
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday, Early Celebration for Friday

Today, I'm giving thanks for:

1. An amazing book signing at Harbor Christian Homeschool Co-op (where I teach and my kids take a few classes one day a week)! - HCHC represents my largest, most encouraging, off-line group of readers and supporters.

2. The organizational skills of my youngest daughter. I paid her for some of her "personal office assistant" help she gave me this week - organizing boxes of books to go to signings, helping me learn how to use square (too late for the first signing, but on time of the second), and helping me with my bookmark creation.

3. The sage advice of my Commercial Fiction writing teacher, Pamela Goodfellow, from back in 2001 - Just Smile and Nod. This came in handy at my second book signing of the week. I might, just might, write a post of what I mean by that phrase.

4. The time I was able to spend encouraging a young teen writer and a busy-mom-of-toddlers-writer on Wednesday. Time spent with fellow writers is always time well spent. :)

5. I won a critique from Sharon Mayhew through a contest held at Diane K. Salerni's blog. Woohoo! I sent her the first 500 pages of my current version of Captain Wrath.

6. I had great comments on my last post about the "business" of self-publishing - thank you all!

Early #fridayfreebie news:

This Friday, "The Bridge Snap" will be free again. Enjoy! The sale starts sometime in the a.m. on Friday. Next week, I'll have 2-3 titles for free for Black Friday.

And, finally, many thanks to the Celebrate the Small Things group!!! You rock!


  1. That is time well spent.
    Glad the signing went well.
    And congratulations on winning the critique! Looking forward to reading about Captain Wrath.

  2. Yes, it is time well spent. :)
    Thanks for your encouragement, Alex!

  3. Congrats Tyrean and "Just Smile and Nod" sounds like words to live by.

  4. It's so great to win critiques!
    I savor time with fellow writers. It's invigorating!

  5. Winning a critique is awesome. Glad your book signing went well!!! I had 2 signings and if my family and friends hadn't showed I don't know if I'd sold any books...hahahaa....

  6. Sounds like a busy week! I love the smile-and-nod - haven't tried it with book-signings yet, but it works in tons of situations ;) Great idea with hiring your daughter!

  7. Congratulations on the book signing event and the critique win! I think it's wonderful for you and your daughter to work together. That would be like icing on a cake, to me.

  8. You sound busy. How great to have a helper to get you organized.

  9. Happy for the critique. Keep up the momentum!

  10. Congrats on winning the critique and for the book signing! Have a lovely weekend. :)

  11. Hi,Tyrean, sounds like the book signing was a worthwhile venture along with the other things you've been doing.

    I got a little help from my son recently with sorting though a ton of articles on various aspects of publishing. An assistant is a welcome addition to a writer's life. :)

  12. It amazes me how good some people are at organizing things. It sounds like you had a great week!

  13. Congratulations on the win and about the book signing. That's awesome! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)

  14. Awesome! You won. I'm totally behind you on book signing and with the Smile and Nod approach. I've had to use that several times with vocal performances. People say strange things sometimes. =)

    Unleashing the Dreamworld


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