
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cheers, Cavanaugh Pt 2 Trivia Answers

Many Thanks to Alex, and Many Best Wishes for Christmas for Alex and the Mrs. C!

Here are the answers for the trivia questions:

1. "Two Dollars. I want my two dollars." Better Off Dead
2. "Doc, you built a time machine... out of a Delorian?" Back to the Future
3. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop & look around once in awhile you could miss it".
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
4. "Greetings Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada." The Last Starfighter
5. "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold". The Outsiders

Of course, if you didn't know this already - Alex got all the answers on Monday. I kind of knew he would.

So, here's to hoping that Alex knows we (whole blogsphere) are all happy he is alive and well and not being chased by paperboys on bikes down ski hills; we know he must be from the future to comment from all the posts each day; we hope that he gets a fun day off with Mrs. C on a regular basis; we wish his Starfighter Byron well in all his endeavors; and we know he'll stay gold, because that's just the way Alex is.

Cheers again to Alex!!!

Last Reminder for Hobbit Fest this Friday!!!
I'm teaming up with M. Pax so it's going to be awesome!

What is your favorite hobbit characteristic/or the one that you think closely resembles you . . .?

If you could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast and a perilous unexpected journey – which would you prefer?

Have you ever left behind something on a journey (expected or unexpected) and wished you could have it over and over again? (a pocket handkerchief?)

What is your Favorite part or quote from the book that you hope will be in the movie?


  1. Well-said-- he's definitely appreciated.

  2. Clever how that all tied together! Thank you again, Tyrean. I am blessed to know you.
    All signed up and ready for the Hobbit blogfest!

  3. YAY! i'm glad I could finally officially sign up for HobbitFest :D

    I would not have known ANY of those trivia answers.

  4. Totally looking forward to this.

  5. I have my fest post all ready! It was fun, thanks for thinking it up!

  6. Siiiigh... I know I said I wouldn't enter, and then I know I want to... but then I know I shouldn't, because I already have hundreds of blog visits to do... :-(

  7. Aw man! How did I not make it here in time for the 80s movie trivia? Well, Alex still would've beaten me because I'd have missed #4. Looking forward to tomorrow---just stopping by to pick up the link to your place. ;)

  8. Julie - and that's a good thing.

    Alex - it was mostly unplanned how that tied together, but I'm glad it worked. I'm blessed to know you too.

    Ella - Thanks!

    jual - Thank you!

    Trisha - Glad you could!!!

    Donna - Great!

    Jack - Sweet! Looking forward to reading it!

    Misha - I understand.

    Nicki - Looking forward to seeing your post tomorrow.

  9. The riddle contest, definitely - that should be cool. Great answers! Thanks for dropping by mine.


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