years YES I had crazy intense mood swings. I'm kinda relieved that phase is over. Maybe if one of my books made it big I'd get them back again, not sure.

  35. Well, who wouldn't have mood swings with all that going on? Your only fault is that you care a lot about things. And the awful book fair was a blessing in disguise. Look at how much you learned about changing things (like making a plastic cover for your poster) in case inclement weather strikes again. Now you'll be much better prepared for the future. Don't worry, we all live and learn! :)

    1. I definitely learned a lot. The lack of plastic cover was partly from my procrastination over making the poster, but I definitely learned from it.

  36. If it makes you feel better, I have no idea what name-stealing character you're talking about. You are the only famous Tyrean I know.

    Congrats to your girls and their team!! So, so exciting. I'm sure that was a great trip.

    Mood swings ... who me? I happen to believe a well-deserved tantrum every once in a while is completely healthy. I feel bad for people's whose moods don't swing often or widely enough.

  37. My heart aches for you! What a terrible rotten no good day at the festival. :( I hope your next event is magical!

  38. Hmm. I commented but I don't think it went through. If it did and you get this twice, sorry. ;-)
    I think it's crazy that people think your name is made up just because it happens to be similar to a popular character! So weird.
    Sorry the festival was a bust and that your books got muddy. :( Hopefully the next one will be better! :)

  39. Oh, gosh, so sorry that book festival ended up being so nightmarish for you! *hugs* The universe has too much fun making bad things happen all at once like that, I think...

    1. Sometimes, I think so, too. It was definitely a day of tests and trials - like running a muddy obstacle course made ofconfidence killers - but I survived, muddy but stronger (I think).

  40. I'm so sorry things went so badly. Reading that broke my heart for you. But, boy, your next experience HAS to be better, and you will have been through the worst already.

    Having people make implications about my name would drive me nuts. Why are people so weird about names?

    1. I'm not sure why people are so weird about names, but I agree next time has to be better. :)

  41. Holy cow, Tyrean, you had a rough time all right. But maybe this will cheer you up: I shared your story "Seedling" in my creative writing class this week -- and my students loved it!

    1. Wow! Thanks, Milo! That definitely cheered me up. Sweet! :)

  42. I do hit writing mood swings, but I try to work through them as much as possible.

    I'm sorry you had such a rough time at the book festival.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!