
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful Thanksgiving!

My list of Thankfulness for this Thanksgiving could fill pages! God is so good all the time, even in the tough times of life, and I am so thankful for His presence at all times; even when I'm not paying attention very much and am waay distracted, He's still with me.

So, I'm going to go with my tried and true A to Z Thanksgiving list (borrowed from an old Pastor friend of mine - Thanks, Pastor Paul!)

A - Anna, Amanda, Alan, and apple turnovers made by my daughter - allergy free (this is complicated), but oh, so good. :)

B - Brandon, bicycles, and beauty everywhere - in nature, in the lines of people's faces, in the sound of cars humming by on a rain-wet street

C - cuddles, canoeing, cats (not together!)

D - Dads, Darren, Duane, Dane, Despina, dashes, dogs

E - elephant feet :), ergonomic keyboards

F - faith, fantasy, fiction, family, friends

G - God, Grandparents, Gail

H - Holy spirit, huddles, Holly

I - Immanuel (aka Jesus), icicles

J - John, Jessica, Jacob, Jason, Jim, Julie - all wonderful family!

K - kites, Kathleen, Kathryn, Kelly, Ken

L - Light, Love, Laughter, Logan, Linda

M - Moms, Mary, Myron, music

N - newts, night-time

O - oxygen, oceans, and octopi

P - playfulness, prayer

Q - quirkiness, quilts

R - rest, Ryan, reason

S - Stephanie, Sidney, sunshine, snow, skiing, snowboarding

T- Trisha, Terry, Tom, turkeys, truffles, and tigers

U - unicycles, unlikely heroes

V - vespers, vests, and violas

W - water, writing, waves

X - x-men heroes, x-rays, and xylophones (why not?)

Y - Yoda and yellow (but not yellow snow)

Z - zippers, and zest

And, you!!! If you are reading this, feel free to insert your name into this list! Thank you for being you!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!